Forsaken Shores - progress update

  • @warman53410 in the same boat lol

  • How can people be ok with this?
    This is just absurd, it’s becoming funny.

    Sets an release date. Do not deliver. Wow

  • @kaptenfisk because people are capable of their own thought. You being miffed does not make everyone else miffed or wrong for not being miffed.

  • @kaptenfisk said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    How can people be ok with this?
    This is just absurd, it’s becoming funny.

    Sets an release date. Do not deliver. Wow

    I know right? Its absurd when devs delay FREE DLC content to make sure its bug-free. How dare they create content and give it to us for FREE and delay its release. Terrible stuff. They should learn from the other developers and release buggy content and charge money for it.


    people are so entitled these days

  • @the3sheetsneate Thank you very much good sir for the update and for posting on the forums. I for one appreciate it. I can't wait to play in the new biome but I can definitely wait for you to make sure it's solid for launch. Take your time and give it to us when it's ready!!

  • @the3sheetsneate Thank you for the update Joe. Looking forward to playing whenever it releases!

  • @vgtrooper said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @kaptenfisk said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    How can people be ok with this?
    This is just absurd, it’s becoming funny.

    Sets an release date. Do not deliver. Wow

    I know right? Its absurd when devs delay FREE DLC content to make sure its bug-free. How dare they create content and give it to us for FREE and delay its release. Terrible stuff. They should learn from the other developers and release buggy content and charge money for it.


    people are so entitled these days

    Hahah, sure lets say its "free" when we paid money for the game in an unfinished state.
    I really wish their principle with delivering half finished content with buggs and delaying release dates.
    If only that could work and we could get free passes over and over again in other real jobs as well.

  • @xxslappy31682xx sagte in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    I plan on doing an entire Athena quest from just the rowboat. Who's in?

    Yeah but then you’re like an Somali Pirate :D and this can be badly! Galleon vs Rowboat is like

  • @kaptenfisk said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @vgtrooper said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @kaptenfisk said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    How can people be ok with this?
    This is just absurd, it’s becoming funny.

    Sets an release date. Do not deliver. Wow

    I know right? Its absurd when devs delay FREE DLC content to make sure its bug-free. How dare they create content and give it to us for FREE and delay its release. Terrible stuff. They should learn from the other developers and release buggy content and charge money for it.


    people are so entitled these days

    Hahah, sure lets say its "free" when we paid money for the game in an unfinished state.
    I really wish their principle with delivering half finished content with buggs and delaying release dates.
    If only that could work and we could get free passes over and over again in other real jobs as well.

    I mean I enjoyed the game at release and have ever since, and I don't consider it unfinished nor have I ever. To each his/her own though. Also I'm not sure what you are wishing, as that is an incomplete sentence.

  • @the3sheetsneate Hope that update on the Forsaken Shore is about noon bst!

  • Take the time you need. We will be waiting. This will be a very exciting chapter of the game. I`m a legendary pirate and I am looking forward to new adventures.
    If you need new pioneers, me and my husband will be there for you :-)

  • If its delayed then its delayed! Nothing any of us can do about it.

    It gives me more time to grind a few more levels closer to PL.

    Really looking forward to the cargo runs, hoping they provide a big boost in rep.

  • Legendary tears of sadness...

    Was already going to have limited time to enjoy the big release due to real life engagements. I hope it won't be too long, else I might just miss out of the biggest content drop since launch... especially since they did not drop a patch this week due to their focus on the update.

    Hope they make it last long enough, so I can at least experience the quest line before they make them disappear from the world like dear old Salty.

  • I'm glad they are taking time and making sure it's going to be good and bug free. Even tho I still hope it comes out on the 19th

  • @the3sheetsneate Knowing you Rare if you work really hard this weekend it wont be delayed :)

  • Thank you so much for SoT. I don't mind if you delay it, like most of the community, it just shows that you're willing to give us the best possible experience, and I'm ready for Forsaken Shores. When it comes, I'm ready to sail across my beloved horizon. Fair winds to ye!

  • @badbutterzz said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    Better to delay a couple of days instead of releasing something that’s got nasty bugs in it. Roll on the forsaken shores that’s all I can say :) 🤓☺️🎮

    Doesn't matter if they delay. Knowing their track record it will still be riddled with bugs like all the other patches. I just wish they would focus on curing all the current issues in the game. I swear my game minimizes Everytime I use the new inventory system. So annoying... I really love the game but it's getting hard to play and ignore the glitches and bugs that still exist in the game.

  • The problem with development - and QA from my own experience - is that no matter how tight your develop/test/deploy process is, when you squash one bug, you almost always uncover another two. Not to mention the backlog bugs that you'll likely never fix due to higher priorities (many of which can be the cause of more urgent issues!).

    To all those frustrated with the bugs cropping up in the game, you need to make peace with the fact that no build will ever be 100% bug free (exhaustive testing is impossible after all!). On the flip side, the more time a build sits with pioneers who are focused on teasing out the horrible bugs the better.

    Frustrations aside, I tip my tricorne to the team/s at Rare who worked tirelessly over their weekends to bring us closer to Forsaken Shores.

  • Ahoy there @beardfaceyo!

    If you think it's acceptable that every bug you squash generates 2 new ones, I'd love to know what software you worked on so I can avoid it. While you're right that 100% bugfree software doesn't exist, fixing bugs should be done in such a way that you can guarantee that a specific bug will never return (in the form of specific unittests or added regression tests). Avoiding any unnecessary coupling will also prevent any Jenga/Spaghetti code that may collapse on any change. There will always be some known bugs that just aren't worth the effort to fix as they don't influence the gameplay or are generally accepted as features.

    As for the possible delay, I have no issue with Rare taking more time to be able to guarantee a more stable and less bug ridden Forsaken Shores build. The heads up and open communication from @The3SheetsNeate are really appreciated. I wish the team(s) good luck to tackle most of the issues found and fix them before release, whenever that may be. Hopefully we'll be informed before the 19th about the progress and expected release date.

    If the update won't be out on the 19th, I guess I'll just have to entertain myself with the 20 NES games that will be offered on the Nintendo Switch Online service on that same day :)

  • @fishst1ck you'll be happy to know that I've never written a piece of code that wasn't an automated check or an incredibly hacky POST request.

    Unfortunately being a software tester by trade means that I have seen more bugs that most and witnessed some absolute stinkers go unfixed for long periods of time. Suffice to say, if you are ever in the market for online tuxedo rental or wedding hire I know a few websites you should steer clear of!

    As for nintendo switch online - I was thinking the exact same thing, can't wait to see what online features the classic games have :)

  • @xxslappy31682xx hey im in as a fellow legend I think it would be quite hilarious hit me a message when your willing to do this. cheers

  • Just out of curiosity I'm wondering: Will the deadline be made or not?

  • @iamxnl Ahoy matey!

    No news on the delay front just yet!
    But it does look like you don't have your Pioneer badge/access here on the forums. You might want to try log out and back in again to see if it is a permissions thing.

  • @the3sheetsneate Thank you for the update! Take all the time you need to deliver a clean build. Looking forward to many more hours on the sea!

    PS- Thank you for this game and the opportunity it provides for me and my children to spend quality time together!

  • Wow, I wish my posts could generate this much discussion lol.

    Anyway, do we have a Target for possible release? Would love to have an idea when we may see these new shores. I'm excited as the rest, maybe more, just want to give my director a few days lead on the PTO I will be taking so I can really dig into this new are. So darn excited!!!!

  • Thank you for the update. If you need anymore Pioneers I am currently a stay at home husband and have the time to assist if you need it. Can't wait for this new update. Thank you Rare!

  • It's good to know that people on here are rather different to on social media in terms of feedback. This game is absolutely terrific and great to hear you guys taking the time to update in advance and make sure everything releases ok. Keep up the amazing work!

  • I thought we were getting an update today for forsaken shores release. Any word? If no word yet, can we at least get a bug fix patch this week?. Kk thanks.

  • @treefittymonsta We are waiting for it.

  • @treefittymonsta 19th was the date for Forsaken Shores, as mentioned in the opening post.

    It also mentions that there might be a slight delay.

    the original post is here

    and to save time:
    @the3sheetsneate said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    With this in mind, we wanted to let everyone know that there is a chance that Forsaken Shores may not release on the 19th September as planned. Should this happen, we don’t expect the delay to be longer than a few days...

  • @eggamer13 said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @treefittymonsta We are waiting for it.

    If they delay I hope they at least release a bug fix patch this week. There are some rough bugs that have been in the game for two weeks now. In ability to access sloop canonn ball barrels is the main one for me right now.

  • I'm very happy that your doing this and the gamers will APPRETIATE it more . Take as long as needed can't wait to get back on and play really having fun with this game meeting some fun people along the way. Keep up the good work rare. Also conkers bad fur day 2 lol:) PLEASE . Demon Chris bar XBOX

  • @treefittymonsta I hope they patch the rocking issue for all ships barrels. It has been rough trying to eyeball the "safe" distance to access barrels

  • 7:09 pm at rare and still no update. Any one hear anything yet? On his post we would have an update today?

  • @treefittymonsta something is going wrong here.

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