The Ultimate Fall

  • My girlfriend and I were running a sloop the other night, working on a merchant voyage fetching chickens and pigs. Since we started at Dagger Tooth Outpost, Shipwreck Bay was the natural choice to acquire the desired animals. After trapping the single chicken and six pigs to be delivered to Galleon's Grave Outpost, I proceeded to climb the fallen mast of the beached Blackwyche up to the peak of the island to scout the horizon. No ships were seen whilst I scanned over all directions, so there was nothing left to do but head back down. As usual, I elected to dive into the water near our ship to make the fastest decent. I wound up and lunged cutlass first into the ocean below...

    Ś̸͔̰̮̈́P̵̦͓̈͆L̶̛̞̄Ä̵͓́͑̕S̷̡̞̀̉Ĥ̴̥̠͖́̐!!! Oh no, I couldn't see - my screen awash with a single hue of the deep green sea. "This crash seems different," I thought while I restarted my PC. POST was fine, Windows starting loading with its orbiting circles, so far so good... but then blackness. A bit of testing confirmed my worst fears, my GPU was dead - only basic display drivers would operate it successfully, but that meant no hardware acceleration, no gaming. Thankfully, I was able to reclaim a card from a prior generation out of a secondary PC, so I can still sail on the, albeit less beautiful, Sea of Thieves.

    I hope the real-life tangent of this tale is well-received; by no measure do I blame this hardware failure on this game. Likewise, it is not meant as feedback - it was a stochastic failure of an old device. I simply wanted to highlight the serendipitous coincidence between the splash of a hyper-Olympian high-dive in the game and the final crash of my video card. It was the worst fall damage I'd ever experienced...
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  • @cherenkovwolf
    There is a certain skeleton on the beach of Shipwreck Bay that would be proud of a fall so bad that it broke your pc :D

  • Ah, so sad to hear about your GPU, but awesome that you had a second PC to take from and continue your adventures!

  • @Erinom3
    You're right! I actually happened to revisit the engraving of said pirate's gamertag last night while hunting for treasure there.

    Thanks for the sympathy, and I'm glad I had that fallback too. I'm 48/48/48, so it'd be a sad time to put my adventures on hold. Time to start budgeting for a new card so I can run the game at legendary while completing my journey to pirate legend.

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