What's your go-to PvP weapon combination?

  • The more I use the sword the more I convince myself that it is a crutch in PvP. Used as a last ditch effort when mistakes are made. As oppose to guns which force you to back out of a bad situation vs. diving into one. Most if not all of my deaths were in close quarters combat with the sword. So I'm thinking of switching to sniper/pistol in order to force myself to fight at range. But the sword really is going to be hard to ditch on account of the utility it provides. And maybe better in instances of questionable latency. So what say you?

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  • Prior to the dawn of exploding skeletons, I really liked the Cutlass & Blunderbuss combo. These days I'm more of a Cutlass & Eye of Reach kind of pirate. It's not always one or the other... I've become somewhat comfortable running the Blunderbuss & Eye of Reach together, but usually only when doing OoS voyages. The downside to two firearms though, you'll want to be near/have access to an ammo box, so it might not always be the best PvP setup I guess.

  • I currently go pistol blunderbuss or pistol sword, usually the first one because I sometimes get lag so the blunderbuss makes up for that by being a noob weapon that you just gotta ballpark to hit.

  • blunderbuss cutlass,sometimes the pistol better in range,for quick scopin with the eye of reach im to bad.if the battle on islands or under sea the pistol is the better choice for me

  • I switch back and forth from sword and blunderbuss and sword and pistol. I’m not one to drop my sword in a hurry. The lack of an ammo requirement and the mobility it provides with the sword jumping lunge is amazing. Can’t glide through the water with a gun.

  • Usually eye of reach and cutlass for me. I no-scope the EoR in close quarters (cheeky, I know) and then finish the job with the cutlass ;) Takes some practice, but it's effective.

  • Cutlass & Pistol rulez, just get in melee as fast as possible, wait for reload times, master ur Cutlass!!!

  • sword + eye of reach

    Sword is the best weapon because of utility, dps and knockback, and it's the best PvE weapon too.
    Eye of reach because it's got the highest damage at the highest range, but you can also land some great noscopes in close quarters and quickly finish them off with one or two hits from the sword. Also, since I'm usually helmsman, it's the best weapon for picking off swimmers and gunpowder kegs.

  • Looks like sword/sniper is the favorite so far. It's mine as well, but I can't deny the fact that all of my deaths occurred in CQC. You get a no-scope or two with the sniper then dive in with the sword. But if there is alot of pressure on you. Like if you're fighting more then one person I find the sword can be a death trap because it forces you into CQC. Where as if I had duel guns I'd be forced to keep away for reloads. It's tough because you'll try a combination that'll work like a charm one night and you'll swear by it. Then that combo fumbles the next night and you try something else. Hard to settle on a good weapon combo.

  • I usually stick with pistol and sword. I spam the swordash.

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