Tall Tale Flags

  • If you're doing a Tall Tale, it would be nice to have an option to fly a flag letting others know you are doing a Tall Tale.

    I think it might actually help reduce Tall Tale crews being attacked.

    I don't do them very often, but I always feel a little bad after sinking a ship who only had Tall Tale items.

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  • I really think there is nothing that can be done at this point. With all that’s been added it’s the nature of the game. On a TT the only real threat to failure is another player. Otherwise it’s just go until your done. Except for the few TT where you can lose based on a certain condition.

    Players always go about this game wrong. Don’t look at another crew during a tall tale as players. Look at them as advanced AI that you’ve randomly encountered.

  • My idea of a private server might help. https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/116794/private-server-idea-for-those-who-really-want-it-i-am-indifferent

  • Meh, that cutlass cuts both ways as a TT flag could also lead to ships being attacked more just for the salt.

    In a pinch, I'd just use the Bilge Rat flag as that signifies almost the same thing.

  • Private servers don't help here, they just split the player base. No Bueno.

    I agree that this could go either way, but if it's optional, I could see it being helpful. Most players who want to sink other ships for loot would probably go after TT flags less as those doing a TT tend to carry very little loot.

    Then again, I could see people starting a TT, setting the flag and just using it as a guard while they do other questing.

  • As long as it’s just a flag, why not? More flag options are good. Naturally, some people will ignore the flag and attack regardless. They’d attack anyway, so nothing lost. Some will use the flag as a deception, either for offense or defense. All part of the game!

  • The checkpoints r coming though

  • @xx-mirth-xx it's not a bad idea

  • @xx-mirth-xx sagte in Tall Tale Flags:

    If you're doing a Tall Tale, it would be nice to have an option to fly a flag letting others know you are doing a Tall Tale.

    I think it might actually help reduce Tall Tale crews being attacked.

    I don't do them very often, but I always feel a little bad after sinking a ship who only had Tall Tale items.

    As much as I sympathize with you and this logical idea, I must say it is not the case that Tall Tale ships are always unrewarding.
    That may sound strange but I like the quest-items just for decorative reasons. ;)

    The special chests and other thinks I might find.
    Not that me or my bro are aggressive player chasing people down.
    Around every 22th ship we face may be a Tall Tale ship which was just being unlucky to behave suspiciously.

    We sink first and ask later.

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    if you hoist it i will check before i attack on sight!

    in the very beginning we had some flag codes and inofficial loose pirate rules not all but some respected.

    blue was the " i do PvE" flag until the bilge rat flag got released.

  • I think it would be cool to create the "tall tales" mode, as there is the arena that is only PVP, a tall tales mode would be nice, without being able to find the treasures of the adventure mode.

  • I wish flags were easier to identify at distance.

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