Bring Sea of Thieves to MAC

  • From the first time i saw that ship and herd that song I realised that i want to play SOT, but what came next was an unfortunate surprise. ITS NOT AVAILABLE TO MAC USERS. oh my lord. This moment will become a historical event as i ask you to make a MAC version for us to enjoy. We MAC users LOVE our MACS, But its our choice so MAKE SOT AVAILABLE FOR US TO ENJOY! WE SHALL SAIL TOGETHER AS ONE!!!!!!!!

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  • If your Mac is capable, all you need to do is have Windows 10 installed on it to run the game. It is pretty doubtful we'll ever see a native Mac version, and if it is like many other games that are ported over it will require higher system requirements than the Windows equivalent when running in theMac OS.

    Granted it is definitely not the perfect solution (saying this as a longtime Mac and Apple user myself), but it is likely going to be the best we'll get. I had considered buying one of the iMacs we just got in here at work for this very thing but found the video card on this model was not capable of running the game (barely missed it at that).

  • @dlchief58 Miracles happen you know))

  • @maxcarterlive said in Bring Sea of Thieves to MAC:

    @dlchief58 Miracles happen you know))

    And I have been a Mac user long enough to know when to curb expectations to a realistic level when it comes to games or programs coming to the Mac. Rare isn't going to port the game themselves (having very little if any experience working with the Mac OS) and it is very unlikely that Microsoft will enlist someone to port it over at this time. Less likely given that every new Mac can run Windows 10.

  • There are certain sacrifices that MAC users make. The ability to not have prevalent software names and make hardware choices are just a few, but gaming is another huge sacrifice. As one user said use boot camp and dual boot or try to play in a VM, but depending on your specs may make it difficult.

    SoT was specific to Windows 10 so not even older Windows systems can play it. It was just integrated into Steam use and it is a game on Project X Cloud so you maybe able to play it on a mobile device if you have a console.

  • Microsoft owns Rare. Think about it. It's like walking into a McDonalds and asking for a Whopper.

  • @maxcarterlive

    Sounds like a nice dream, But I doubt Microsoft would come together with Mac on that kind of collaboration. The easiest way to play SoT on your mac is to just use Bootcamp and partition a part of your drive to run windows 10 and SoT. The rest of the time when not playing you just run regular mac os :) you can buy windows 10 for like 25 bucks online and then you just need to save it to a flashdrive( 15gig should be enough to be safe) - then buy SoT or xbox live sub and get it for free, up to you

  • ms and apple arent the fierce competitors they may appear to be. ms saved apple from bankruptcy rather than see them go under, and ms has been one of the major software developers for apple for decades.

    that being said, its super doubtful that SoT will come to mac.

  • @maxcarterlive said in Bring Sea of Thieves to MAC:

    From the first time i saw that ship and herd that song I realised that i want to play SOT, but what came next was an unfortunate surprise. ITS NOT AVAILABLE TO MAC USERS. oh my lord. This moment will become a historical event as i ask you to make a MAC version for us to enjoy. We MAC users LOVE our MACS, But its our choice so MAKE SOT AVAILABLE FOR US TO ENJOY! WE SHALL SAIL TOGETHER AS ONE!!!!!!!!

    some people say mac users are hackers

  • I strongly agree, I know you can get something to run windows on Mac but they're just so expensive and its just an inconvenience to get them. It would be in many peoples favor if you made it compatible for Mac users

  • @tinyniffler said in Bring Sea of Thieves to MAC:

    they're just so expensive and its just an inconvenience

    Are you talking about Apple products in general? :D

    PS. This thread is over a year old, it's about to get the lock.

  • @maxcarterlive
    U can try with bootcamp and installing windows 10 on your MAC, but it will be much more stressed. Otherwise, you can try to play using XCloud, but you need a very good internet connection.

  • Ahoy maties!

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