Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2

  • @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @imoutofnames1 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @tke800 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Just make a flag creator in the game, then everybody can make whatever flag they want and there is no more argument. Heck, let people sell their flag designs to other players for in-game currency.

    Then one will see male and female genitalia being flown, and then there will need to be a moderation system in place for that. I can't even swear of this forum, or say the name of a male chicken.

    You can easily add pre defined shapes and limit the number of layers so you can't make super complex designs. There's ways to make it very difficult.

    I can make a D*&k on the map with circles. How hard do you think it will be?

    This reminds me of a recent TIL reddit post about a lego game that almost came out, but people kept making d***s and despite creating a team for d**g detection, they couldn't put a stop to it so the game got scrapped.

    found it

  • @imoutofnames1 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @imoutofnames1 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @imoutofnames1 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Are people really getting that bent out of shape over the flag. Use it or don't. It's really not that big of a deal...

    And to the "what flag next" I'd be down for adding tons of new flags. I'm not sure why everyone is getting so upset. To each their own I guess.

    I would also like more flags, but choosing to support a cause in a video game draws lines in the sand.

    What if in October there is no pink flag? No breast cancer awareness? Rare has set themselves a standard they must meet, otherwise be called out for favoritism.

    I disagree, people are drawing a line in the sand just to be contrarian in my opinion. In three weeks from now no one will even be talking about this flag nor will people be asking for flags for every event. It's just being complained about for the sake of complaining.

    With that said, I'm down for adding a pink flag or whatever flag they want. More (unique because of those dumb reskin items that got removed) options are always welcome.

    Maybe this is just bringing to light how divided people are on games promoting causes, and shoe-horning causes into a game other further divides people.
    Maybe, or people just like to complain for the sake of complaining.

    By saying this, you are taking an easy path of dismissing a person's argument, and by not discussing with the ones who disagree, you only further cement your misunderstanding as to why they disagree.

  • @drunkpunk138 @Symbioto You can use the bilge rate currency to buy gold and rep so it has replay value for as long as it takes to reach 100

  • @xcalypt0x said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @drunkpunk138 @Symbioto You can use the bilge rate currency to buy gold and rep so it has replay value for as long as it takes to reach 100

    My question about replay value is whether or not you continue to get doubloons for hitting up the thrones. If it's a one and done, then I'm not a fan of the extra crew requirement. If it IS possible to redo, which would seem kinda weird, then I guess it's alright... but it still feels like they should force crew cooperation where it actually makes sense (like the meg), and I don't feel like it does here.

    In any case I'm stoked for the patch. I just hope they take a smarter approach to these events moving forward.

  • @moomintroll said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @imoutofnames1 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @tke800 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Just make a flag creator in the game, then everybody can make whatever flag they want and there is no more argument. Heck, let people sell their flag designs to other players for in-game currency.

    Then one will see male and female genitalia being flown, and then there will need to be a moderation system in place for that. I can't even swear of this forum, or say the name of a male chicken.

    You can easily add pre defined shapes and limit the number of layers so you can't make super complex designs. There's ways to make it very difficult.

    You’d be surprised how creative people can be with a set of predefined shapes...

    Oh, I know, which is why if you want to make it difficult you need to limit the layers significantly. Granted people will find a way, but it would be few and far between, especially if you hand out bans would it be worth it for something that pretty much no one is going to see?

  • @tke800 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @tke800 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Just make a flag creator in the game, then everybody can make whatever flag they want and there is no more argument. Heck, let people sell their flag designs to other players for in-game currency.

    Then one will see male and female genitalia being flown, and then there will need to be a moderation system in place for that. I can't even swear of this forum, or say the name of a male chicken.

    I volunteer to moderate flag designs! Sounds like a hilarious job.

    A volunteer moderation program, I can't see anything that could go wrong with that.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @xcalypt0x said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @drunkpunk138 @Symbioto You can use the bilge rate currency to buy gold and rep so it has replay value for as long as it takes to reach 100

    My question about replay value is whether or not you continue to get doubloons for hitting up the thrones. If it's a one and done, then I'm not a fan of the extra crew requirement. If it IS possible to redo, which would seem kinda weird, then I guess it's alright... but it still feels like they should force crew cooperation where it actually makes sense (like the meg), and I don't feel like it does here.

    In any case I'm stoked for the patch. I just hope they take a smarter approach to these events moving forward.

    My guess, from the previous approaches we have seen from Rare, and I hate to say this, but it will most likely be 1 and done.

    The Meg, the Kraken, THD riddles. They are all 1 and done. No reason to think otherwise, other than hope.

  • @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @imoutofnames1 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @imoutofnames1 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @imoutofnames1 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Are people really getting that bent out of shape over the flag. Use it or don't. It's really not that big of a deal...

    And to the "what flag next" I'd be down for adding tons of new flags. I'm not sure why everyone is getting so upset. To each their own I guess.

    I would also like more flags, but choosing to support a cause in a video game draws lines in the sand.

    What if in October there is no pink flag? No breast cancer awareness? Rare has set themselves a standard they must meet, otherwise be called out for favoritism.

    I disagree, people are drawing a line in the sand just to be contrarian in my opinion. In three weeks from now no one will even be talking about this flag nor will people be asking for flags for every event. It's just being complained about for the sake of complaining.

    With that said, I'm down for adding a pink flag or whatever flag they want. More (unique because of those dumb reskin items that got removed) options are always welcome.

    Maybe this is just bringing to light how divided people are on games promoting causes, and shoe-horning causes into a game other further divides people.
    Maybe, or people just like to complain for the sake of complaining.

    By saying this, you are taking an easy path of dismissing a person's argument, and by not discussing with the ones who disagree, you only further cement your misunderstanding as to why they disagree.

    Tell you what, if in a month from now this is still an issue and people are still constantly complaining I'll agree they aren't just complaining to complain. Until then I'm going to stick with my view that people are complaining just to complain because it's the more likely scenario. People complain about tiny things when first announced then stop caring after a short time because it's really not a big deal and they really didn't care all that much to begin with they just got angry in the first 2 seconds.

  • @khaleesibot

    A fantastic read, really excited about the new currency and the chance to search out these skeleton thrones!

    These patch notes are so good, Joe is turning full pirate to take part..

  • @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @thekitchner said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Muslims and POC are persecuted far more where I am from. I want to protect them and represent them in SoT.

    Cool, and if there was a flag for religious tolerance I'd support that being in the game too.

    So you still don't understand what exactly is controversial about picking and choosing causes? We will never see a religious tolerance flag or a flag to shun systemic racism because gay pride sells better.

    You started by saying people have a problem with the rainbow flag. I'm saying they don't.. at all. They have a problem with a video game choosing one cause over another, deeming it more important by default.

    Treating people equally isn't "a cause" dude, it should just be accepted as how things should be. The fact your not getting this point and treating this has if there are two reasonable sides instead of a reasonable side (equal rights) and unreasonable and unacceptable side (discrimination) is simply proving my point.

    (mod edit)

  • @bern-dimall said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    ... can you please add a confederate flag?

    You already have the white "surrender" flag

  • Sounds like some good swag is on the horizon! Skeleton Thrones....ahoy! Anyone else note those most interesting Grog Tankards on the bar in the Official Patch Notes page?

  • @katttruewalker And for those worried two weeks might be too long or too short....

  • I'll be hoisting the rainbow flag to show my support of Zippy. I loved that TV show when I was a kid.
    alt text

  • I show my support by puking on the rainbow flag.

  • @thekitchner said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @thekitchner said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Muslims and POC are persecuted far more where I am from. I want to protect them and represent them in SoT.

    Cool, and if there was a flag for religious tolerance I'd support that being in the game too.

    So you still don't understand what exactly is controversial about picking and choosing causes? We will never see a religious tolerance flag or a flag to shun systemic racism because gay pride sells better.

    You started by saying people have a problem with the rainbow flag. I'm saying they don't.. at all. They have a problem with a video game choosing one cause over another, deeming it more important by default.

    Treating people equally isn't "a cause" dude, it should just be accepted as how things should be.

    The rainbow flag literally represents a cause. Use google.

  • @thekitchner said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @thekitchner said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Muslims and POC are persecuted far more where I am from. I want to protect them and represent them in SoT.

    Cool, and if there was a flag for religious tolerance I'd support that being in the game too.

    So you still don't understand what exactly is controversial about picking and choosing causes? We will never see a religious tolerance flag or a flag to shun systemic racism because gay pride sells better.

    You started by saying people have a problem with the rainbow flag. I'm saying they don't.. at all. They have a problem with a video game choosing one cause over another, deeming it more important by default.

    Treating people equally isn't "a cause" dude, it should just be accepted as how things should be. The fact your not getting this point and treating this has if there are two reasonable sides instead of a reasonable side (equal rights) and unreasonable and unacceptable side (discrimination) is simply proving my point.

    Lol at all the angry homophobic Americans getting angry about the fact I'm correctly identifying a) what they really mean when they say "it's contraverial" and b) which country they are from though.

    You brag about your tolerance and treating people equally and then at the same time disparage an entire country of people. Do you know what hypocrisy is?

  • @aristonsparta
    Me matey you may have cleverly tried to bypass the profanity filter but the eagle eyes of the Deckhands will pick it up :) Please refrain from doing so in future posts. I have edited your post to reflect this.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @thekitchner

    I agree with your argument. The flag isn’t a big deal. But seriously, you have to stop making assumptions that everyone is American. You have no idea what nationality anyone is. You are just trying to stir the pot and causing unrest in this thread. Are you bored?

  • Thursday 13???? Thursday is 14

  • deal with the rainbow people. I for one am glad Rare shows some backbone in this day and age and actually sends a message. fear the rainbow!!!!

  • @shuoink said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @thekitchner said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:
    The obvious move would of been to introduce a rainbow flag and not mention it being for a cause.

    Exactly. They cant say "Were introducing a rainbow flag because Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality or creed."

    And then turn around and say "We let everyone give it its own meaning"

    .. like come on were not that stupid.

    If they would have just said "were introducing a rainbow flag" and left it at that, there would be no problem Tying it to that statement is implying it means more than whatever the community is imagining it to be

    they really did contradict themselves with that post.

  • I think the 2nd currency is an odd move.

  • @khaleesibot thursday 14 or today?

  • @mmountain I suppose the limited time currency is there so players earn something that cant be exploited or farmed?

  • @khaleesibot I am here to play SOT, not to support the gay community! I do not push my personal beliefs on others, and I do not appreciate this rainbow flag being pushed on me! BAD IDEA SOT!

  • @thekitchner said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @thekitchner said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @gloog said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Muslims and POC are persecuted far more where I am from. I want to protect them and represent them in SoT.

    Cool, and if there was a flag for religious tolerance I'd support that being in the game too.

    So you still don't understand what exactly is controversial about picking and choosing causes? We will never see a religious tolerance flag or a flag to shun systemic racism because gay pride sells better.

    You started by saying people have a problem with the rainbow flag. I'm saying they don't.. at all. They have a problem with a video game choosing one cause over another, deeming it more important by default.

    Treating people equally isn't "a cause" dude, it should just be accepted as how things should be. The fact your not getting this point and treating this has if there are two reasonable sides instead of a reasonable side (equal rights) and unreasonable and unacceptable side (discrimination) is simply proving my point.

    Lol at all the angry homophobic Americans getting angry about the fact I'm correctly identifying a) what they really mean when they say "it's contraverial" and b) which country they are from though.

    You are set in some viewpoint that this whole debate is about some cause about good against evil, or right against wrong.

    You fail to realize we are all human, and the human struggle is not against people, but against higher realms of wickedness.

    One of their tools is division, and you are playing right into it.

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 Thursday Matey :) Tomorrow's maintenance is Thursday 10am - 2pm BST.

  • @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I think the 2nd currency is an odd move.

    At first I did as well, but it makes sense if you think about it in regard to weekly events. This currency will most likely be earned on a weekly basis for all the future events as well, that you can use to buy the weekly cosmetic items, or use it to buy yourself some rep. Ill be saving all of it as i am a few levels off of legend.

  • I would like to point out that on the server status page it is written that the release will take place on Thursday the 13th from 10 am to 2 bst ... Is it an error the day or will it happen tonight?

  • @shuoink said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I think the 2nd currency is an odd move.

    At first I did as well, but it makes sense if you think about it in regard to weekly events. This currency will most likely be earned on a weekly basis for all the future events as well, that you can use to buy the weekly cosmetic items, or use it to buy yourself some rep. Ill be saving all of it as i am a few levels off of legend.

    But we already have ranking systems and items locked to faction levels - it should've just been another faction.

  • @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @shuoink said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I think the 2nd currency is an odd move.

    At first I did as well, but it makes sense if you think about it in regard to weekly events. This currency will most likely be earned on a weekly basis for all the future events as well, that you can use to buy the weekly cosmetic items, or use it to buy yourself some rep. Ill be saving all of it as i am a few levels off of legend.

    But we already have ranking systems and items locked to faction levels - it should've just been another faction.

    It IS another faction, isnt it? only instead of earning rep for it, you earn coins to unlock whatever the weekly event items are for that week.. Its giving people the chance to use the coins to buy the items or if they dont like the items to buy extra rep instead, i think its a great approach

  • @shuoink said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @shuoink said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I think the 2nd currency is an odd move.

    At first I did as well, but it makes sense if you think about it in regard to weekly events. This currency will most likely be earned on a weekly basis for all the future events as well, that you can use to buy the weekly cosmetic items, or use it to buy yourself some rep. Ill be saving all of it as i am a few levels off of legend.

    But we already have ranking systems and items locked to faction levels - it should've just been another faction.

    It IS another faction, isnt it? only instead of earning rep for it, you earn coins to unlock whatever the weekly event items are for that week.. Its giving people the chance to use the coins to buy the items or if they dont like the items to buy extra rep instead, i think its a great approach

    Its confusing when they already have faction level locks in place.

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 Ahoy matey! Its an error I'm sure someone is on the case. It should read the 14th of June, not the 13th.

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