Pirate legends

  • Yet again they attack us at a skull fort im fed up of this madness the game needs a private server now it’s getting way out of hand with them, it’s not just me who wants a private server it’s other people and these pirate legends are ruining the game for other players all I want is to make money but I can’t do it with all these other players trying to attack our crew, plz plz get a private server to prevent upsetting players.

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  • Why is your fun more important then theirs? You're at a contested objective. Why are you surprised other people will fight for it? Since when does being a Pirate Legend force you to stop playing the game?

  • @nabberwar I hate them

  • I makes me rage quit and say stuff and that’s not all I’m so angry I can’t even fight them

  • @xx-elite-kb
    Mate, one of the core aspect of this game is encountering people who will sink you and steal their loot. The sea's are full of people who don't want to be friendly, and will fight to secure loot. Sure some people are friendly. However if you can't handle the unfriendly encounters, I'd suggest finding a different game.

  • @xx-elite-kb said in Pirate legends:

    I makes me rage quit and say stuff and that’s not all I’m so angry I can’t even fight them

    So maybe calm down a little? This is far from a serious game; its actually a silly game and that's why its fun.

  • I’m fed up all I want is peace on the seas

  • @xx-elite-kb
    Sounds dull.

  • Me and my friend Gary hate it we both want peace

  • Yeah please introduce private servers, I so want to play Sea of Carebears. Also it would be great if instead of having to play the game (and learning how to play the game) could the developers just introduce a button that I click and I get gold and pirate legend status automatically?

    Edit: Also it would be good if the developers also introduce a system for those not wanting to play on private servers to be safe from attack from other players. Something simple like if another player wants to attack your ship they should have to legally serve on you a formal letter of engagement requesting a confrontation and giving you 14 days to respond before they can attack. That will give us all enough time to finish our play session, have some drinks in the pub at the Outpost, and enjoy a completely safe experience so that we can achieve pirate legend status without actually having done anything hard.

  • Sometimes need a little luck with a friendly server and make some allies and scout for mean pirates before doing a skullfort

  • People love trolling and it’s nit fare.

  • @xx-elite-kb It's called "Sea of Thieves" not "Sea of Peace". You prob want flowers and hugs instead of guns and bullets too? The best part about this game is that it's an equal playing field. If you are good then you have put your time in and are in fact better. Maybe you just need to learn a better tactic.

  • @nabberwar
    Everyone complains about how sparse the seas are and the minute a sloop shows up they blast them out of the game. Suddenly it's just you the Kraken, Ghost ships and Megaladon again - boring. Let the seas populate before culling.

    I'new and want to learn the game on my terms, not in a ship with a bunch of kids - so I chose solo sloop. I suggest that the sloop have a real upwind advantage and that if we lack MIGHT then our option is FLIGHT. In time and with experience I'll be a more interesting combatant.

    We have Pirates but no Navies - Instead of Ghost Ships springing out of nowhere with unlimited cursed balls, why not a naval patrol? Possible alliances to ambush or convoy with?

  • This is what the game is all about matey. If yer havin’ trouble then build an alliance and get their help!

  • About Sea of Thieves:
    "Exotic islands. Hidden treasures. Riddles, battles and shanties. The essential pirate experience.
    Sea of Thieves is a new type of MULTIPLAYER GAME that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER OTHER CREWS... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?
    " - Source HERE

    Also, I recommend you reading my post HERE about servers and other stuff

  • @captn-crushem I just want to say that the name of the game is a really poor excuse to use to try and justify really abhorrent behavior and the fact that so many people use it. It makes it too easy for people who log into the game and pretty much break all the rules of the pirate code can then come here and say but the name is THIEVES DURRRRRRRR.

    See how it sounds?

  • @furgawdsake said in Pirate legends:

    I'new and want to learn the game on my terms, not in a ship with a bunch of kids - so I chose solo sloop. I suggest that the sloop have a real upwind advantage and that if we lack MIGHT then our option is FLIGHT. In time and with experience I'll be a more interesting combatant.

    The sloop does have an advantage sailing into the wind. Put your sails back to the starting position (sometimes known as setting sails to stupid) and watch as you pull away.

    Solo slooping is still harder than crewing up with others though.

  • @xx-elite-kb said in Pirate legends:

    Yet again they attack us at a skull fort im fed up of this madness the game needs a private server now it’s getting way out of hand with them, it’s not just me who wants a private server it’s other people and these pirate legends are ruining the game for other players all I want is to make money but I can’t do it with all these other players trying to attack our crew, plz plz get a private server to prevent upsetting players.

    Go play a different game!
    That’s all I can say to post like this for now on .

    Edit .. also I don’t want to ever fight skeletons so I’ll just keep letting players do the fort for me then blow them up with the mega keg and take the rest of the loot. Lol that’s how we have started doing forts for the past few weeks. It’s tons of fun you should try it!

  • @targasbr We have talked about this before and I have brought both of the examples before. They only mention anytype of PvP in one sentence on the game page in the store and only one sentence on the The Game tab here on this website. I would not read this and think to myself, huh, this is going to be a pretty heavy PvP centered title when there are 3 paragraphs talking about the PvE part of the game and only one sentence talking about the multiplayer side. But that that isn't really on-topic to this post as that is more about how Rare has handled their advertising for SoT.

    Yes, you can encounter other crews but I don't really think that is what is causing people anguish here, it's how these people act. Not the fact that you can. But how they are acting. For a casual, family friendly adventure game, the community sure has turned out to be much more akin to a Rust/ARK toxic community.

  • Ahoy there,
    Did u say family friendly? the game encourages pirating which I'd like to remind you all, involves being deceitful, stealing from others, killing/ massacring others, pillaging, causing fear, and abusing alcohol. But to mainly respond to the main topic, yes some have asked for private servers, but I assure you that the majority of the community do not want an part of private servers. I agree, something needs to be done about crew mate griefers and trolls, but all else is fair play in the sea of thieves. Devs, since the beginning have expressed their desire to have player vs player combat in a shared world.

  • @shinten-rai I am trying to picture THIEVES DURRRRRR as a game. A lot of funny images are coming to mind.

    But seriously, it's an open world sandbox pvp game that's focus is pirates. Then people like you write posts complaining about other better pirates stealing your stuff. Do you see how dumb that sounds? The only real option for those people is to become better Thieves (pirates) ;)

    and for good measure here is the defenition of PIRATE

    noun: pirate; plural noun: pirates

    1. a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.
  • @shinten-rai I do not disagree with you that the community is toxic, unfortunately many people here end up making personal attacks when we disagree with them. However, this is not the point in this post.

    We currently have MUCH more PvE than PvP. I usually play a lot every day. On average 4 hours a day, and on weekends, usually from 12 to 16 hours playing. In a week I have about 3 to 5 hours of PvP itself. Overall, near the forts. Far from the fort we rarely see players in PvP, when we see, are like the ones I found yesterday, I was attacked by two (only two? Yes!) Players in a galleon while I was on a sloop. They saw that I had nothing, yet they continued. I warned them, said I did not want to fight either. They insisted, the result? It was cool to see them sink and still offend me by the game chat.

    As I said in another post, there are a dozen ways to avoid being attacked, and a dozen solutions that can please both sides. But definitely, private servers are not needed. Not only are they not necessary as they go against the proposal of the game.

  • @red0demon0 It's available to all ages and the graphics appeal to children. Everything about the mechanics are easy enough for a child to be able to do. You can't actually kill anyone they just turn to smoke. There is no actual graphic display of gore. Pretty sure Rare made this game to be accessible to families as well to hardcore gamers.

    And Mario Kart is a game about illegal drag racing in which you can then get weapons to throw at your opponents. And that is a family friendly game, don't get too caught up in the name or the fact that you a pirate there, friend.

  • @captn-crushem Thank you for validating my point, sir. If you were being spawn camped on your boat, well the name of the game is Thieves, right? I can just totally hide behind that and be free of whatever accusations anyone throws at me, even Rare!

    The fact you turned around and indirectly called me bad by implying I need to get better is exactly the type of attitude people have problems with.

  • Pve and PvP server isn’t going to hurt anyone.let everyone enjoy the game how they want to.if they don’t like PvP that’s fine if they do that’s fine.its just a game so everyone should be able to enjoy the way they want to it’s not going to ruin anyone’s life if they have different servers unless u don’t have a life then you better get one.IT’S A GAME!!!!

  • @shinten-rai So "Sea of Thieves" and your ficticious game "Thieves DUUUURRR" are completely different games lol.

    The defenition of PIRATE

    noun: pirate; plural noun: pirates

    1. a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.

    Defenition of thieve

    verb: thieve; 3rd person present: thieves; past tense: thieved; past participle: thieved; gerund or present participle: thieving

    1. be a thief; steal something.
  • Did you get attacked by 1 guy hiding on your boat and blew up your mega explosive =)

  • If you think this is bad you should have played the game during the few months. Skullforts are actually doable for most part these days, more than half of the time i won't get attacked during one at all.
    Sure at times it's frustrating when people keep respawning, coming back and manage to sink you for the first time after you sunk them 3 times as you have run out of supplies by now. But the issue in my opinion is more with people being able to return with a new ships with supplies on it within minutes after you sunk them.

    Being mad at pirate legends for this is silly though, most people that come by at skullforts are not pirate legends...

    Last time that i played 7-8 months ago, around 90% of the time you had to beat 2-4 ships at the skullforts to get the loot as it was pretty much the only viable thing to do in the game.

  • @captn-crushem No I was saying that is how it sounds when people use the name of the game, "Sea of Thieves" as a end all be all argument.

    "These people kept spawncamping me and chased me for a hour for no reason, (insert bad idea of PvE only servers)"
    response- the name of the game isn't carebears but thieves durrrrrr.

    You understand now? And thank you for linking the definition of pirate twice.

  • @xx-elite-kb said in Pirate legends:

    Yet again they attack us at a skull fort im fed up of this madness the game needs a private server now it’s getting way out of hand with them, it’s not just me who wants a private server it’s other people and these pirate legends are ruining the game for other players all I want is to make money but I can’t do it with all these other players trying to attack our crew, plz plz get a private server to prevent upsetting players.

    Speaking as a Pirate Legend myself, no, this game does not need private servers. You bought an open world PVPVE game, and that's exactly what Sea of Thieves is.

    Yes, it's frustrating to have all your hard work and loot stolen from you. Yes, it sucks to be killed by a handful of enemy pirates repeatedly. However, this doesn't mean we need private servers to be added so all the players who refuse to learn from their mistakes can have a nice, easy time without any conflict whatsoever.

    I'm sorry that you can't comprehend the way this game works, but unfortunately for you, and all the other people complaining and begging for the game to be made even easier for you, no. It's not going to happen, nor should it.

    I've been attacked plenty of times, and I've also defended myself from enemies as well. I'm terrible at PvP, so I don't actively go looking for trouble, but sometimes it comes to you regardless of your efforts to avoid it.

    Sometimes you have to just deal with it. Use it as a learning experience and try to find a way to get out of the bad situations. I've found that while I'm poor at PvP, I'm good at naval combat, riddles, and some other things. I still try to avoid pvp, but when firced into it, I fight back, even if I lose horribly. At least then I know I tried instead of being a quitter and making forum posts about needing private servers.

    If you can't handle the way the game is, then it's not the right game for you, and should never be dumbed down to accommodate the players who aren't willing to get better at it.

  • @salvasian-au Well, I guess we know what happens next. The war of words has started and thanks to the remarks just made this thread will soon be locked.

  • @shinten-rai You are most welcome. Hopefully the definitions, the name of the game, and the games mission statements are enough for you to understand it is the end all argument and there are more people that disagree with you then agree.

  • @captn-crushem It isn't, though. It makes you sound like those college dude next door who play music till 4 in the morning. Just saying. It is the equivalent of "git gud" which by the way became so toxic Blizzard had to completely get rid of the word and make a program that edited the players text if they typed it to say things that would make others laugh at the person saying it.

    Don't try to defend toxic behavior by using that as the shield is all I am saying. People need to stop using that phrase and come up with a thought out articulate way to express their differing opinion. Too many people have used that since launch and now you have people who are using racial and vulgar language to grief or to harass other players, and you are defending these people instead of wanting to cut them out to make our community better and more fun for all, cause of semantics. By your logic we should not report any of these people because by your own word, Thieves are in the name.

    You understand what I am trying to get at here? It's not the fact that you can't PvP or be a pirate in this game, it's the fact that too many people use that as a shield for being a toxic player or a harassing player.

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