Does Duke Charge too much for Flags?

  • Ahoy Mates!
    I'd like to get the community's opinions of Duke's prices on his time limited Flags.
    Right now he charges 40 Doubloons for a Flag.

    So, do you think this is a fair price?
    Or do you think the price is too much for the item's worth?

    Let me know your opinions mates!

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  • @sgt-palooggoo

    I do not think so. Maybe half the cost at the most. I understand it is part of a set and limited, still too much though. Only having one placement for flags also greatly limits our options to fly flags to make it worth it.

    Rare really needs to rework the way we fly flags and allow more of them to be flown at the same time. I posted a picture in my post on making flags here that would give us more options to display these flags.

  • @sgt-palooggoo I also think they’re overpriced - would feel much happier parting with my doubloons at 20 for the ship flags.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Isn't there only one that he is selling currently? and it's just blue... definitely over priced I would say. Half the time I don't even remember to raise one...

  • @sgt-palooggoo each ship item the same price...I don't mind, it's ok for me

  • Duke gives out a currency he invented and is enitrely in control of, for random shenanigans of little to no value to anyone, and your concerned that the exchange rate of his Duke Bucks for physical items isn't fair?

  • Way over priced! Im not spending 40 on it. I only use a couple of the ones you got free. As another has said most of the time I forget to even put a little flag up.

  • What are you going to do with all those Dabloons? 40 is just fine imo.

  • So, do you think this is a fair price?
    Or do you think the price is too much for the item's worth?

    Let me know your opinions mates!

    The flag shouldn't be that cheap. It should be something very special, something outstanding, to be able to show such a flag.

  • @sgt-palooggoo I think the price on flags is excessive. I think each item should be scaled. Surely a flag shouldn't be as costly as a set of sails.

  • @dekeita said in Does Duke Charge too much for Flags?:

    Duke gives out a currency he invented and is enitrely in control of, for random shenanigans of little to no value to anyone, and your concerned that the exchange rate of his Duke Bucks for physical items isn't fair?

    That's not exactly right. While Duke may presently be the only one who deals in doubloons in the Sea of Thieves, there's no indication he "invented" them or is entirely in control of them. The term "doubloons" itself simply refers to a particular type of prized gold currency common to the Golden Age of Piracy. For game purposes, it's true he's the only one that accepts them, but he didn't invent them, doesn't give them out, and has no control over them aside from taking them off your greedy little hands in exchange for a variety of goods. Naturally, he can set his own prices, but in game terms I do think it's a bit silly to charge the same amount for a flag as you do for a whole set of sails.

  • I think his price on flags is high.
    However, I don't mind too terribly... I steal his grog when he is not looking.

  • @sgt-palooggoo On the one side yes, they are over priced, especially when you compare shipwright flag prices compared to other ship cosmetics. It would stand to reason they should be cheaper.

    Having said that though, doubloons are a special currency earned in a special way. Frankly I don't mind paying a set price for each item to complete that limited set - it really doesn't have that much of an impact.

  • Didnt buy the flag actually and also missed another flag, iirc the Ashen flag.
    Why? Because i see flags as something that is tied to the game as a mechanic.
    Either i use alliance flag to show other players i'm ready to coop and not agressive or i use the Jolly Roger if i want to plunder or i use the reaper.
    I also have the Bilge Rat to show i'm Event Question join me for commendations maybe.
    A flag just blue or whatever is "useless".
    More meaning to flags.
    It's the first time i ran out of Dubloons.
    My stock of Dubloons i saved up not buying all and everything was empty this time and now i save on the flag to rebuild a little Stock for future events and stuff.

  • @sgt-palooggoo He's a pricey fella!

  • I recently turned in 300 doobles just for gold because I had a ton, then the shrouded spoils came and I've stil got doobles left and 300 to farm from achievements.

    I say It's not that bad.

  • @genuine-heather They're blue.

  • @genuine-heather I think @Dekeita might have been bustin' out some hyperbolic humor about them doubloons.

  • @tundra-793 probably. But as far as I can tell everything I'm saying is true in lore. Duke is crazy person giving us blue trinkets he makes in a bar, to exchange for things.

  • @genuine-heather Lore wise aren't they also the currency of the Bilge Rats? Rare should really add some more bilge rat members to the world lol.

  • Currently I think they are too cheap. It seems like everyone has most every flag. There are not enough rare items. But players flip out each time Rare comes up with something even slightly exclusive. Raise the prices on this stuff and players would have to budget how they spend doubloons.

  • I got the flag but never use them as I usually have the alliance pennant up. Wish you could have a flag and an alliance flag up too.

  • @xraylexx You can. Always been able to.

  • @ghostpaw I like the idea of being able to get everything if you are dedicated enough though.

  • @jonaldinho thought you were only able to fly two if already in an alliance, not beforehand.
    I personally think it’s to much, but I fine with it.

  • It's too bad you can't customise the alliance flag. I always have it up, so buying other flags is kinda pointless for me. And I think 40 doubloons is way too much for the tiny flag, but that's just my opinion :)

  • @br0crastinat0r said in Does Duke Charge too much for Flags?:

    @jonaldinho thought you were only able to fly two if already in an alliance, not beforehand.
    I personally think it’s to much, but I fine with it.

    Maybe I misunderstood the initial comment. You are correct in that when you fly the "alliance offer" pennant you can only fly one flag. You can't add another flag until after you have formed an alliance.

    I'm not sure why this is how it is. Seems like you should be able to put up two flags regardless.

  • @jonaldinho how? If I put up a flag and then put up the looking for alliance flag the normal flag goes, and vice versa.

  • its fair because you can get a ton from past events before this event/dlc i had 650 saved even with buying all the stuff boat everything im already back at 450 its incredibly easy to save them but i can see burning through them buying levels for sure

  • @xraylexx When you are flying the "alliance offer" pennant you cannot add another flag. It behaves the same as you stated - you put one on, it takes the other way. After you have joined or formed an alliance, THEN you can put up a second flag. I apologize if my first comment was confusing - I think I may have misunderstood the question.

  • @sgt-palooggoo that a lot of doubloons for a flag the price should be lowered like the shopkeepers did after cursed sails

  • @sgt-palooggoo too much indeed

  • @jonaldinho no probs

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