A noob in my side (FOTD rant)

  • I play on a solo sloop 99% of the time. I’ve done FOTD raid solo twice now, but decided I might as well open the crew for extra eyes and guns. Especially since there was a brig and sloop on the horizon.

    First person joins, they have a name like “Player48826844692924” (just a bunch of randomly spammed numbers), once they’re loaded in they take a banana and just stand there in the lower deck looking around, I get their attention by slashing at them. They follow me up but when I’m in the water I see them running in circles near the capstan and wheel (must’ve not seen or heard me jump in the water). I shoot at them to get their attention again, and they follow me up to the fort. Once the raid starts I quickly check the lanterns like usual, and get the active one. The guy tries shooting at invulnerable green skeletons over and over, gets swarmed and dies at the beginning of the first wave (I was running after the gunners). He respawns and comes back up no problem, only to die in the second wave to red skeletons, same reason. He leaves.

    Second person joins (some weird name I can’t remember), big fat mustache and unkempt hair, wearing a white dress, very odd. Have to get their attention too. Same issues, they try attacking invulnerable skellies, and at no point catch on that you need to use the different lanterns (even as they see me changing mine and stunning the skellies with it then shooting. This person spams the sword for some reason, even on sword skeletons that are just blocking non-stop. They die once, after which I hear cannon fire, I return to the ship to find the sloop parked up and firing. I get on, repair ship, get into a better angle, fire back. He boards my sloop only to die in a sword duel. The noob respawns at this point. Once the enemy respawns and starts firing again, I spam “Man the cannons!” while getting an angle again (enemy moved slightly). Noob straight up loads the right cannon as the sloop is pummelling us from the left, and just stares out into the fort’s pier. I run down and try to get his attention by swinging, all he does in response is gets more cannonballs from the barrel and goes back on the right cannon. I get thrown off by a cannonball, then hear him die and he leaves.

    I pummel the sloop with a few firebombs and he goes running off into the horizon with his entire top deck covered in tall flames. Tried to board my ship again and I just blunderbussed him.

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    xbox onejust for fungeneral
  • @josiah4294 Have you tried actually speaking to the person instead of splashing them ? If you talked to them you would be able to explain what is happen.

  • @illbushido305 said in A noob in my side (FOTD rant):

    @josiah4294 Have you tried actually speaking to the person instead of splashing them ? If you talked to them you would be able to explain what is happen.

    prolly he didn't

  • @josiah4294 and try some talking then see how far you get not trying to be mean

  • @closinghare208 exactly, and he’s complaining about his teammates no knowing what to do when all he had to do was talk to them like a person. But he instead decides to sit back and splash them and expect them to know what is happening.

  • @illbushido305 said in A noob in my side (FOTD rant):

    @closinghare208 exactly, and he’s complaining about his teammates no knowing what to do when all he had to do was talk to them like a person. But he instead decides to sit back and splash them and expect them to know what is happening.

    true he needs to learn how to deal with new players or open crews

  • "Slashing" not splashing. As in swinging at them with a sword. I don't see how that's "being mean".

    Also I don't see why I should explain to a human being that if someone is attacking from the left, you should mount the left cannon.

    Also you can't just assume every new player that joins is new. I'd rather hope they know the basics and get angry at them if they don't. And talking is not always an option. They could be in a party and not hear you.

    If I tell someone "Mount the cannons!" in phrase chat, and they mount the obviously wrong cannon, that's their fault not mine.

    As for the first guy, the statues and ghostly arms are there for a reason. If the player didn't even know the concept of making a shadow skeleton vulnerable, they really shouldn't be joining random crews.

  • This is maybe to be expected with open crew. I joined a few galleon open crews and it's never been a great experience with me basically doing the work of 3 players as they aimlessly run around ignoring me.

    I haven't tried this myself but I see a lot of people forming crews in the discord. Maybe just try chatting around and see if you can find a group that likes to play and knows the basics of the game when you're doing forts.

    The in game team finder isn't that amazing in my opinion.

    I've had very similar stories of being bewildered at how completely useless(or even detrimental if they won't get off the wheel or canon you need) - but mostly I see it as an issue when playing duo sloop arena since I can't just turn teammates off entirely there.

  • @josiah4294 a LFG post would be much better in this situation. You'd get someone who atleatst knows your doing FoTD

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