Unplayable game always 1 vs 3 1 vs 2 1 vs 4

  • i dont have friends that they have sea of thieves so i play solo and always when i completed 2 voyage and im full of stuff and going to sell them someone with superior numbers will show up and kill me and steal my loot and there is no fair fighting in this game my crew stat was open and even with 1 more player we couldnt kill them against 2 vs 3 or 2 vs 4 even with noob player they always have more players than us and stealing our stuff and there is nothing to stop this i just want to play this game and enjoy it by working with other players and creating alliances but always there is players when i didnt done anything they kill me and steall my loots .... its just not fair

  • 12
  • @persianking5692 said in Unplayable game always 1 vs 3 1 vs 2 1 vs 4:

    i dont have friends that they have sea of thieves so i play solo and always when i completed 2 voyage and im full of stuff and going to sell them someone with superior numbers will show up and kill me and steal my loot and there is no fair fighting in this game my crew stat was open and even with 1 more player we couldnt kill them against 2 vs 3 or 2 vs 4 even with noob player they always have more players than us and stealing our stuff and there is nothing to stop this i just want to play this game and enjoy it by working with other players and creating alliances but always there is players when i didnt done anything they kill me and steall my loots .... its just not fair
    edit : and today after 7 hours of playing and completing voyages for order of souls with 1 more guy that he helped me all the time to lvl up my rep and emissary after we had anything we need like 40 50 skulls and 10 ashen and more loots we were going to sell them and someone with a brigantine showed up and killed us over and over 2 vs 3 again and again god..

  • Sell often and don't stay in one spot too long

    at this stage of your piracy it's most productive to gather a little loot and sell a little loot
    don't stack and don't sit on loot for longer than 20 minutes

    over and over which builds experience which can then be turned into efficient strategy

    fighting in this game is whatever, people win and people lose, there are a million things that can go right and wrong in a fight
    the best solo players in the game lose fights to bigger ships on a regular basis, if a bigger ship/crew is even just decent they are likely going to win a lot of the time so focusing on that as an adventurer is mostly a waste of your time
    they will hit the mast, put pressure with the extra cannons/people, and it's going to be enough to get the sink

    we don't worry about the fights we focus on minimizing losses through efficiency and strategy. right now focus on turning stuff in often and getting the reps to grow from there.

    you'll buy some cosmetics and finish some commendations and it'll slowly start to add up

    you're gonna sink sometimes even on your best days, I sink too but all that matters is gathering some loot and turning in some loot, learning the islands and ways to be faster. Faster is efficient and efficiency is your best friend on the seas.

    Any specific issues you end up having, feel free to reach out to me in this thread or privately and I would be happy to help with strategy or specific info that will hopefully be helpful.

  • Sloops do need a buff. Lack of cannons, 1 mast, slowest ship, unsteady cannons, fewest players. Brigs/Galleons just bully them if they get close, either by boarding, taking down the mast, latching the harpoon, or just doing a ram strat.

    There are lots of advantages, but I cant recall more than a few times a sloop has sunk my crew on a brig or Hally without being caught off guard.

  • @cainbong

    Sloops don't need a buff your skills and knowledge do.

    Sloop can tank soooo much damage. IF you let someone get too close.
    If they're boarding your Sloop you git caught slipping and you need to keep a better watch. Brigs and especially Galleons are useless against a good helmsman.

    I would suggest OP checks out the lfg options on Xbox or in the find a crew section here. Lots of talented players (not me lol) willing to take on (not me lol) a couple of cabin boys/girls and teach them how to play better.

  • Playing solo is the hardcore version of SOT, if you want to make it easier on yourself try to LFG. Pirating is more fun with a crew anyway.

  • Prithee tell, hav'ya ever thought'bout formin yerself a crew?!

    Jus' th'other day I recruited a good man ta'my own crew by stroke'o luck! Mindin my own I was, when all sudden-like did I see a sloop jus' in the distance to th'north!

    Settin me eyes on'er, I set sail to go an sink'er an plund'r when all'o'sudden a gigantic meg set upon me at th'most unopportune time!

    verily, the same sloop i plannd to sink savd me from the big ol meg an her cap'n came aboard to help patch me ship up!

    Aftr the ordeal, i explained to em that i had it in my mind to sink'em, but i owed em a debt'o gratitude an offr'd to let'em join me and we'd go plundrin and pillagin together!

    We sank 3 brigs and 2 sloops togethr that same night! Ironic cause i planned to do the same to him just before! HAR HAR HAR! He's a good fightr too! Pity th'man who'd cross blades with em!

    So if ya got no friends, make some!

  • @pithyrumble

    I have 134 Days on the Seas, I'm pretty experienced and I am watching NAL, so while I'm not the best I have seen enough to determine that a 1 man sloop is not competing against a full brig or galleon. Doesn't really matter who you are it's going to be difficult in that situation. If they are all of the similar skill, it's going to be a challenge for the reasons I said before.

  • I understand where you are coming from but PvP is the way most people play the game, no matter how unfair it is for the other ship, no matter how outnumbered.

    My recommendation for you is to either stay in the devils roar where there is no players, or always sail around, don't stay in 1 place for more than 20 minutes and try to stay against the wind as no bigger ship can catch up to a sloop whilst in the wind.

  • @cainbong Actually its the fastest ship in a way, Most of the time you will be sailing into the wind

  • @persianking5692
    Most important thing is to never trust anyone. If you see anchored ship go and shoot it down. If you see a player go and kill him. Never give anyone a chance to get close. If you see a ship in horizon and dont want to fight sail to other direction and fast. If you play solo like me, stick to northwest area of the map. It's usually quiet unless Keel Haul Fort is active.

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