Barrel Disguise — A SOT Webcomic Suggestion

  • Disclaimer:
    All pictures were made with Pixton.

    As this original thread has been moved from Feedback to Fan Art category (sigh), I've moved all the textual content to another thread.
    You can click here to see the classic, wall of text version of this suggestion.

    Check my others SOT Webcomic Suggestions:
    Barrel Disguise
    Open-World Dungeons

    Lesson 1: Be more cautious!


    Lesson 2: Be more ambitious!


    Lesson 3: Be more pirate!


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  • Hi there, this category is for game feedback and suggestions. This looks like Fan Art, so I have moved it to the Fan Art category.

    We currently have a comic book series!

  • @Rare-Employee @khaleesibot It is indeed a suggestion, as well as the second thread made the same way. The only difference is that I made it illustrated to be more comforable to read than a block of text... but the purpose is not to make art at all.

    I really wish it to be considered as a suggestion, like any other.
    But if it's necessary to make it as a wall of text, I can do it too.

    Edit: Nevermind, i'll do another way...

  • Brilliant!

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