What would Rare have to change to make you want to do Skeleton Fleet battles?

  • @weakdexx said in What would Rare have to change to make you want to do Skeleton Fleet battles?:


    dont need more time in between. Read my earlier comment on how to position yourself to make next wave NOT spawn. U will have hours of time to pick up stuff. Repair bail make music get drunk repeat do it again and sail out to make them spawn.

    Didn't see your post. Since I am usually solo the row boat won't work. I have done the close to rock idea, but the skelly ships seem to stay farther away, making cannon shots harder. But I will try again.

    Also, I noticed you said max 2 ships per wave, I have noticed on some of the occasions I have been there that the first wave of sloops is actually three ships. Had that two nights ago in fact. Sank them all no problem, got to galleons on second wave, when meg showed up. Meg actually helped sink the two galleons before turning on me, lol. I did sink, as I was just starting to patch/bail when meg came calling. But it was all good, I simply came back with a fresh ship and finished off the captain.

    But yeah, I have seen 3 sloops on the first wave a couple of times. Not every time, but more than a couple.

  • @weakdexx Also, I have done the DR ones by the vulcano, with a meg in the area. Thankfully I had a first mate for that one. Funny thing about that, sure seems like that vulcano is way more active than the other vulcanos in the DR. LOL

  • @txcrnr Sorry mate, wasn't trying to pile on. Honestly, I think if those that don't do them see our comments on why we do them, then maybe they will give it a go themselves. I will say, along with the other improvements and rewards mentioned by others, I have found that you don't need nearly the same amount of supplies as you used to. Part of that is probably thanks to the sloops as they are much easier to sink. You should still make sure you stock plenty of planks though, as the meg does still have a tendency to show up roughly half of the times I go at them.

  • @weakdexx ahh

  • The actual fleet mechanics right now as is is perfectly balanced (yes, just an opinion). 4 skulls and 4 chests for three waves. I dont give a excrement about the crate of tea the beginning waves drop, so please dont add time between waves.

    But 15 minutes to sail across the map in time to trigger the evetn before it disappears is a big problem. I understand, people want the forts more. But 15 minutes is not enough time. Right now, I supply my ship as if I was going to do a skelly ship battle. In order to do one now, I need twice the supplies because more than once I have been attacked by the kraken moments after defeating the fleet. So even though I have the supplies when the cloud goes in the sky, I still need to grab more for after the battle.

  • Nothing needs to be done in down -or uptuning...Forage 300 cannonballs, 100 planks, and go for it...From the moment one shot, hits you,you send one crewmember down to repairs, or if you are Solo then go yourself...Repairing is key, sailing, outmaneuvering,and shooting them with everything you have is second...i'm a very low skilled Pirate but can take on a Fleet all by myself...It isn't easy but when the Caprtain sinks, then i could radiate Light in pure Darkness from Pride....Games are not made solely for winning, sometimes you learn more from losing and trying again....

  • @txcrnr said in What would Rare have to change to make you want to do Skeleton Fleet battles?:

    As it is now, (EDIT:) a large portion of players actively avoid skeleton fleet battles, opting to wait for a fort to spawn. They are much harder than forts, more time consuming, and less rewarding (at least when comparing the time it takes to complete one). What incentive would make you want to do them again? Fewer waves? A limit of one ship per wave? More loot (with more time to collect it between waves)?

    I'm not sure it needs an incentive, do you mean that you'd like more incentive to do them?

    Personally I think they're a good additional choice on the seas if you fancy a challenge/are in an alliance/ fleet and have the time, but most will tackle skull forts because they're a little quicker and easier for single ships and crews, although you have the added risk of other crews attacking you.
    We've tackled skellie fleets a couple of times and once caught the end of the battle and just had the captain's ship to sink.

  • @clumsy-george I'm not saying I have issues doing them. I am saying that people generally prefer forts, and wondering if those people would start doing ships more if something were changed.

  • @katttruewalker As said before in replies, I am not asking for an incentive- I am asking the people who choose not to do fleet battles but still do forts what their reasoning is, and what would have to be changed to make them do fleet battles more often.

  • @txcrnr Well, Sir , sorry that i missunderstood, that happens a lot lately and is purely my fault...Now , i like to swap reguraly, if i'm low on cannonballs, the Seas are more dangerous since Shrouded Spoils, then i go for a Fort ,but if i can forage around 300 cannonballs and 100 planks then i just go for the Fleet....They are a serious challenge but boy do i love this great mechanic that goes accompanied with the beautiful musicscore made by Mr Beanland and his Team...The fights are really Epic...And a big or little reward simply doesn't interrest me, i love the battle and the thrills more than the spoils...But that's just my own personal feeling...

  • @txcrnr If you want my analysis of Skelly Fleets. They do seem to suffer in 3 areas in comparison to Skull Forts.

    1. Accessablity - Unlike Skull forts, Fleets Require a good amount of Prep time before they can even be attempted by even the most skilled crews. Not only require adaqute Resources but also some Utility items Like Kegs and maybe a Chest of Sorrow. Not to mention a plan of attack. Most new players don't even have the skillz to take down single skelly ship let alone a Fleet of them so it's also prohibitive in the skill celing as you need a semi competant crew to even hope to complete where as in a skull fort where the main treat is another Crew's Ship. Even a new player can Solo a fort given enough time as they respawn there with Resources that regenerate periodicaly. They effectively has and infinite number of attempts which means they less discoraged when they fail by dying.

    2. Risk vs Reward - While this has already been somewhat Addressed by increasing the Rewards the Fact remains Fleets are a Huge Risk as your putting your ship directly on the line. So you wouldn't dare go to the Fleets with Loot onboard like others would in a Skull Fort as there is far less risk to the ship.

    3. Oportunity - There is very little situtations that grant you and oportunity to gain and advantage. The biggest benifit a Fort presents is the opportunity to pirate another ship. This does not hold true for Skelly Fleets which were to funtion as Flashpoints for PvP. Do to the fact all the battle happen in wide open seas there is very little cover and high chance of escape.

    I've had talks about these problems before and a few solutions propose that i belive would Greatly impove on skelly ship Participation are:

    A) More resources in Skelly Ship barrels inculding a healthy amount of CCB's in the cannon ball Barrels.

    B) Add a Loot item that is unique to the Skelly Fleet that Provides Utility as well as Merchant Rep like a CCB resource create.

    C) Add a bit more varity to the Combat Enviroment to grant more opportunities and unique situtations. Like some small platforms or rock landings with barrels for resources.

    These are just a few suggestion that came up.

  • I haven't done one since just after Cursed Sails finished, far too much like hard work compared to a nice easy profitable Fort.

    If I could change anything to make them feel better it would be to have the captain drop a key like the Fort one so that you don't have to worry about fishing out loot from shark infested water, just sail over to a vault somewhere and load up at your leisure.

  • @enf0rcer I love the idea of a resource crate with Cursed Cannonballs. Perhaps it could come with 10 or 20 CCBs inside, and they can be taken or added freely, but can only be sold when it has 20 inside it?

  • @txcrnr said in What would Rare have to change to make you want to do Skeleton Fleet battles?:

    @crimsonraziel Just wanted to point out that you DO think something should be changed, despite saying you didn't at first :p The loot balance is what you want changed. It should be as rewarding as the time commited

    Just want to point out, that you should read your own question again!
    I even quoted it in my first reply.

    They don't need to change anything to make me want to do them. I already do them, because, as I also wrote in my post, I like them the way they are. Balancing out loot won't change that.

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