Ok.. That's it... I'm officially insane... #IQUIT #WHATAREYOUDOINGTOME

  • Seriously, I think I need more professional help than I may or may not currently receive....

    I have had "Islands in the Stream" duet with Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers stuck in my head since the first few days I played Sea of Thieves...

    And it's driving me batty (er)!

    Literally every day I play, which is pretty much every day lol, I group with a pal.. and within the first hour one of us is humming that song!



    Please help!

    The Curse Spreads

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  • What have you done to me....

  • @blooddoll22 Ya mongrel, you have brain washed me with that bloody song. lol

  • The trick to stopping it is to replace it with something better.

    This has been my mind worm while playing SoT for a few days ...

    The McCoys - Hang On Sloopy

  • I've had the sea shanties stuck in my head since weeks before launch. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

    So I can relate, but Islands in the Stream? That's a tough break!

  • @themuckypaw lol We sing that one, too.

  • I'm not even playing and it's stuck in my head now! Curse you!!

  • Dude, you need to sing the "I Dream of Jeannie" theme song to yourself. It's the antidote for having songs stuck in you head.

  • We should come up with songs to think about to help each other out! I've always loved Ray Stevens' Pirate song myself. I love me silver buckle slippers!

  • @blooddoll22 Got to say it's You are a Pirate from Lazy Town that gets in my head all the time! I blame my children!

    "Do what you want cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate!
    Yar Har Fiddle dee dee, being a pirate is alright with me!"

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