Tall Tale 7

  • When ever I dig up the Ferryman I cannot grab his Lantern. It looks like when you dig him up he is coming out of the group completely sideways...anyone else have this problem or is this a new problem that came with this update?

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  • @nathanuserectus Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately, this is a known issue with the Fate of the Morningstar quest at the moment, the team are aware and are investigating a fix.

  • @musicmee Does it happen 100% of the time? or if I jump into a new server will this have a chance of fixing it?

  • @nathanuserectus Ahoy again matey!

    100% every time... there is no way around the issue just yet.

  • @musicmee Do we know if they are going to fix it ASAP? or will we be waiting till next update..? because that is all I need to be 100% done with tall tales... :(

  • @nathanuserectus Awwwww man :(

    No ETA yet but I do know they are actively investigating a fix. In previous cases like this, there have been small fixes issued to correct things like this.

    So... fingers crossed!

  • @nathanuserectus I was really hyped to finish the Shores of Gold tonight, sadly the good moral of my crew dissappeared after we tried it for the 6th time. Hope it will be fixed soon!

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