Trust is the mightiest weapon in Sea of Thieves!

  • Arrr, fellow pirates!

    Today I'll talk about the mightiest of all weapons in Sea of Thieves: Trust!

    Back in the Technical Alpha, when I approached the Sea of Thieves, I played with some of my closest friends. We were not enough to fill out our own Galleon, so we always had one to two sailors on a voyage of their own. My friends didn't make it into release, but for me: Sea of Thieves is my most favorite game of all time! And they escorted me long enough to find like minded pirates. Some of those left, many joined.

    The Tale
    Today, I am part of an fantastic community, enabled by Rare and SoT's crossplay feature and growing by the day. Trust is key for the most enjoyable adventures ever experienced in a videogame.

    Just two days ago, I was sailing with a friend on a Sloop and we almost sunk a Sloop approaching to us, because of caution. But this Sloop didn't give up. They wanted to gift us a skull. We still had no reason to trust them, we got tricked before, because of trusting strangers.

    But after we settled all hostility, we made a fort together. We defended ourselves against random Thieves and split the Loot without any problems. After that, we started a Galleon together and as more of our community joined us, we bought another Sloop to find space for them. Today, the two people we almost sunk, are appreciated crewmates in our fleet.

    And it's not just them. Ships like The Serenity, The Drunken Molly and The Fortune Slave are sailing together, because of Trust.

    Ya, Trust is truly the mightiest weapon in Sea of Thieves and with the upcoming Alliance-System it becomes more and more important. Make friends but be aware of foes!

    Thank you for reading and fair seas!

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  • This is the truth, the amount of people that think everyone is out to get them is unreal, when you try and speak to them and they fire at you...

    Obviously you can't let them live after firing at you so you defend yourself by fighting back and they get salty and cry saying why couldn't you leave them alone.

    When in reality if they had just spoken to your for 2 seconds they would have been left alone right after. It's a shame really.

  • @mc-rossco said in Trust is the mightiest weapon in Sea of Thieves!:

    This is the truth, the amount of people that think everyone is out to get them is unreal, when you try and speak to them and they fire at you...

    Obviously you can't let them live after firing at you so you defend yourself by fighting back and they get salty and cry saying why couldn't you leave them alone.

    When in reality if they had just spoken to your for 2 seconds they would have been left alone right after. It's a shame really.

    Well that's do to overwhelming bad experiences with others, and general understanding right or wrong of the the hostility of the game.

    Example : Monday night I played for about 45 min, 10 min, first island i came to I was underwater searching for statues solo and came to the surface to see a PL sinking my boat bragging about it to his buddy i let him shoot me so I could respawn on my boat.

    I went total different direction pulled into an island seen a green statue, ran up the island found a keg, was on way back to ship and could hear people firing at my boat, somehow I hadn't seen it approaching can only figure it came from the opposite side or something, but it was maybe a min since I had left the boat. Three of them got off the galleon, and started heading into the island, I had nothing to loose so figured I'd try my luck on a less hostile environment so I switches servers.

    15 min maybe 20 min later I pulled into an island was searching around looked into the the distance seen 2 galleons with pirate flags making a direct course for my boat, I run down to the boat hear one of them saying were friendly, just doing statues using horn thing...I'm like okay cool. First boat pulls in, dude jumps off, pretty sure was wearing ghost gear, shot me on the spot. Said to heck with it and logged off.

    I usually don't play solo...but I had a few minutes and wanted to get a few more statues. It wasn't much fun.

  • Yep. It's hard to put any trust in strangers.
    They could play along for ages then suddenly turn without warning.

    Too many idiots out there just wasting everyone's time and faith in humanity. :/
    I sometimes can't help but think what they are like in real life and if they would try that s**t on me in person.

    @dragonsire2016 Give me a holler on the Xbox app when you want an upstanding crew mate.

  • How do you find these ppl the only crewy buddy and I run into just try and sink us since we started the only piece time we see is durning things like THD or Skeleton Thrones both in the first few days of those events other than that everyone is hostile and we just avoid other players

  • I don't want to make a stereotype of pirate legends. Especially because Im about to become one too.

    But, yeah, I only met two pirate legends that weren't hostile or backstabbing. I can tell you, I got tricked by outstanding acting and lying before. Those tails, I'm thinking about, are not worth telling.
    Still, I've become experienced and careful because of those. But I didn't loose my ability to trust because of those. That doesn't mean, I am naive. There are often situations, where I shoot first, when approaching ships are not meeting my expectations of a friendly encounter. But that's up to me. I decide, if I trust people or not. Trust after all is earned, not set. It stays a high risk / high reward game.

    @Dragonsire2016 However, you will find your way, and you'll become an strong opponent against those foes, that trained you.
    @OtherFanboy Oh, that's kinda random, but frequently. Like I said, I decide, if I trust people or not. But let me tell you a story:

    Months ago, we were docked with our Galleon at Sanctuary Outpost. The Skeleton Fort next to us, Keel Haul Fort, was active and we saw a Galleon there. We decided to be cheap and wait until they've done the fort. We are Pirates after all.
    Then another Galleon approached the fort. The two fought each other, the first one got sunk. We saw the opportunity of a battle weakened Ship and engaged. However, the fight took longer than expected and the original Galleon joined the battle again. In order to avoid unnecessary enemies, we asked them, to join us and they accepted. We sunk our opponents very quickly now. So, we worked together on that fort and finished it, but we didn't find the key. We were searching together, and each crew of us was suspicious of their allies, but eventually decided to leave it.
    In the mean time, two other Galleons engaged us at the fort and we sunk them immediatly. It was an epic 2vs2 Galleon fight. After this battle, we added ourselves to each others friendlist and made a race. Although, we didn't make any gold, we found some of the best pirates and friends ever met: The Crew of The Serenity. You can read The Serenity's view of this voyage here:

    Aye and just last night, we were sailing together and wanted to sell our stuff at Plunder Outpost. While in this process, we got surprised by another Galleon engaging. To our pleasant surprise, they didn't open fire, so we thank them for that kind act and continued selling everything peacefully.

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