The Obsidian capstan competition is wrong

  • They might add it in other ways in the future and if they will then fine if not its just unfair!
    Only 52 players can get it and only from UK?
    No one had a problem to charge 60$ from me back then and now when i dont even have a chance to get it.
    Again if there would be ways in the future to get it to all of us then im good but if not its pretty ugly

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  • I had to go looking for this as I totally missed the retweet from SoT...

    Wow... that is poor form, Rare.

    I hope, expect, this is just an limited time thing and there will be other chances to unlock it. It makes no sense to give away 5 of 6 items to all players through watching streams, only to limit the 6th item completing the set to only 52 players and through a totally different type of promotion.

    The DBH banjo promotion was borderline but this is just a really bad move.

  • hey do not get me wrong I would love to have this Capstan. but I would way better the one I really earned sailing the seas with a Athena quest active' if that was the thing I needed to do for it? I own the golden one I am still fighting to down 500 Pirate ships and earn the golden cannons though. do not get me wrong I have the steering wheel the cannons and I only need the capstan in Obsidian I would love to have it but I be much better of showing off my full sett of Athena add ons because they really take so much time and skill I still need to kill around 150 pirate ships. skill. that's a cool thing to flex. some thing you really done some work for not just begging and hoping they would give it to you any time you are around to earn it. and believe me I would love to have the Capstan to dude. I am just saying I rather flex hard earned skins. hope this makes any sense :P

  • @realstyli said in The Obsidian capstan competition is wrong:

    I had to go looking for this as I totally missed the retweet from SoT...

    Wow... that is poor form, Rare.

    I hope, expect, this is just an limited time thing and there will be other chances to unlock it. It makes no sense to give away 5 of 6 items to all players through watching streams, only to limit the 6th item completing the set to only 52 players and through a totally different type of promotion.

    The DBH banjo promotion was borderline but this is just a really bad move.

    Its not poor form it's poor marketing. I don't know who Rares targeted audience is, cus it ain't as hell the playerbase with lives. I guess we don't make up the majority of their income ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • hey guy's do be such hard behinds we al know this stuff will come back some day. Mjehh I did hope I would get it maybe for logging in every day during the season of giving. to bad If I do not I will never make a Twitter account again. there will be more chances believe me peeps. I am always not lucky in games because I am lucky in Love.

  • it really does not look that pretty any way. mjehhh

  • Hey i did just enter I will just get new E.mail when I will not win. Its getting time for a whole new refresh any way.

  • @c0uric said in The Obsidian capstan competition is wrong:

    it really does not look that pretty any way. mjehhh

    Hahahaha but for all of us the collectors its just cruel to get it only if you're lucky.

  • @faceyourdemon it's a first release, we all know they will attach it to a stream that you have to watch from someone else's home on a full moon with only 1 light on...

  • From the Terms & Conditions...

    This free prize draw is open to residents of the United Kingdom, Eire, the Channel Islands, North America and mainland Europe except employees of the Titan Entertainment Group and anyone else connected with the free prize draw and their families.

    Not limited to the UK. That aside, it will most likely be given out at some other point in time for free same as the other pieces.

  • Again, ive said that if it comes back in the future were good.

  • I'm outraged. You have to enter a damned competetition for this capstan I've been waiting for for who knows how long?!

  • First the banjo behind a $34 paywall.

    Now the capstan behind a regional-wall to only 52 players.


  • They did give out the Obsidian Cannon on two occasions so there may still be an opportunity to get the capstan in the near future too.

  • If you read the pundits on so many other threads, this game is dying. There are probably only 52 players left. ;-)

  • @surveyorpete said in The Obsidian capstan competition is wrong:

    If you read the pundits on so many other threads, this game is dying. There are probably only 52 players left. ;-)

    hahahaahha nice thanks for the laugh it was good.
    I think that the game is doing well, its just not intended for everyone and we should be glad you dont want GTA community here i wont include Rust community because they are actually special :)
    New player on Rust: Hey man whatsup?
    Rust player: shut up you &#$^(! I will %#$# your ^$$#@#@#%^&# and ^(##$@#$ quick death.

  • Is this the point that this game has arrived to? Really a company that promised us a game based on cosmetics, are making us kill each other for a simple ship cosmetic part?¿?¿

    Players, US, should be able to dress however the **** we want!! And not have to spend more money on ur "special" cosmetics. UGGGHHH... For Kraken's SAKE.

    So tired of this "exclusivity" in a game that lacks on everything.
    SO Tired of all this things.

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • @nukdar

    Eh, wait till they're giving it out on a stream. Run the stream on your phone while you play video games or watch TV for an hour or so.

    I'd rather do that than have to go out and buy tons of Mountain Dew and Doritos.

  • @baca-Hombre WT* dude, I cant tag your user name because "baca" with v, its considered a bad word.... No comments.
    Yeah, I prefer that too. But that's not how a game based in cosmetics should work at all, in my opinion... They just create special cosmetics for this kind of things. Like really? They have a game to fill, they just cant realease cosmetics like this.

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • @nukdar

    I can see what your saying, I guess it just hasn't been widespread enough to bother me yet.

    Mostly it's all been centered around one or two sets. The obsidian set in particular they've been drip feeding the pieces since launch.

    I will say that if they start doing this with even more new cosmetic sets, then I will be upset. But for now I'm okay with it.

    Still, always gotta keep an eye on that slippery slope.

  • I just hope the capsan and wheel are easier to obtain in the future, if I had both I'd rock the entire set! I missed out on so many exclusives already, at least having a beautiful ship set like this would be really cool.

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