Naming ships

  • Hi,
    I was thinking of what I thought might be a good idea to add to the game. What if we could name our ships. There is a sign outside the captains quarters which should have the name on it on a galleon, and on a sloop it could just go on the side, it doesn't really matter but I just think it would bring the player closer to the game. There isn't really any reason not to as you can name your pets and I would really like this implemented but if not then that is fine. However, there are names of the ships in shipwrecks on islands and off and it just seems like there should be naming on the ship itself. Also, when you get into a battle with another ship or if it comes close, the name could pop up to show you who you are dealing with. Thanks.

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    story & lore
  • @wafflecraft1066 hi there ! Great idea it is. Pretty sure this is a future update . I know this has been talked about many times. Years ago “captaincy” was talked about being in this game:

  • @dutchdeadschot Hi, thanks for the info but that was 2 years ago so it is kind of about time rare took this into consideration. If they don't implement it until a while I don't really mind but I just think it would be great!

  • @wafflecraft1066 I think it's a great idea. I'm not sure about custom names as how would you regulate that. I wouldn't want to roll up on some ship called some curse word or slur. Perhaps enable names that mean certain things you get from achievements or something. I'm not sure. I can just see naming being abused.

  • @ronin20 I completely agree however this also goes for naming pets. Perhaps there could be a choice of descriptions and then a noun. eg: Silver be the first word then monkey be the second. It would limit the amount of rudeness people could go to and mean that sea of thieves could prompt the players to a certain kind of naming.

  • @ronin20 said in Naming ships:

    @wafflecraft1066 I think it's a great idea. I'm not sure about custom names as how would you regulate that. I wouldn't want to roll up on some ship called some curse word or slur. Perhaps enable names that mean certain things you get from achievements or something. I'm not sure. I can just see naming being abused.

    @wafflecraft1066 said in Naming ships:

    @ronin20 I completely agree however this also goes for naming pets. Perhaps there could be a choice of descriptions and then a noun. eg: Silver be the first word then monkey be the second. It would limit the amount of rudeness people could go to and mean that sea of thieves could prompt the players to a certain kind of naming.

    Nah they should just allow custom names, same thing they did for pets or usernames, just a filter to filter out bad words :)

  • @mentimjojo Yes actually that makes complete sense.

  • Well if you look at another ship through a telescope right now then it plays a spooky tune, so maybe that is a hint that we will be able to name our ships and then see a titlecard when looks at them through telescopes 🤷‍♂️

  • @wafflecraft1066 I suppose a filter might solve some of the naming concerns. However, more i think about it having names associated with an achievement or accomplishing somthing great is growing on me. I mean since there is no progression in this game the only way to show what you have done or accomplished is what we wear and the tags we have. Imagine having the ship name crimson flame or somthing to show you have sank 50 enemy ships in the devils roar. People see that and realize your no slouch. That's a much more interesting use of potential naming imo.

  • @ronin20 Now I think about it that really does sound cool. Perhaps they could incorperate both of the ideas into one. for example you name your ship the flame, then you get the word crimson before it when you do the achievement. It could work really well by showing you are good while also having variety in the ones you find, otherwise everyone would have the same.

  • @wafflecraft1066 nice idea with the combination of both. Perhaps even different color or designs around the name, like on the placard. Rare ones would have interesting design around the name. Common ones just primary colors or somthing.

  • @ronin20 maybe there could be certain music depending on the name. Like if they have the name for killing it could be sinister but if it is for i don't know, if you get a name for fishing it could be nice. Maybe that's a bit overboard.

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