looking for dedicated Crew members

  • Would love dedicated crew member(s) to play with. Can speak: English, quite a bit Scottish gaelick, barely any Swedish, and can understand but not speak most Spanish.

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  • @plagueridden460 Hey man I'm looking for the same thing! I have a friend who plays with me fairly regularly and we're hoping to find a regular 3rd/4th so we could run brigs or galleys. We both speak english and are located in SoCal, so if you're interested let me know!

  • @raucousbubble96 sounds great! What’s your gamer tags?

  • @plagueridden460 I’m not usually this dumb sorry

  • lol, sorry I just saw this, and yes my tag is raucousbubble96. I'll be on in an hour or two and I'll add ya - if you want to join send an invite or chat and I'll invite ya

    just curious where you're from and if you have a mic?

  • @raucousbubble96 I’m from near San Francisco and do have a mic. I would love to play today!

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