Moin. Ich habe eine sot gilde. Wenn du bock hast, adde mich ...
We're still looking for active members if anyone is interest...
@anonymous37051 hey, I am with the Royal British Navy of SoT...
Ciao, si serve ancora, più siamo e meglio è. Ti ho mandato u...
i am chill
@upctill Hallo, dass hört sich gut an. Ich schicke dir mal n...
Hi I’m also looking for a crew
I just started SoT with my friend and he was able to talk an...
Hey Disaranno... I'm on Xbox: Piscesdream27. I've got about...
I can be on wheel while you stay on cannons
Salut ! Je suis interessé. Discord : shelbytommy69 Code cont...
I’m currently trying to grind skelly curse. Level 15 skell a...
hello. I use translator I had this situation: I was just pla...
I will fish with you
Add me on discord mrkevlar
@joeking885821 I’m working on it some myself. I’m not 1/2 ba...
@stentjuhh123 Sure thing. Add me. I will be on tomorrow afte...
I'd like to join the guild
Sir i can join