Avast ye! A journal entry from ye most recent journey...

  • As encouraged from an earlier post: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/121893/how-to-deal-with-frustrating-turn-of-events-loosing-in-pvp-getting-rare-d-etc

    I like to write down some highlights of previous sessions. Keeps me coming back to the game for more! Let me know your thoughts!

    Disclaimer: I have not proofread or made edits so I apologize if there are any typos or flow issues

    Title: 2 man sloop Ghost fleets
    Who: Odyssey and I
    When: 07-28-2020
    What: Upon spawning into the outpost, Odyssey and I began our journey by stocking up our sloop that was decked out in bone crusher cosmetics. We picked up a few ghost fleet voyages, raised out reapers bones emissary flag and set sail. In just a couple of hours we completed 4 voyages with little no resistance and not a single other pirate in sight. During our last voyage, we encountered a Black Meg in the middle of our fight with the ghost fleet. It was electrifying to say the least. As we concluded our final voyage, the front of our ship (top deck) was littered with 30 + Skulls of the damned and about 8 storage crates of the damned. We had finally hit grade 5 emissary, so we set sail to reapers hideout. We didn’t have any treasure chests so we just loaded up the row boat with all the loot and harpooned our way into the hideout to sell. After selling we heard cannon fire. A player Brig with a grade 4 Athena emissary was shooting at our sloop. Odyssey and I used our clap emotes and told them GGs as our sloops mast began to fall forward. (we had nothing to loose). So for giggles, Odyssey began laying sniper fire on their cannon man while I made my way towards their ship under water so I could board. I was met at the enemy ships ladder by a blunderbuss, but still managed to get aboard. On board I sword lunged one of their crewmates into the water and finished him off with my flintlock. I took a few swipes from another enemy player, but quickly countered and got the last laugh. After a very brief encounter, their whole crew was on the Ferry of the damned. The 2 man sloop had come on top in their battle against a 3 man brig… or so we thought... We waited aboard their ship for the respawn as our sloop sank to the bottom fo the shallow shores of Reapers hideout. Upon respawn, I was able to sword lunge someone off the ship, kill another, before getting sword spammed with half health only to meet the Ferryman for myself. Odyssey tried boarding but with his 0 ammo he would also meet his fate on the ferry of the damned with me. After we spawned on a near by island with our freshly painted sloop, we decided to call it GGs and go our separate ways!

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