Need help with the Cursed Rogue Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]

  • Ahoy maties!

    Are you stuck? In need of a helping hand? Or have some pearls of wisdom to share with others?

    Well, look no further...

    And remember, if you are offering help, I would also advise not to give the whole game away, and so, in the spirit of exploration and adventure... try by cryptic with your help and give to the point answers.

    Post below and collectively we may be able to guide each other through...

    The Cursed Rogue Tall Tale!

    (Ps - If we have redirected you here, please don't be offended but we are trying to gather all the hints/clues and tips into one easy to read post)

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  • I have no idea where the bounty hunter's journals are!?

  • I am also trying to find the island that bill amd them went to

  • @genesisclone This one is slightly randomised so all I can say is to look closely at the pictures in the book for cave paintings or locations on islands which may hint at the islands visited.

  • I can't do any damage to Briggsy, what am I doing wrong?

  • whats the easiest way to read constellations

  • @luthithebaker Ahoy matey!

    It may seem like you are not damaging her but he is one powerful Skeleton Lord! Keep at it!

    She is a tough challenge but she can be beaten!

  • @txc-kahula Ahoy matey!

    You might want the Stars of a Thief thread below:

  • @genesisclone You can find the island if you look at what the island looks like in the pictures, as well as charting the course they had. Took me a bit to find, but if you look closely, you can find it in the Ancient Isles.

  • @digitaldedie I found it took me a min

  • I've completed the entirety of Cursed Rogue and yet it says I am 1/5 on the legendary commendation and have not completed it. I really want my order of souls eyes so what am I to do? I've already killed Briggsy.

  • @wulfas Ahoy matey!

    For the Legendary commendation, you need to complete the Tale 5 times!

  • where or what is the ancient isles?

  • @ehhhhhhn If i remember correctly the Ancient Isles is a part of the map towards the middle of the map and a bit south. If you zoom out on the map you will find that there are names for certain parts of the map, like with the Devil`s roar.

  • So late yesterday we tried to kill Captain Briggsly, and after 1 hour of fighitng, over 50 cannonballs to her face and 300+ gunshots she still would not go down. So we thought that she probably healed more then we could dammage and two of my buddies left. But since i am stubborn i Kept going for another 20 min with just shooting her from the boat with a sniper and ended up killing her. Is there a special trick to killing her? Or does she just have a ton of health?

  • @musicmee we have the star map but we cant see the pattern did we forgot something?

  • @easedmango94864 Once you have the two items from the chest, you should return to Plunder Outpost to give Madame Olivia the items.

  • @musicmee guys where can i find the book for the legendary storyteller? cant find it

  • @luthithebaker I have noticed that the larger your crew or ship the more damage needs to be dealt. Saw sloop crews kill her in roughly two-three minutes with swords and the occasional bullet. Haven't seen brig crews do it. Tried it with a galleon crew and 30 cannonballs didn't do it (took around 7-10 minutes). So my guess is a solo sloop could have the easiest time with it.

  • @easedmango94864 In the Tavern at Ancient Spire outpost matey! It's on the bar ;)

  • @prohan96 we had a gally last night w/4 of us. It took us roughly 30 minutes to defeat her. She's evil!!

  • @haveyoumetcory I don't know how so many people are having trouble with Briggsy. My friend and I best her in less than 10 minutes. We did not use any cannons or anything, we only attacked with pistols and swords.

  • @musicmee I have just got the 'Briggsy's star map' and I don't know what to do it or how to continue.

  • @trollungen445 Ahoy matey!

    You should have another item too? Try returning them to Madame Olivia to progress...

  • @musicmee Thank you for the help :)!

  • I need some help, we had the chest to give to madam Olivia, but got killed and now we don’t have the chest, so what do we do? Restart the mission?

  • @sithius11 Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately so, you are going to need to restart the mission, you lost some tale items and so will need to restart it to get those back.

  • @musicmee im stuck on the third one i dont get where i need to go

  • @easedmango94864 The third Tall Tale? You can ask your question here.

  • @musicmee How do I pull up the enchanted compass as I pulled up the normal compass by acident

  • @picyniky14445a The enchanted compass is in your map radial matey :)

  • @musicmee thanks :)

  • @musicmee I can't start my second run of this tall tales. I've completed it once but now the book at the outpost to start the tale doesn't spawn

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