Best way to level up?

  • Since the letter recommendation limit was put in place, I no longer have an easy way to legend. Does anybody know which is more efficinent- Dungeons vs. Questing. My levels are: 50(Gold Hoarders), 37(Orders of Souls), and 36(Merchant Alliance).

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  • @jazzguyy

    Ahoy there sailor, an' well met! I found the easiest way to reach pirate legend is grinding skull forts. Also, sell mermaid gems to the Merchant or Order folks. Taking on quests from either faction doesn't guarantee a good payday. So forts would be the safest bet. Just get a decent crew together and grind. Server hop if needed, but just keep going at it. Good luck and safe travels matey!

  • @jazzguyy
    As @Kerrs-Holley said, skull forts are your best bet. Three stronghold pieces for the two factions you're working on, plus random lower level stuff and gems. As long as you don't have to deal with other pirates trying to take the fort, you can complete them relatively quick compared to voyages.

    If forts are not an option, I would say order of souls voyages in the devil's roar. Double the rep, and skeletons can easily be killed by geysers. As long as you can brave the volcanoes, the benefits are definitely worth it.

    Merchant might be a little tricky to level up without forts. I wouldn't recommend cargo runs at all which leaves animal runs. I personally like animal runs so if it were me, I'd try to get a good voyage that wanted chickens or snakes. Preferably just one or at least both of those animals. No pigs, and definitely not all three. All chickens is best. Each large island has two types of animals so if you figure out which island has the kind you need, you can get all your animals from there. I usually like crooked masts, crooks hollow, or wanderers refuge. Those are three of the six islands with chickens and snakes. Whenever you run out of the animals you are looking for on the island, have everyone in your crew kill themselves. Once all pirates are away from the island on the ferry, the animals will reset. This turns any good voyage into one stop and deliver. You might not get a lot of gold chickens or snakes with the level you are though. If you can't, try to get black ones.

  • I hit PL a few months after launch. And things were way different back then.

    But one Merchant Alliance trick that worked for me (back then) was to take an hour and collect/buy as many Chicken Crates as you can. (Chickens require no maintenance and don't bite) Then find a small island with chickens like Barnacle Cay or Twin Groves. Collect all the Chickens that you can with a prejudice for Gold and Black.

    Tip: Sail away and return and the Island will respawn new chickens.

    Then, when you have 50 or so. Sail between Outposts buying Animal Missions. Cancel the bad ones. Accept the one's with lots of Black and Golds even if you only partially complete them.

    Tip: Missions refresh at 6am!

    Obviously these days you can stop to pick up floating mermaid gems and crates along the way to add to your Merchant XP's.

    Whole process takes 3 or 4 hours but you will hit Merchant 50 in a week.

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