Suggestions on where to find out more?

  • Hey there!

    I once sailed the sea quite frequently, but due to the many changes to the tides of life, much of that life is in the past. Now, I have a coworker who has started his own pirate tale and I have jumped back in, only to find that the seas have change quite a lot in the last year or so.

    Is there a good source to read up or watch some info on the story, characters, and events that now inhabit the Sea of Thieves? (Or, if a loremaster is present, feel free to regale me right here!) The Reapers and Flameheart were just being introduced to the world when I was last regularly active.


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  • There is a LOT that has changed over the years, your best bets for lore changes are probably falcore, while mechanics changes would be from the official sot youtube changes, but to catch up on everything you will have a lot to sift through if you want to learn all the changes.

    Big news tho, captain flameheart is soon to return! So thats a big change to look forward to!

  • The Golden Era timeline on Merfolk's Lullaby covers the events that players have encountered from the launch of the game up to the latest adventure. You can scroll backwards from there (or start from the very top) if you're interested in the lore and backstory.

  • @longlivecayde6
    Welcome back!
    I don't want to spoil much for you, especially since you can play catch-up on some story elements within the original Tall Tales and A Pirate's Life. However, here are two links that provide background on the characters and events of the game:

    I'm not sure when you stopped playing, but I would recommend checking out the treasuries and shrines around the Sea of Thieves, as well as the Sea Forts. Rare nailed the atmosphere of those places. Golden Sands Outpost is in the process of becoming a Port Town as well; if you have the time, sail over there, it's awesome!

    I hope that helps, and I hope you and your friend have fun! Happy Sailing!

  • @lucky11
    Thank you! I will look over all of that.

    I have really enjoyed the little time I've spent back. The seas feel FILLED compared to the years prior. I started a bit before the cursed sails and played for quite some time, doing all of the pre-Pirates of the Caribbean Tall Tales. I love and am saddened by the change to Golden Sands, as that is where I became Pirate Legend. It really feels like coming back after time away to find your memories removed by the engine of progress! I do love the look of it though.

    I did my first ghost fort, loving every minute. SoT has always had my favorite music. The ghost fleet was fun too. The new mermaid additions feel like I came back to see all of the player requests answered (HA! Far from that, but some...). All in all, I am looking forward to trying to fit more time into the game. There is almost TOO much to work towards now.

    Thank you again!

  • @d3adst1ck
    Thank you! I will definitely check that out.

  • @goldsmen
    Man, I can't believe that. The return of Flameheart was the last lore tidbits I was seeing before my time of regularly playing began to end. It seems like they are building it up a lot and I am hoping to find more time to check it out. Not sure I will ever be regularly playing, as not having a pause feature can interfere with the structure of my life these days, but a little here and there will have to do!

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