Lets talk about the Brigantine. Why is sloop most popular solo choice?

  • Does anybody use the brigantine as a solo?

    If not why do you favor it over the sloop?

    I never see solo brigantine streamers and im assuming its purely for the pvp aspect.

    However, if you are solo and going up against a crew surely you are at a huge disadvantage anyways right? So would the smarter and less dangerous play be to stalk them from afar and rowboat keg them when they are unaware

    If its a solo slooper who is running away, you can catch them super quick too.

    meanwhile...taking full advantage of the brigantines speed to chase down PVE ships and such and escape pirates.

    Sloop is the better ship for solo pvp sure.
    However, the brigantine just seems to be the overall be a better ship to sail.

    Whats your thoughts?

    Why is sloop more popular?

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  • The people who solo Brigantines are the same people who hose their fries down with ketchup, dip fries in mayo, and eat pizza sideways. Animals, the lot of them.

  • Soloing a brig puts you at a massive disadvantage. Forget about PVP, the PVE will get you. Krakens are harder.
    You will have skelly galleys spawn on you. They put multiple cannon balls in you and you are out. Soloing a bring? You crazy? 🤔🤣

  • @daringclarky I love the brig, it is by far my favorite ship. But I rarely use it for solo play, usually only when I am doing a short tall tale or want to get to x location for whatever reason, and then I choose it for it's speed.

    When I actually want to play the game on my own I go with a sloop, because playing alone negates all the brig's advantages. Sure it is fast in a streight line, but when the wind shifts or when you have to change direction you loose alot pf ground gained in having to make adjustments to multiple sails, all of which move slower than those on a sloop.

    The sloop has a significant advantage in terms of agility, which is very important when sailing alone.

    The brig is probably the easiest ship to keep afloat, but for one player to do so with significant damage they have to continually bail. Which is fine when you have another crew member who can return to the ship to patch holes. But alone you can't both patch holes and bail. The sloop on.tje other hand, is easier to bail a few buckets, than go fix a hole, and repeat. Or even bail a few buckets, run on deck and fire off a few shots or make a course correction, then go back to bailing.

    Finally the game always has the chance of pvp encounters. So even when planning to pve I prefer to have a ship that will leave me in the best position I can be in for pvp. Which means when I am alone, the sloop. I will happily duo a brig though.

  • @nabberwar thems fighting words (about ketchup on fries, I grant you the rest).

  • @nabberwar said in Lets talk about the Brigantine. Why is sloop most popular solo choice?:

    The people who solo Brigantines are the same people who hose their fries down with ketchup, dip fries in mayo, and eat pizza sideways. Animals, the lot of them.

    Shockingly accurate...thats exactly how i eat fries. Dip them in mayo and cake them in salt and ketchup 😂😂😂

  • @qu1etone said in Lets talk about the Brigantine. Why is sloop most popular solo choice?:

    Soloing a brig puts you at a massive disadvantage. Forget about PVP, the PVE will get you. Krakens are harder.
    You will have skelly galleys spawn on you. They put multiple cannon balls in you and you are out. Soloing a bring? You crazy? 🤔🤣

    Ive done a few fleets in the brigantine.
    If they anchor ball me its game over.

    But if i have both sails down and full left or right lock, after 5 mins or so all the ships are trailing behind me and im in their blind spot.

    Slightly raise main sail a tad to shorten your turning circle then lower again.
    Do this repeatedly you can hit them and they cant hit you

    You get peppered for about 5 solid minutes though until they get into position.

    You are right though its still a nightmare.

  • @daringclarky did some fleets solo in a sloop anchor balls are the worst :D ,can be also game over on sloop...

    topic:i use the sloop cause its solo less work and better for pvp

  • @william-flint said in Lets talk about the Brigantine. Why is sloop most popular solo choice?:

    @daringclarky I love the brig, it is by far my favorite ship. But I rarely use it for solo play, usually only when I am doing a short tall tale or want to get to x location for whatever reason, and then I choose it for it's speed.

    When I actually want to play the game on my own I go with a sloop, because playing alone negates all the brig's advantages. Sure it is fast in a streight line, but when the wind shifts or when you have to change direction you loose alot pf ground gained in having to make adjustments to multiple sails, all of which move slower than those on a sloop.

    The sloop has a significant advantage in terms of agility, which is very important when sailing alone.

    The brig is probably the easiest ship to keep afloat, but for one player to do so with significant damage they have to continually bail. Which is fine when you have another crew member who can return to the ship to patch holes. But alone you can't both patch holes and bail. The sloop on.tje other hand, is easier to bail a few buckets, than go fix a hole, and repeat. Or even bail a few buckets, run on deck and fire off a few shots or make a course correction, then go back to bailing.

    Finally the game always has the chance of pvp encounters. So even when planning to pve I prefer to have a ship that will leave me in the best position I can be in for pvp. Which means when I am alone, the sloop. I will happily duo a brig though.

    Yeah that makes sense.
    Im so torn between the two.

    I love the speed of the brig and when i sloop it its like im having withdrawal. I just feel so slow. But you are probably right, the ground i gain ill lose if i need to change direction. Thats probably spot on.

  • If I were to seriously respond rather than meme, I would say this. For what little you gain getting on Brig you lose more than what you gain from a Sloop.

    First, you lose speed of actions when it comes to ship management. You lift Anchor slower, adjust sails slower, and wheel turns slower when compared to a Sloop. Since these are slower, you now have a smaller margin of error when it comes to sinking.

    An anchoring is much more deadly if you get caught. Along with that, any of the Ship Damage 2.0 attacks are deadlier as well. It takes longer to repair those now.

    The environment also scales, so while most could solo those events, that doesn't change the fact that its harder to deal with when you tack on fighting real players. If the attacking ship is competent, probably plan to sink because you now have to deal with scaling ship damage 2.0 on top of dealing with extra damage from the environment.

    Some arguments I hear from the animals that are pro-solo Brig are its faster and bails easier. While the first may be true, it takes longer for you to actually use that speed. By the time you adjust your sails, that pursing ship has already been sailing on max wind for longer than you. Just like any other ship, you are only fastest in one type of wind. If your dealing with any other ship, even another Brig, they can have sails adjusted so much faster than you. The comment on bailing remains untrue. One can only bucket as fast as the animation allows. One can obtain the same bailing speed on both ships. So it doesn't bail faster.

    Just stick with the near indestructible Sloop.

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