Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7

  • @varneth
    You are talking about the rise in Allmondbeard issues aren't you?

    First, every game has server issues.
    Second, they already stated that they have noticed an increase and are already investigating before the outcry of posts started.

    Again, Rare is already on top of it. But people like you just need a reason to hate and expect everything to work flawlesly 100% of the time, it's fine.

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    Second, they already stated that they have noticed an increase and are already investigating before the outcry of posts started.

    I just wanted to point out that this statement is categorically false. The first report in this thread alone was made 4 hours ago, the Tweet was 41 minutes ago. They did not beat the influx, in fact the game sat in an essentially unplayable state for around 3 hours at least before anything was even acknowledged.

  • @lady-aijou said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @RumHam636 and @Gsites90 Please refrain from making posts intended to bait and troll other users, as well as off-topic posts to derail threads. Both are violations of our Forum rules, and a number of your posts have been removed accordingly.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling
    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    These actions can be and are not limited to:

    Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest
    Making off topic posts to derail the conversation
    Excessively using the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish
    Bullying and encouraging users to bully others.
    Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    to this i say frustration happens but we dont need to make it worse trying to be hurtful i agree but can you guys please find a more long solution that is user friendly to inform of stability of server before entry. thanks for at least showing us your listening . You rare pirates be working hard we know. 👍👍👍👍. we just would like more clarity. also maybe you guys can make it up just playing with us sometime id love to enjoy the game with the employees just a fun thought.. hope i didn't break a rule saying that. reason so many are upset we love this game and it seems you guys play whack a mole with the bugs to be expected . ps. i host a personal event every Saturday giving out legendary voyages to new players/non legends for sense of togetherness anyone interested please message me on Xbox.

  • @jhonlo Please refrain from swearing on our forums, as it is a violation of our Forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @redeyesith
    The initial 1 or 2 post were posted earlier, true.
    But 1 or 2 cases doesn't make a problem with the game.

    The massive amount of posts are rising after Rare has already acknowledged that there is a problem.

    The entire point still remains towards Varneth though, that haters will always find something to hate.

  • Anyone noticed that they moved that shelf under the left window of the sloop to the left ?
    Wanted to put a skull on it like always and it wasnt there :D

  • Would be fantastic if you guys gave us some content to actually have fun with. Thanks for a feature that should have launched with the game.

  • They finally noticed, this disconnect issue.
    But why do they not shutdown the servers while they do investigation/fix?
    As more and more player keep losing their exp/loot!? This is not a wise thing to do, for a game like this and for Rare reputation /image.

  • @lady-aijou yup why i said smart alec instead off the more commonly used words. bad words are no no publicly. we wouldn't curse like a drunken sailor in public in view of children same applies here. get 'em

  • @ooo-madlax said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    They finally noticed, this disconnect issue.
    But why do they not shutdown the servers while they do investigation/fix?
    As more and more player keep losing their exp/loot!? This is not a wise thing to do, for a game like this and for Rare reputation /image.

    They should really update the Status page as well so it doesn't continue to say everything is fine when there is a known issue. It is great that they've posted to Social Media, but it seems like a massive oversight to not have their web person make that update. They have to understand that by having such a page there are a significant number of people who will come there to check things rather than Twitter or Facebook, and by not posting something they will get flooded with needless Support Tickets that they will have to worry about later (and will take time away from real issues trying to get them closed out).

  • @sciroccobc really thats awesome it was in a kinda bad spot when id get a hole there id always not notice it there right away. 👍thanks for sharing.

  • @RedEyeSith Your right, it all handled a bit amateurish by Rare.

  • @redeyesith agreed i dislike Facebook and twitter. server status should be in game or somewhere i don't have to go looking for it.

  • continually losing your loot because of disconnects makes me a sad panda

  • @ooo-madlax little harsh buddy they are in uncharted waters they are trying just lack of communication between there teams clearly and how to handle it publicly. here is nifty idea use a message system that could tie to twitter updates to make it pop up in game.

  • Having an issue when a friend drops from game I can't re-invite back to game while in closed party.

  • "Resolved an issue on Old Faithful Isle which could have prevented players from completing riddle voyages."

    Finally! Thanks.

    Private crews and scaling of rewards are much appreciated. Can't wait for community events!

  • @khaleesibot hungering deep trailer tomorrow please

  • @roughleech03117 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @khaleesibot hungering deep trailer tomorrow please

    fix the game first

  • I hope it is fixed soon.

    It is going to make streaming this game very difficult if I can't do legendary voyages, and am forced to server hop for skull forts or chase other players for action.

  • apology formula...

    (A * B) - C = D

    A = number of hours played after patch

    B = average gold/rep per hour

    C = gold/rep earned by player after patch

    D = gold/rep given to player

  • @aristonsparta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    I hope it is fixed soon.

    It is going to make streaming this game very difficult if I can't do legendary voyages, and am forced to server hop for skull forts or chase other players for action.

    According to Twitter they're removing the Open/Closed Crews and invisible underwater gamertags as they suspect those two features are the cause of all the server issues.

    I wonder if the removal of item trading, Open/Closed Crews and invisible underwater gamertags are really temporary, though. Given the amount of server issues they're getting with those features, I'd be surprised if they don't outright cancel the features altogether.

  • slow claps bravo!

    Hope you guys get it fixed soon.

  • This game is still Beta maybe Alpha without any content! Change it to 0.0.7!

  • "Strike Gold - As Pirates rank up with the Gold Hoarders and Order of Souls trading companies, the chances of finding more valuable rewards has been increased. Say good-bye to those Castaway Chests at higher ranks!"

    Wile a welcome change I am curious how this will impact being able to complete the commendations for the lower level items. Will the only source for lower lever loot eventually be either crewing up with a low level player and having them supply the voyage and/or attacking lower level players?

  • @popetom There is still a small to medium chance of finding castaway chests they aren't gone, it feels just about right now after playing this afternoon.

  • @popetom said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    "Strike Gold - As Pirates rank up with the Gold Hoarders and Order of Souls trading companies, the chances of finding more valuable rewards has been increased. Say good-bye to those Castaway Chests at higher ranks!"

    Wile a welcome change I am curious how this will impact being able to complete the commendations for the lower level items. Will the only source for lower lever loot eventually be either crewing up with a low level player and having them supply the voyage and/or attacking lower level players?

    Honestly i would rather not get damn Castaways on a legendary voyage. Annoying when the outcome of a 3hr quest is less than 10 minutes of skull forting.

  • @popetom

    This was already an issue. I'm so far ahead of Castaway chests with Seafarers and Captains that I have no expectation of ever completing the commendation.

  • @popetom This is one of those time where I suggest someone should just keep their mouth shut.... maybe.

  • Level 45 GH voyage. Island had 5 captains and 1 marauder, me likey. Also got 3 grog and 2 sorrows today in a relatively short period of time.

  • @hudson-rl buy a micro

  • @khaleesibot I know some people are upset about the maintenance required after this update, but I'm not. I'm glad you're listening to the community and gradually implementing changes. Keep up the good work!

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    For updates on server status, please check our Status Page.

    This link does not seem to work for me

  • @hammeric


    Is where you want to be linked to, its not updated yet though :(

  • Is any one else not able to log in right now on xbox one

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