Don't bring a sword to a gun fight.

  • This is a double gun game, if Rare wanted it different they would have changed it by now. Only thing sword users have in their favor is bad hit markers. If they fixed that it would be even more lopsided.

    Do yourself a favor stop running into my blunderbuss with a sword it is rediculous.

  • 11
  • @droper666 well rare is working on the double gun quick shot issue, however i do agree running into a blunderbuss is a bad thing to do if you value your life

  • @callmebackdraft said in Don't bring a sword to a gun fight.:

    @droper666 well rare is working on the double gun quick shot issue, however i do agree running into a blunderbuss is a bad thing to do if you value your life

    unless you get caught unaware and then it makes sense.

  • Running into a blunderbuss is always a bad idea, but boy is it fun to slash up double gunners with a sword and laugh as they cry on their way to the ferry.

    I’ve been surprised at how little double gunners I’ve seen this week. Only 1 crew out of a couple dozen that we’ve sunk was running double guns.

  • @daddy-sanctus said in Don't bring a sword to a gun fight.:

    Running into a blunderbuss is always a bad idea, but boy is it fun to slash up double gunners with a sword and laugh as they cry on their way to the ferry.

    I’ve been surprised at how little double gunners I’ve seen this week. Only 1 crew out of a couple dozen that we’ve sunk was running double guns.

    I've seen zero

  • I find double gunners the most toxic people as they talk the most trash. Nothing gives me more pleasure than killing them with a sword as they bunny hop across their ship thinking they're cool. Then they get mad and tell me to stop sword spamming lol.

    Honestly, the sword should be mandatory imo, this isn't Fortnite or CoD.

  • A decent bait post, but lacks subtlety.

    6 out of 10

  • @droper666 said in Don't bring a sword to a gun fight.:

    This is a double gun game, if Rare wanted it different they would have changed it by now. Only thing sword users have in their favor is bad hit markers. If they fixed that it would be even more lopsided.

    Do yourself a favor stop running into my blunderbuss with a sword it is rediculous.

    Your spelling is ridiculous...

  • @rev-humpjoy said in Don't bring a sword to a gun fight.:

    I find double gunners the most toxic people as they talk the most trash. Nothing gives me more pleasure than killing them with a sword as they bunny hop across their ship thinking they're cool. Then they get mad and tell me to stop sword spamming lol.

    Honestly, the sword should be mandatory imo, this isn't Fortnite or CoD.

    Although the OP is an obvious bait post that I'm sure is soon to be locked. I agree, the DG using pirates that I met in the past did tend to be on the more toxic end of the spectrum. Probably why they used DG, they thought it was OP and figured it would be the most effective way to bully people. There is never any shortage of sad, damaged human beings whose only pleasure in life comes from trying to get a reaction out of other people. Don't sweat 'em, when they turn off their games they're stuck in their heads with themselves. I can imagine no worse punishment.

    There are some legitimate uses for two guns (gold skelies as a solo etc.) but I think we all know the sorts of players you mean

  • @droper666 I se a sword and a pistol get lots of kills thank you.

  • @droper666 and the pistol only shot!

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