Session Rejoin Option

  • I'm a bit heartbroken about this. My PC has a hard-to-pin down issue wherein it occasionally freezes up without warning when doing something graphically intensive. When it comes to Sea of Thieves, it's uncommon - maybe once or twice a session, but more usually I can play all night without an issue.

    At any rate, gaining the option to rejoin a lost session sounded like a gamechanger for me, removing the primary source of stress when I'm solo slooping. (Nothing worse than putting in 2 hours of work, then losing it to random chance.) But for whatever reason, the Rejoin Session option just doesn't work for me. Whatever it is that causes my PC to instantly seize up, looks like the game registers it as logging out rather than a game crash or lost connection.

    This is an issue with my hardware, I know; can't even call it a bug. Just venting. Oh well; back to sea!

  • That's unfortunate. I tested this feature in Insiders, and it worked fine in each of the following occasions:

    • Pushing the hardware "reboot" button on PC.
    • Disconnecting the Internet.
    • Killing Sea of Thieves from Task Manager.

    Why not try one or more of these and see if the reconnect feature works for you in these cases? If it does work the cases above, it might give you some insight into what is happening when your PC freezes ...or what doesn't happen.

    It might be time for a new, beefier, graphics card!

  • I have had the same issue twice now. Total freeze. I have waited but the freeze stays.
    The only way for me to recover is to reboot the pc.

  • @jubber-mangrove it’s maybe simple, but can it be that you’re needing longer than 10 minutes to re-join?

  • @jubber-mangrove

    If your computer is freezing after something graphically intensive happens or after a certain amount of time playing a video game with high or relative high settings then your computer is overheating.

    Spray it out, clean any of the parts. Have a temperate gauge in the background running while playing and check to see how how your CPU and GPU.

    Could be a faulty fan, could be bad circulation, the room itself could be too hot or you have the case in a horrible location.

    It honestly sounds like its overheating.

    SIDE NOTE I hope you aren't one of ones but I have run into a few people like this. If you have NEVER cleaned out your PC then I can for a fact tell you its overheating. Get some dust off from a computer store or Walmart and clean out your case and the fans. Really spray inside the fans themselves as well. The video card has a build in fan itself and spray that with air also. SPRAY EVERYTHING

    SIDE NOTE PART 2 If you clean out your case reguarly then still check the temperature. If its not that then it could be a power issue. If you have done any upgrades recently or maybe were a victim or a power surge recently. If you upgraded your vid card recently check to make sure your power core is strong enough to keep it going at full speed. Could also be a short.

    Your problem is really easy to diagnose and find the issue for since it completely freezes up and crashes the PC.

  • @xultanis-dragon Thank you. That is something i had never thought of.
    My Alienware M17x-R3 belonged to a late friend of mine. I know, from his habits, that he never would have cleaned it and I scrubbed the outside when I got it. Now I know I need to do more. Much appreciated knowledge.

  • @king-deka said in Session Rejoin Option:

    @jubber-mangrove it’s maybe simple, but can it be that you’re needing longer than 10 minutes to re-join?

    No, takes me about 2 minutes to hop back in.

  • @jubber-mangrove said in Session Rejoin Option:

    I'm a bit heartbroken about this. My PC has a hard-to-pin down issue wherein it occasionally freezes up without warning when doing something graphically intensive. When it comes to Sea of Thieves, it's uncommon - maybe once or twice a session, but more usually I can play all night without an issue.

    At any rate, gaining the option to rejoin a lost session sounded like a gamechanger for me, removing the primary source of stress when I'm solo slooping. (Nothing worse than putting in 2 hours of work, then losing it to random chance.) But for whatever reason, the Rejoin Session option just doesn't work for me. Whatever it is that causes my PC to instantly seize up, looks like the game registers it as logging out rather than a game crash or lost connection.

    This is an issue with my hardware, I know; can't even call it a bug. Just venting. Oh well; back to sea!

    Time to update that Commodore 64 bro Or get an XBOX!

    Other than the most brutal load times I’ve seen in 10 years I’m on an OG launch XBOX One and have zero issues.

  • @jubber-mangrove

    Open a support case when it happens next, they will have you run the log collection, and may be able to figure out why it's not registering on the server side as a unintended disconnect.

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