I tip my hat to a better pirate.

  • Me an’ me fine helmsmen were finishing up for the night. We had one last drop off, a good haul of skulls, an’ on approach to the outpost thar be a sloop leaving port. We be friendly for the most part, don’t shoot first an all that. This sloop decided to take a couple o’ pot shots at us as we passed, all falling way short. Well…. this type of behavior will not be tolerated. We made our drop quickly and returned to the seas to teach this rogue that firing on us will always result in retaliation.

    T’was a short sail to catch them up an’ open fire we did. During combat we switch roles, I be a fine helmsman in a fight, keeping far enough out that boarding be tough, and keeping us in a good position to fire. Me helmsman be an excellent shot with a cannon and we pummeled the dastardly sloop. On a few closer circles it be clear that this be a solo slooper an’ we thought for sure he be a goner.

    Alas, we had bitten off more than we could chew. I know now how he managed it but he handled sailing, shooting, patching and e’en the odd boarding action with the skill of a true Pirate Legend. He was not wearing the threads or hoisting the colours o’ a Legend, but Legend he be. He was too much for us an’ after a drawn out fight managed to thwart us and send us both to the locker.

    We be a fine crew an’ usually dispatch any aggressive galleons or sloops with relative ease. But on this night we met our match. I tip my hat to this true Legend of the seas.

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  • @awesomecoreusa

    Would ye be liking me to send this across to Tavern Tales for ye?


  • @katttruewalker If that be where it belongs. I thought the general discussion be the place for such things, but I don't sail much beyond this part of the forums.

  • Well, that will teach you to fire at me again 😶

  • @rdizz said in I tip my hat to a better pirate.:

    Well, that will teach you to fire at me again 😶

    You wish matey ;)

  • @awesomecoreusa Cool story. We all meet our match at one time or another! Glad to see you took it in your stride!

  • @awesomecoreusa said in I tip my hat to a better pirate.:

    @rdizz said in I tip my hat to a better pirate.:

    Well, that will teach you to fire at me again 😶

    You wish matey ;)

    Pirating isnt limited to loot. 😂

    Just the other day me and my partner were talking about how we haven been sunk on over 2 weeks. How we were the scourge of the seas challenged by no one. About 15 seconds later we got humbled by a pair with founder sails.


  • @rdizz We do sail wit founder sails.... would be an odd turn o' coincidence if it was us. yarrr-haarr-harr.... but aye, thar always be a better pirate o'er the horizon. Ye can't get upset when ye get bested.

  • @awesomecoreusa said in I tip my hat to a better pirate.:

    @rdizz We do sail wit founder sails.... would be an odd turn o' coincidence if it was us. yarrr-haarr-harr.... but aye, thar always be a better pirate o'er the horizon. Ye can't get upset when ye get bested.


  • @rdizz said in I tip my hat to a better pirate.:



  • @awesomecoreusa said in I tip my hat to a better pirate.:

    @rdizz said in I tip my hat to a better pirate.:



    My scowling look.


  • @rdizz was the ship also painted bilge rat green by chance?

  • @lucrativedoor8 said in I tip my hat to a better pirate.:

    @rdizz was the ship also painted bilge rat green by chance?

    No idea

  • I thought you may have been talking about me solo slooping out a 2 player sloop right after sinking a galleon, but then I saw you said they fired first. I never fire first unless a skull fort is involved.

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