I am Pirate Legend!!!

  • wanted to share with everyone. It has been a long grinding road, I didn't server hop really or anything like that. I am a true blue pirate legend that can get to most islands without looking at the map. I also avoided anything about the hideout once peole started getting to it, so that was really awesome for me. And with this I pledge to be able to be more of a giving pirate, I feel like I have always been pretty nice on the seas, but now I might even share my treasure here and there.

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  • Congrats!

  • @anubis316 congratulations!

  • Congratulations now to begin Athena's fortune grind. ~ good luck pirate! and giving others the treasure you've accumulated on a voyage and no longer need is one of the most rewarding things to experience! ❤

  • @anubis316 Great work! I took the same route as you - avoided anything legendy until my friend and I were both 50/50/50 so we could check out the hideout together! Since then, and with the encouragement of the current event, we've completed a fair few forts and given the loot to other crews, even helping them load up and escorting them to an outpost. Feels good to give a little back after being such a piratey pirate for so long!

    Aarrr the feels...

  • @anubis316


  • @anubis316 If anyone deserves Pirate Legend, it's you my friend; just promise not to look down on us Pirate Legends in the making will ya?

  • Congratulations matey!

  • Congrats and welcome to the club!

  • Congrats! Can't wait to sink you on the seas! ;P

  • @anubis316 Congratulations matey!

    Another deserving name with the status of Pirate Legend... good luck with those Athena voyages! ;)

  • Good work!

  • And so it begins! Congrats matey!

  • Congratulations me hearty☠️⚓️

  • Congrats nice work

  • Congratulations!

  • @ath3na-cr33d I'm not pirate legend (yet) but I hear "Athena's fortune" mentioned by alot of players, what is it exactly?

  • @ANUBIS316 also congrats

  • @tinballoon24929 think of it as Pirate legend quests, because that is what it is. They are much harder and like 1 voyage will take a couple hours so I am told. But it allows you to rank up in a new area and get new cosmetics. You may have seen some clothing that is black with a ghostly teal glow trim, that is from ranking up in Athena.

  • ...And it is, it is a glorious thing
    To be a Pirate King!

  • @dunkachino1124 worth it? it is if you love the game. I have been playing the game so long I already know I am one of the top players, but having the title, outfit, and access to the hideout is really nice coonfirmation. I am not sure if you judge this by "worth", have fun and play the game, if you don't have fun playing the game maybe it is not for you, or maybe you are playing with the wrong people. I would say have this as a personal goal, not something you expect mass rewards from.

  • @anubis316 Congrats!

  • @anubis316 Congrats !

  • @anubis316 oh, ok, thanks

  • congratulations

  • @dunkachino1124 did it all for the unicorn! lol

  • CONGRATS!! I love being PL and not feeling the amount of fear of losing loot/rep!

  • @anubis316 A heart congratulations me matey! A job well done!

  • Congratulations @anubis316
    Not only for putting in the hard yards but I recall you saying that for the most part you have sailed with randoms. A true credit to you.

    Sorry we couldn't share this experience with you. Since you made that post looking for a permanent crew where @Ant-Heuser-Kush and myself replied and befriended you, I haven't seen you online playing SoT. Different time zones, other games, etc.
    I have however, managed to catch Ant online and sail with him a few times.
    Hope to see you out there soon to form the three Amigos, Anubus, Ant and RRRSole Admiral. :o)

    Top effort mate.

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