American Border Patrol?

  • The other evening I was sailing solo on my loot-less Brigantine towards an inactive fort in order to get supplies. I spotted a Galleon on the horizon and assumed the crew had also spotted me. My assumption was correct as the Galleon made its way to my position.

    So I decided to pass up the fort in an effort to shake my latest pursuers, so that I could return to my original business. One of the Galleon crewmembers announces over the speaking trumpet that they're the American border patrol. They wanted to search my vessel for illegal immigrants. This is one of many instances where encountering other players kills the immersion of the game world.

    Nonetheless, I follow the usual procedures. Sail up wind, around islands/rocks, and so forth. Choosing not to respond to the supposed "border patrol" despite their continuous banter over game chat. After a good thirty minutes passed by the Galleon refused to give up. I wasn't bothered to turn and fight, so I scuttled and switched servers. As I was fairly certain that remaining in the same server would most likely have me encountering the Galleon crew once again.

    I wish those particular players could've been more creative. I appreciated their enthusiasm, but it would've been more entertaining if they had stuck to the spirit of the game world. Not the strangest batch of "Pirates" I've encountered on the Sea of Thieves though.

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  • @shrkb8t If they had said something like "Her Majesty's Royal Patrol Fleet"..."searching for stolen property of his Lord Earl Bofingash. Reported to have fled in this direction" "you are here by ordered to seize and assist".....would that have worked? Also, curious am I; does anyone else wish more people would be brave enough to speak with a pirate accent and in pirate talk; to better immersion?

  • Yes. That would have worked for me. I mean either way my ship wasn't gonna be dropping anchor, but at least your example would've felt more immersive, not to mention more creative.

    As for the accent, I'm not sure. I guess it depends on how the player feels.

  • @shrkb8t lol we are looking for illegal immigrants why where they so silly? rolls on deck lahpgh

  • Personally i just indiscriminately sink both the “border patrol/police boat” type aswell as anyone who dares try to sport a pirate accent at me. Lol. Just talk normal and be creative “hey want to fleet up? Can i join the crew? I need a ride? We should play mock tdm or capture the chest or assault with a powder keg on wanderers! Territories with the new beacons, our ship is purple yours is white!” Would all likely have me join in on the fun.

    The other stuff is too forced for me to enjoy either.

    And hopefully the scenarios i described above will be able to be sanctioned and enforced by the game with the upcoming arena, atleast eventually.

  • noting funny about immigrants,those topics r to serious for a roleplay...

  • @shrkb8t now then matey,
    I would make sure in the future that you try and record their names (if you haven't already), as persistent chasing, resulting in the need to scuttle could be assumed to be griefing in this case - given their "banter" as well towards you. Could be in breach of article 1 and 6 of the code...

    I have heard tell of other Pirates being harrassed by "Police" and "Coast Guard" crews...

  • @a-cranky-eskimo
    Hahahahaaaa, Hello Mr Cranky Eskimo, i'm pretty ( * you wished, yokel) sure you sink about everybody for much less than using "American Borderpatrol or Pirate voice"...Still...Actually i don't mind if people alter their voice in order to increase the immersion of the crew's adventure , but on the condition that it is funny and it is done without grabbing back to the normal voice....A few days ago we met two Pirates of wich only one was participating in the crew , from the moment the curtain of the game went up ,i pretended to be a Russian who had a little bit too much wodka ...That Pirate has laughed many times , and while he was laughing and taking a bit the mickey out of me , myself had the biggest fun too because this person was 100 percent convinced i really was drunk, while i never drink , and was a Russian , wich i am not...Those that think i mock Russian people, better think twice, i can use accents without ridiculizing the people who originate from whatever country i mimic...It is all about enlarging fun while making a mockery out of myself...Everything to bring a laugh to our crew...

  • @clumsy-george what Nationality are you again?? ;)

    I love your accents when sailing!

  • @sshteeve
    Huh? , Mr Sshteeve ,are you pulling my leg now? Have you already forgotten our little game you lost? i'm a Belgian, from Flanders and my real language is Flemish wich is appart from accents is the same as Dutch wich comes from the Netherlands , like our Good Friend Mr Fishstick...

  • @clumsy-george haha that is pretty good stuff that they were convinced by your accent, but i have to say for me, the few times i played with people and they tried to talk that way the whole time it actually detracted from the immersion to some degree. It was a constant reminder of how hard you have to force yourself to be immersed rather than the game itself whisking you off to another world for a little while, but i totally respect your opinion and am glad you have fun making stories like you described above.

    And also, hopefully you can forgive me for my misdeeds lol. Blues struck me with her sword after i had climbed aboard unnanounced, if only she had finished the job i would not have let my sword loose upon you good sir. Lol jk i take full blame but it is a pirates life eh? With the addition of the arena i will likely be a lot less of a nuisance to the more peaceful pirates among us in adventure mode, and i think that will be a common trend among more bloodthirsty pirates.

    Im glad you still talk to me, blues and sgt were more upset than i feel is deserved for “betrayal” in a video game where i hadnt crewed with them in weeks anyways. Though i understand where they are coming from.

  • And you created this thread because....?

  • @a-cranky-eskimo
    Uhm, Mr Cranky -Eskimo...i really can't remember what you described above...i never mind how you play because what i do remember is that we one day had met, a long time ago in the Alpha's and you guarded my ship from a possible attack from another Pirate , while we were trying to find and dig up a treasure ...Back then , and maybe even now too, you were renown for your many takedowns of ships and our crew was the only one you ever protected ...THAT will be for ever engraved on the inside of my skull...i found , and still find it , a proof that Sea of Thieves has some kind of Magic that alter's people's mind because of certain personalities ,that in some way connect with them, and make them do things differently...i never had one friction towards you because we know each other from waaayyyyy back...It is a Pirate game and Pirates fight ....Now, i wish you a lot of spoils of war on the Seas ,mate and don't worry , i can't even remember when you slashed me ( * Don't worry at all, our moron propably deserved it anyway....hihihihihihih)

  • @clumsy-george a cheeky reference from me to your friendly quiz the other night! ;)

  • @crusaderjesus among friends who know you arent serious? it may be dark humor but it isnt that bad lol, and even in some pop culture that puts it in that same light. Django unchained has the n word a huge number of times but is so obviously not a movie that promotes racism, for example.

    But in public spaces that shouldnt be a thing to just joke around with people you dont know, that is just unnecessary and pointless.

  • @clumsy-george mate send me an friend request lol

  • @sshteeve said in American Border Patrol?:

    @shrkb8t now then matey,
    I would make sure in the future that you try and record their names (if you haven't already), as persistent chasing, resulting in the need to scuttle could be assumed to be griefing in this case - given their "banter" as well towards you. Could be in breach of article 1 and 6 of the code...

    I have heard tell of other Pirates being harrassed by "Police" and "Coast Guard" crews...

    How is this griefing? Explain to me.
    If the OP decided to fight instead of run there be no need to chase it. So OP decides not to fight and there for the gally is full of griefers because they keep tailing?
    Is there a time limit for chasing? I mean if they cancelled the chase at lets say 20 min? It would be fine but 30 min chase where the OP decided to scuttle makes them griefers?

    They didnt sink him and find him again to keep chasing him to just sink him again. They didnt spawn kill while keeping his ship afloat so he dies 1000x.

    To me the OP didnt wanna fight and started to run. The OP found the 30 min chase to long so decided to scuttle. To me there is no reason for the gally to be griefers at this point.

  • @weakdexx ok I think we all get the point o' swords pun indented

  • @weakdexx said in American Border Patrol?:

    @sshteeve said in American Border Patrol?:

    @shrkb8t now then matey,
    I would make sure in the future that you try and record their names (if you haven't already), as persistent chasing, resulting in the need to scuttle could be assumed to be griefing in this case - given their "banter" as well towards you. Could be in breach of article 1 and 6 of the code...

    I have heard tell of other Pirates being harrassed by "Police" and "Coast Guard" crews...

    How is this griefing? Explain to me.
    If the OP decided to fight instead of run there be no need to chase it. So OP decides not to fight and there for the gally is full of griefers because they keep tailing?
    Is there a time limit for chasing? I mean if they cancelled the chase at lets say 20 min? It would be fine but 30 min chase where the OP decided to scuttle makes them griefers?

    They didnt sink him and find him again to keep chasing him to just sink him again. They didnt spawn kill while keeping his ship afloat so he dies 1000x.

    To me the OP didnt wanna fight and started to run. The OP found the 30 min chase to long so decided to scuttle. To me there is no reason for the gally to be griefers at this point.

    Apart from shouting out "they're the American Border patrol" and that they are "looking for illegal immigrants"? In a Pirate game set in the Golden Age of Piracy? So instead of picking up on that blatantly offensive gesture from the crew, you've decided I'm in the wrong for suggesting that they may be griefing(my exact words: "persistent chasing, resulting in the need to scuttle could be assumed to be griefing in this case - given their "banter" as well towards you")

    I also reference the Pirate Code:
    Article 1 - The Sea Calls Us All
    Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality or creed

    i.e. illegal immigrants don't exist in this game and should never need to be mentioned

    Article 6 - Respect New Pirates and Their Voyage Ahead
    May the old legends help to forge new ones: treat new pirates with respect and share your knowledge

    i.e. pretending to be the "American Border Patrol" is not something that could be seen as helping a Pirate - in this case trying to adventure from forging their own adventure.

    What he does with that advice is up to him and should Rare decide it to be something other than a bit of cheeky fun then yes, it may be classed as griefing. So thanks for your little rant at me about PVP in the game, but perhaps you should have read the rest of the thread, rather than reacting to one post? Maybe give the OP your own version of events rather than directing it at me? That would be far more helpful for everyone really.

    I'll answer your points as well:

    If the OP decided to fight instead of run there be no need to chase it. So OP decides not to fight and there for the gally is full of griefers because they keep tailing?

    Not at all - the fact that they declared an absolute load of nonsense first leads me to believe that they would be potential griefers. This is based on both personal experience, experiences of friends in the game and references to such action on the forum.

    Is there a time limit for chasing? I mean if they cancelled the chase at lets say 20 min? It would be fine but 30 min chase where the OP decided to scuttle makes them griefers?

    Forcing a ship to scuttle, because they clearly don't want the chase and haven't made any headway towards an outpost to deliver treasure (therefore probably not carrying anything) isn't a little over the top? There is nothing more boring to me than chasing another ship who clearly doesn't want the fight... move on, find another vessel, put up your reaper mark and see who comes for you!

    They didnt sink him and find him again to keep chasing him to just sink him again. They didnt spawn kill while keeping his ship afloat so he dies 1000x.

    No they didn't because the OP kept away from them and was clearly not up for the fight. How do you know what their intention would be should they have boarded the ship to "inspect it"? This is sheer hyperbole!

    To me the OP didnt wanna fight and started to run. The OP found the 30 min chase to long so decided to scuttle. To me there is no reason for the gally to be griefers at this point.

    Apart from making a Brigantine, with no treasure, clearly not looking for a fight waste 30 minutes and move to a new server?

    There are plenty of ways to get PVP in this game and there will be even more when Arena comes out. Chasing crews who clearly don't want to fight is neither a challenge nor should it be seen as fun. The forum is full of discussions on this and I have made my thoughts clear above - they were not playing the game, they were clearly bored and being daft and I would assume with ill intention: again, one last time - this was where my feedback to the OP came from.

  • @sshteeve

    Lot for me to read :)

    I ask for u to explain to me why u may see this as griefing. So u did :)

    I just have a total diffrent opinion than u apperently on the matter.

    So Roleplaying has to be pirate / piracy golden age. Sea of thieves police boats with red and blue lights can be griefers because their roleplaying has nothing to do with being a pirate. Never seen a police pirate.

    Looking for illegal immigrants is not faulty. They didnt point out that 1 coloured pirate to be illegal immigrant. At that point it starts being racist.

    Being border patrol could be seen as not helping a pirate. Yes u are correct. Sinking a ship while saying u are a pirate doesnt help the sinking crew either. But than its ok?

    You are right i didnt read all and did awnser to your post since thats the one i had questions on. Apperently me trying to explain my self why i think diffrently than u makes u feel i rant pvp at u.

    Because its a load of nonsense u think it MAY be griefers. U can be right but they may not be griefers aswell. 2 sides of the coin.

    The OP didnt sail for outpost your correct. But did the tailers know the OP didnt have loot? Do u know if someone is NOT sailing to an outpost is because they have nothing? Maybe they got loads and pretend sailing the other way because if i go to outpost u sure know i got loot.

    Yesterday i wanted to fight. But the position was bad so i first sailed 10 min to get better postion to out flank the enemy gally which we sunk. So sailing away can be part of fighting tactic. U just never know.

    I did not know their intentions. The points i make there are not saying what their intentions was but i was saying that those point would make them actual griefers. In my opinion.

    We just look diffrently at these points and that fine. All pirates are diffrent :) Never i had any intention of ranting at u or make u feel like i ranted. I like a good discussion with pro and cons.

  • @weakdexx I appreciate a more in depth discussion in your last post, but you still miss my point entirely and my links to the pirate code:

    Article 1 - The Sea Calls Us All
    Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality or creed

    i.e. illegal immigrants don't exist in this game and should never need to be mentioned

    Illegal immigration is also a political viewpoint, changing from country to country and from person to person and again, would be in direct contravention of Article 1 of the code.
    There was an attempt at humour from the other crew, but it was in incredibly poor taste and is, in my humble opinion racist in tone and nature, whether intentionally or not.

    Article 6 - Respect New Pirates and Their Voyage Ahead
    May the old legends help to forge new ones: treat new pirates with respect and share your knowledge

    i.e. pretending to be the "American Border Patrol" is not something that could be seen as helping a Pirate - in this case trying to adventure from forging their own adventure.

    We fall dangerously into the realm of semantics here with regards to lights, roleplay and other things, and as you say there are two very different opinions here regarding PVP and griefing.
    At the end of the day though they were making inappropriate comments that have no place in a family game, which lead me to think their intentions were not the best and as such I recommended (and still do) that the OP reported the case.

    Perhaps a @Deckhands or @Quartermasters could step in here to lend their viewpoint and give a definitive answer (and a lock if the thread has run its course?)

  • @sshteeve

    Thanks for the reply.

    I hope it was a bit readable because im noob at the forum and dont know how to do this beautifull quotings.

    And yes we have diffrent opinions :) as a @Deckhands or @Quartermasters would advice. Let's agree to disagree :)
    And a good discussion is always welcome on the forum but a battle needs to be done at sea!

  • @Shrkb8t We will be locking this thread down, due to the nature of the conversation. Please file a ticket if you encounter users in game who are behaving inappropriately or who are violating our rules.

    @A-Cranky-Eskimo @Weedstar-DeLuxe @Zormis

    Please refrain from discussion of politics on the forums, as it is against the forum rules. We have removed a number of posts accordingly.

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    Due to the sensitive nature of discussion, Political and religious discussion is not permitted in the Sea of Thieves community. Discussions of this nature will result in the topic being deleted and the creator warned. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    @CrusaderJesus Inappropriate remarks about race are never permitted in our community. It is a violation of our forum rules, and your posts have also been removed.

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