Strategy for solo brigging skelly galleons and kracken

  • I solo sloop but i am having a dihlemma.

    I love the speed of the brig, but it sinks so much faster fighting the PVE enemies and pvpers.

    Now this is purely for solo...

    I can kill skelly galleons and krackens easily solo on a sloop.
    Brig, Not so much.

    So i must change my strategy.
    So what have you found as the most successful strategy for fighting these enemies?

    On a sloop fighting a galleon i just do a full circle and pelt the ship with balls and repair and it does the trick easily. This hasnt worked for me well on a brig.

    Kracken i just shoot the tentacles and bail and repair, its easy.
    This doesnt work well on a brig though.

    Whats the best strategy for solo brig?

    (Please dont reply, dont solo. Its my playstyle and i enjoy it, so i just want an answer to my question)

    Is it even possible to do this in a brig?

    Interested to know.

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  • @daringclarky You have to accept that you will be at a disadvantage against these enemies and will need to keep your distance and use terrain to your advantage to force skeleton ships to divert then reengage when you have an angle / are all repaired.

    Carrying kegs on board can help make quick work of some skeleton ships if you flee from them while sailing with sails down, but it puts you at risk of pvp boarders.

    Krakens you will just have to run from mostly, turn 180 degrees and head back out of the ink the way you came or full billow if its to your left or right.

    Against other players, you will want to keep your ship moving slow and keep your distance to prevent boarders. Try to draw out your opponent and use cursed cannonballs strategically. Only engage them after they mess up boarding or if you know you have a supply advantage. Aim for their deck to even the player disadvantage.

  • @calicorsaircat Thanks :)

  • @DaringClarky

    Against skellie ships, first thing I do is raise the front sail.
    I deploy the front sail only to traverse across the map.
    Brig is like a dragster, slow it down for better agility. Skellie ships employ movement cheats anyways, so it's not about speed.
    Stay out of the enemy broadside and pound them under the waterline, skellies don't bail.
    Or bucket water on them as you ram them.

    I'm having difficulty myself killing Karen with a brig.
    Drop both sails and angle for maximum pull out of the ink.
    Fight from outside the edge.

  • Solo brig vs kraken is (to me at least) nice challenge, I always take it although not always I win.

    Skelly ships I always kill, when they are spawning just put 10 cannons to lower deck and they'll be about done, I prefer to sink ships with cannons.
    If you ain't that kind of shot point downwind, run and skellies will go into pursuit, hop of with keg and board them.
    Or park it by an appropriately large island as they circle around you exchange cannons knowing you rep they don't eventually so you are bound to sink them with plenty of time to fix your ship before they come around again.

    Solo brig is definitely nice for deliveries, speed running missions and running away from everyone, potentially hit&runs. Also bucketing & steering is easier than on sloop.
    Solo brig is better than sloop in almost every aspect except pvp.

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