More sail variations

  • We only have one type of sail plan in the game: Square sails. But what if there were more?

    sail plans side by side

    With this question in mind, I have created concepts for all sail plans I could find that would work within the game.

    They are ordered starting with the most conventional sails and ending with more outlandish designs.

    Square Sail

    square sail animation

    This is the only sail plan we have in the game right now. (Or more accurately, my very simplified recreation of it.)


    studsail animation

    It’s a square sail with more sails next to the sails. The sails on the side are called studsails. This sail plan is very similar to the square sails, it is just a bit wider.

    Junk Sail

    junk sail animation

    There is one potential problem with junk sails; They don’t unfurl like square sails. With a square sail, you drop the sail from the top down to unfurl it. With a junk sail, you hoist the sail from the bottom up to unfurl it. A junk sail would always obstruct your view, regardless of how unfurled it is.

    Lateen Sail V1

    lateen sail 1 animation

    All masts carry lateen-sails, turning the brigantine into a caravell and the galleon into a xebec. The masts seem to tall with this sail plan. And there is another problem when it comes to ropes. As the sail rotates to switch sides, the lower corner flips from one side to the other. At this point, a rope attached to this corner would clip through the mast.

    Lateen Sail V2

    lateen sail 2 animation

    Mostly a square sail, with only the lowest sail of the aftmost mast replaced with a lateen sail. This turns the brigantine into a bilander and the galleon into a... well... more realistic galleon? This hints towards a problem with this sail plan; It is somewhat inconsistent with the rest of the game, because real galleons carry a lateen by default.


    staysail animation

    It’s square sails with extra sails between the masts. The sails between two masts are called staysails, the sails between the foremost mast and the bow are called jibs. This sail plan has the same problem as the Lateen Sail V2 – real galleons, brigantines or sloops carry jibs and staysails by default.

    Crabclaw Sail

    crabclaw sail animation

    These sails were used by many Austronesian cultures. They were definitely around during the age of piracy (and long before), but were almost exclusively used on multihull vessels like catamarans and outrigger boats. I don’t see this as a problem though, as Sea of Thieves isn’t overly concerned with realism anyways. And you can raise the same criticism towards the junk and lateen sail v1 too. One major advantage of this sail plan over square sails is that it barely obstructs the view from the helm.

    Ljungström Sail

    ljungström sail animation

    The biggest problems with this sail plan are:

    1. Without a yard, it is hard to read how much it is turned.

    2. It wasn’t invented until the 20th century and only ever used on small yachts with a single mast.

    3. With the sail wrapping around the ship, it obstructs the view a lot.

    More Sails?

    These are all sails I could find that met my restrictions. These restrictions are:

    1. They use the same mechanics. The default position catches wind that comes directly from behind and the sail can be turned ~90° to either side. (This restriction rules out many fore-and-aft-rigged sails like Bermudas and Gaffs.)

    2. The arrangement and height of the masts remains unchanged.

    If you know of any other sails that could work too, please tell me.

    How they could work

    I imagine these sail plans as being purely cosmetic. There would be no changes in speed, turning or handling and they would work just like the regular square rig. The only differences would be in visibility and hitbox.

    These sails would have their own cosmetic variants. This is due to two reasons.

    1. Designs that work for one sail might not work for another.

    2. There are over 150 different sails in the game. Recreating all of them for new sail plans isn’t practical.


    What do you think of these sails? And which one is your favorite?

    My favorite is the lateen sail v1, followed by the junk sail. But the easiest to implement would definitely be the studsail.

    Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to your feedback.

  • 19
    fan artfeedback
  • @danielalex3266

    Awesome suggestion! Great designs! Thumbs up from me!

    I really do enjoy your work every time mate! Keep it up!

  • Neat concept! Although I feel that whatever sail gives you the clearest view would be the one used most. Because it could give a competitive advantage.

  • @ninja-naranja said in More rigging variations:

    Neat concept! Although I feel that whatever sail gives you the clearest view would be the one used most. Because it could give a competitive advantage.

    Crabclaw for the win!

  • @danielalex3266 I love them, and wish the devs would give us more variation like this, especially since the ships are really the central part of the game and what makes it unique. My favorite is lanteen rig 2.

    I would add a set with a gaff rigged sail in (like on actual brigantines) for consideration.

  • I love these!

    More variation is always good,
    BUT they should only be cosmetic, no benefits in speed and/or benefits regarding wind angles.

  • @william-flint said in More rigging variations:

    I would add a set with a gaff rigged sail in (like on actual brigantines) for consideration.

    Gaff rigs are great, but I don't think they would work within the game. Here's an animation to illustrate the problem: (Also the sloop is a cutter now.)
    gaff rig animation
    The problem is that the gaff jumps as the ship turns into the wind.

    I can think of one workaround for this problem, but its not really elegant. Basically, you can only control the turn of the square sail that sits above the gaff. The gaff turns automatically. This also means that the gaff could swipe you off the deck, which would be quite funny to watch.

    There is also the problem that the gaff blocks the ladder to the crows nest on the sloop and brigantine.

    Then again the gaff sail looks very good on a sloop and brigantine.

  • @ghostfire1981 said in More rigging variations:

    I love these!

    More variation is always good,
    BUT they should only be cosmetic, no benefits in speed and/or benefits regarding wind angles.

    Thank you!

    That's what I thought too. Having changes in speed, turning and handling would invite lots of problems.

  • @danielalex3266

    Since the "sloop" is not a sloop in any sense I don't think it becoming a cutter would be a problem😝. But I do see what you mean with the animation.

    On another note raised here, while even the cosmetic change would be welcome (after seeing the Pearl and Dutchman, amd even the ghost galleons, going back to my basic "ship" was just depressing), I would love to see different rigs have different sailing characteristics. As long as there was a corresponding xrawback to balance the advantages of any given rigs, Indont see why it would be a problem. And it would add to the depth of strategy and required knowledge to be successful ship captains.

  • Great presentation, and you certainly know your sails better than I probably ever will, but I think the reason Rare has gone strictly with square sails is for simplicity and balance. It's easy to animate, to create cosmetic designs for, has a very simplistic setup regarding function and rigging, and is for all accounts and purposes the de facto standard expectation when 1 thinks of a typical pirate ship.

    I don't think of these as actual ships in terms of detail - more like oversized bathtub toys in the way they move and react to other things in the water (which, IMO, actually makes it better, as it elicits some great childhood memories).

  • It is very bad that there is no variety in the choice of the ship, if I am alone, then I cannot fully control the galleon or with great difficulty the brigantine. Existing ships cannot be modified in any way.

  • @galactic-geek Looking through the artbook, it seems that the decision to stick exclusivly with square sails was made quite early in development - you barely see any other sail. And I do think that it was a very sensible and reasonable decision. As you said, in terms of simplicity and balance, square sails can't be beat.

    But I think that by now, adding more rigging variations has become viable. It's similar to how costumizable cannons, capstans and steering wheels were added some time after launch.

    Don't get me wrong; The game works perfectly fine with just square sails. (Unless you are as obsessed with sails and riggings as I am.) But it could be even better if more types of rigging were added. Spending resources on something that's purely cosmetic has become more and more viable after launch.

    At least the simpler ones like Studsail and Junk Rigs. Trying to animate staysails without having them clip through the other sails all the time might still not be worth the effort. What I did was more an exhaustive list of all possible rigging types anyways. Doesn't mean that all of them have to be added, but I would love to see one or two new types of rigging.

  • @danielalex3266 I love these examples. It would make ship customisation so vast and individual.

  • @danielalex3266 I'm sure we'd all like to see something new, but there's also the question of balance - how much it obscures your view or not is a very real factor.

  • @galactic-geek said in More rigging variations:

    @danielalex3266 I'm sure we'd all like to see something new, but there's also the question of balance - how much it obscures your view or not is a very real factor.

    That's a good point.

    The largest offenders when it comes to obstruction of view are the crabclaw, which doesn't obstruct your view at all, and the ljungström, which would be like sailing with a blindfold. But those two were on the highly unconventional side anyways.

    The studsail and lateen rigs shouldn't be an issue. The studsail is slightly slimmer at the bottom, the lateen is slightly wider. (You might have noticed that the central sail on the studsail rig is a bit slimmer then the regular square sail.) Studsails and lateens wouldn't upset the balancing any more then ripped sails (like kraken sails) or the dark adventurers sails aready do.

    The junk sail is difficult to judge. Its advantage is that it is thinner then the square sail. Its disadvantages are that it unfurls the other way around (it obstructs your view even at low speeds) and that it does not billow out.

    Staysails would barely have an effect on your view from the helm.

    Balancing concerns over obstruction of view do rule out the crabclaw and ljungström, but the other rigs should be fine.

  • sail plans side by side

    I've made a quick render of all sail plans side-by-side for a galleon. They use the same order as before; The most conventional and sensible sail plans come first at the left with the more unconventional and problematic ones towards the right.

    Changes to the Lateen v2 sail plan

    lateen v2 animation

    There has been an update to the lateen v2 sail plan. In the updated design, the lateen sail is 10 degrees offset behind the square sail, allowing the square sail to overlap it.

    This would make reading how much the sail is turned a bit less clear, but it looks much better. I think it’s a worthwhile trade-off.


    It turns out I got some nautical terms wrong.


    I have used rigging or rig to describe the types and arrangements of sails. My mistake was that rigging describes masts and ropes only. The correct term is sail plan.


    I have said that the sloop with gaff sail plan is a cutter. It has one mast with a jib foresail, gaff mainsail and square topsail. But actually, it is not a cutter, because a cutter is defined by having a single mast with at least two foresails. It does fit the definition for a sloop (single mast, two or more sails). Here’s a quick render to illustrate the difference:

    sloop cutter

  • @galactic-geek said in More sail variations:

    @danielalex3266 I'm sure we'd all like to see something new, but there's also the question of balance - how much it obscures your view or not is a very real factor.

    Yup. Rare definitely cares about some sails giving and advantage with more visibility. That's why they didn't release an edgy rich guy set that gives a substantially better view than every other sail.

    Sarcasm aside, sails with better visibility are already in the game, so I don't see that argument as particularly valid.

  • All of these. I wish all of these were in the game, although I admit to moreso fancy exotic, less square seeming ones such as Lateens, Ljungström, Crabclaw and Junk, but then that's most of the designs haha.

    As for Lateens, I'd say mainly V1 would be my choice though I would argue if ever it made it into the game perhaps it would be best if we were allowed to choose each masts independently with some choices being limited in the event they clipped and didn't structurally fit well with another chosen sail.

    I love the simple thought of just having a lateen on my sloop, aaah. Have there been any news regarding new sail designs lately? The game's at season 9 now and I daresay was and is rather successful, they should have the leeway to implement such things perhaps?

    I guess it would take some time to adjust cosmetics into variants befitting whatever new sail type, maybe that stops them.

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