Red Sea... and why it actually really is a problem! °_°

  • If you like to listen about other peoples troubles, you are at the right place.
    Sit back and enjoy.

    Determined to attack a Skullraid in our Sloop we sail towards it.
    The one in the lower right corner of the map (my favourite location if you ask me).
    Me and my Bro we decided to make two people earn their pay.

    But when we arrived they JUST FINISHED the last wave, sadly. So very sadly.

    Okay two other Sloops closed in, I can understand them just grabbing the Key and bailing right away.
    We don't check the Island we just know they got the Key on their Sloop. We would have done the very same.

    I could go in way more detail about this wierd fight but I focus on the most important stuff.
    The battle was wierd, very wierd. Fate really favoured this guys.
    Maybe just rightfully so cause it seems they have done all Skeleton waves by themself after all.

    And then they put up a battle on open Sea also for around 30 minutes I dare to estimate.
    What a battle that was. At one point they even sunk our Sloop with much luck.
    But we returned very quickly and the other Sloop ( a Soloist ) made them earn their pay as well.

    So the conclusion? The next rounds they didn't had anymore luck against me and my Bro.
    We did not screw up, chased them carefully, looked out for every boarding attempt etc.
    And man did they struggled well. As much as we kept holding our own.

    The battle of attrition was so on I swear.
    But thing is you cannot run forever and even if a skilled Sloop is barely catchable even by Galleons, what good does it do?
    ........ when the guys you still have to kill just know there is NO OTHER DESTINATION you can use this Key on, as the current Fort?

    Yajaja bla bla bla " Not true, sail to the other Forts that can be active and look if treasure is in there, which is only there if someone screwed up and could not open that door back then and WASTED their key beforehand? "
    ... spare me that 'beeeeeep' okay?

    It looks like those two guys did not thought of that or did not believe in such a convenient possibility.

    What happened? At one point we even stopped chasing them. Wanna know why?
    Because we just so happened to come across some floating Barrels on high seas.
    Cause it was a battle of attrition we were determined not to lose.

    So they gained some distance from us, probably realizing we just stocked up.

    So we "leisurely" started chasing them again.
    I mean what could happen we saw the retreating Sloop anyway?
    There was no rush! It was always in broad sight cause you know... due to the abscence of a storm, or not yet implanted fog... or... even Islands.

    Then it hit us: What the- ?! They were sailing towards the RED SEA.
    And pretty straight. Took me just seconds to figure out what was going on and you too right now, ey?
    Yes...! " If we cannot have it, you too will not have it. "

    Which is kinda fine to me you know? Cause again... I would have done the same, keh keh keh.
    BUT... wasn't there a User here somewhere in the forum who said treasure gets teleported back to the border?
    Well, this does not seem to be the case!

    We sailed 3 cubes up and down at the line and checked the water even with a swimming Pirate.
    There ' was ' no ' Skeleton-Key ' swimming ' anywhere. ' :-/

    We got back to the Skullraid and checked the Island as well. NOTHING.
    So if the server did not shut down it probably still swims at this location but I honestly don't care anymore at that point.

    Isn't there really anything one can do in order to oppose the Red Sea's all-destroying power?
    Seems as if there is nothing at this point.

    Well what is the moral of the story? Rare could maybe find a solution yes.
    A~nd... I am still glad we ruined other players relatively hard work. ;)

    Someone who is not determined to fight til the end or invest some time in a Raid just because of some other Players does not deserve to sit on a Throne of goldcoins, gems and relics after all.

    I bet those two Beggars still haunt the Ferry and everyone in the Underworld will know their names and say...

    Eh I mean all the dead will know
    " Look this are the bailers... who thought Sea of Thieves is easy. "


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  • @illumipirat I fail to see how this a feedback post. But good job, you lost the key as well.

  • The tl;dr here is: someone did a fort and got the key, OP tried to fight them for it but they just ended up in a tie where everyone ran out of supplies, the guy with the key ran away into the red sea but OP for whatever reason believed that loot teleports.

    Ok several clarifications. The loot that goes into the red see behaves like it is anywhere, if it's dropped in the water it will float for a couple of minutes then it will dissapear. There is a trick however that I have warned players about that is you can sail past a certain border of the world to make anything unretriavable, since players can still see the loot floating but can't grab it because it's past the out of bounds border, any player that could be smart and grab the key while keeping their ship alive in the red sea is denied of that ability simply because of this factor. I don't know if the sloop that had the key knew about that trick, so it doesn't apply here, so just be warned that it is possible.

    Another thing is that whoever said loot teleports needed to provide some actual proof of that, in way of video, most people in here talk without any evidence to back up their wild theories, so for that here is a video for you showing how to perform the trick I mentioned earlier.


    Hope you learn from it to do it yourself, annoy other people and get enough of an uproar from the comunity toget it patched out of the game.

  • this is more of a "sucks to suck" situation

  • Okay, so here's an amusing perspective. I believe there's a chance that you got bamboozled.

    If they sailed around and fought as much as you make it sound like they did, it wouldn't be ubsurd to suggest that they may have dropped it off at a large island as to prevent it's capture? And then after literally fighting for fun, they convincingly tricked you into thinking they had the key onboard when the sailed into the Devil's Shroud.

    A personal favorite tactic of mine. Something like Wanderer's Refuge or Old Faithful are fantastic hiding places.

  • Also the "Devil's Shroud" (or as most call it; the red sea) and its current properties is on point with the lore of the game. The Shroud is a dangerous and unforgiving place that offers no quarter or refuge, and loot, cages, and keys should not be an exception.

  • Don't see it as an issue. If pirates can't agree to share, and can't kill each other...neither gets the prize......makes sense.

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