Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    When noone is left to blame, where will they turn?

    And when your fears subside
    And shadows still remain
    I know that you can love me
    When there's no one left to blame

    So never mind the darkness
    We still can find a way
    'Cause nothin' lasts forever
    Even the tired myths of crossplay

  • @enticed-malice you can see what system people are playing on

  • @troubled-cells The merging issue while annoying is not game breaking, or experience killing. Optional Crossplay should have been implemented with the release of Arena. Instead you have one whole segment of the community with known advantages over another. So a large segment of the community doesn't even touch Arena while waiting for that crossplay opt out.
    There is also no reason they can't do both at once either.

  • @shamanmclamie said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @troubled-cells The merging issue while annoying is not game breaking, or experience killing. Optional Crossplay should have been implemented with the release of Arena. Instead you have one whole segment of the community with known advantages over another. So a large segment of the community doesn't even touch Arena while waiting for that crossplay opt out.
    There is also no reason they can't do both at once either.

    Nah sorry I don't agree, the issues people mention have other solutions to them which should be tried first in my opinion, I wouldn't call some of them advantages either, especially when some of these perceived advantages have been implemented for console players, not really a advantage when there's parity on some aspects from updates is there.

  • @troubled-cells not sure why people are still trying to get rare to test other methods first because some of the rare devs have already said it is coming no matter what people say and you can't do anything to change it.

  • @fast-bike94 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @troubled-cells not sure why people are still trying to get rare to test other methods first because some of the rare devs have already said it is coming no matter what people say and you can't do anything to change it.

    I tell ya why, because these people think it's a bad idea and wish to voice it, which they are entitled to do, just like people that wanted opt out voiced theirs.

    Quite surprised I had to point this basic logic out to you but oh well.


  • @troubled-cells sure people want to voice it but it's like most things in life the minorities voice doesn't really matter to the people making the decision no matter how loud it is.

  • @fast-bike94 not sure why people are still creating threads about crossplay because some of the rare devs have already said it is coming no matter what people say and you can't do anything to change it.


  • @l4chsfps I agree people don't need to make anymore, but giving people attention by arguing on their thread just relights the argument again.

  • @fast-bike94 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @troubled-cells sure people want to voice it but it's like most things in life the minorities voice doesn't really matter to the people making the decision no matter how loud it is.

    You realise that the exact same thing you are saying won't happen literally caused this to happen right ?

  • @troubled-cells there is obviously alot more people than you think affected by it otherwise it would not have been implemented in the first place. They aren't doing it for 100 people they are doing it for a lot more people I'm also certain they can see just how many times a player on a certain platform kills another player on another platform. Also I know on this forum alot of the people that claim they are xbox are pc and the pc guys that say there is no advantage are probably the lower end pvp player anyone good at pvp on pc will easily destroy xbox users. If you're on pc and get killed by an xbox player a couple times in a row chances are you aren't very good at pvp.

  • @fast-bike94 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @troubled-cells there is obviously alot more people than you think affected by it otherwise it would not have been implemented in the first place. They aren't doing it for 100 people they are doing it for a lot more people I'm also certain they can see just how many times a player on a certain platform kills another player on another platform. Also I know on this forum alot of the people that claim they are xbox are pc and the pc guys that say there is no advantage are probably the lower end pvp player anyone good at pvp on pc will easily destroy xbox users. If you're on pc and get killed by an xbox player a couple times in a row chances are you aren't very good at pvp.

    There's a big difference between people being vocal requesting it, and the amount of players that are decalring they will use it, post announcement.

    The people being vocal and requesting it were the minority, before the announcement was made.

    Sorry but your framing is wrong.

  • @troubled-cells again my point is they wouldn't implement it to save 100 players from leaving their game unless the population truly is that dead in this game where that number is a big loss.

  • @fast-bike94 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @troubled-cells again my point is they wouldn't implement it to save 100 players from leaving their game unless the population truly is that dead in this game where that number is a big loss.

    And yet the game had record numbers across the board last Christmas and most likely saw a large boost from anniversary, im sorry but I feel your point is a bit exaggerated, i ain't saying these people dont exist either though.

    To them I say there is other solutions rare could try first.

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @troubled-cells record numbers when? All I've heard is 8 million downloads at lunch since lunch 2 million at anniversary there is no record amount of people playing this game today the player base is dead.
    You can't even play arena without it being empty at this point they pretty much need to offer opt-in or opt-out and get the population back player choice.
    Don't get me wrong here I love playing this game but I know of people that just won't come back until cross-play has an option and if anyone thinks there's a record amount of people here they haven't played this game from the beginning it was booming make this game great again offer an option

    Christmas just gone, it was brought up in a Dev update if I recall. Anniversary would have given numbers quite a.significant boost as well for tall tales alone, as this was a huge criticism on release.

    A big part of the arena issues is non optimal merging in my view, the premise is good in theory but it's execution is poor, there needs to be penalties implemented as well, getting matches with acceptable populations is fine, it's the mechanics to get it there that is the issue. For example why not implement a crew voting system on weather they wish to merge or stay in the same instance with other players that wish to stay, pretty standard stuff.

    Instead it's more about the ratio of players by platform, from cherry picked numbers they released its fair to say console players have the majority of about 2/3 of the population.

    But supposing your claim of player numbers being low was true, then influxing new or returning players to the pool that has the majority is not a good call.

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @troubled-cells record numbers when? All I've heard is 8 million downloads at lunch since lunch 2 million at anniversary there is no record amount of people playing this game today the player base is dead.
    You can't even play arena without it being empty at this point they pretty much need to offer opt-in or opt-out and get the population back player choice.
    Don't get me wrong here I love playing this game but I know of people that just won't come back until cross-play has an option and if anyone thinks there's a record amount of people here they haven't played this game from the beginning it was booming make this game great again offer an option

    Here we go again. The game is far from "dead" as you people like to claim, it is consistently ranked around the 20th to 25th most played game on any given week on Xbox. It peaked after the Anniversary update, going up to #11 on the charts (as @Troubled-Cells inferred). Get your facts straight, or better yet actually use facts and not made up stats to fit your argument.

    And to back up the facts I stated:

  • @dlchief58 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    Here we go again. The game is far from "dead" as you people like to claim, it is consistently ranked around the 20th to 25th most played game on any given week on Xbox. It peaked after the Anniversary update, going up to #11 on the charts (as @Troubled-Cells inferred). Get your facts straight, or better yet actually use facts and not made up stats to fit your argument.

    If a 20-25th ranked game on a platform is dead, it must mean the entire platform is dead. Time to move to Nintendo, Playstation or PC guys.


  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 I'm not finding anything for an argument bro I'm just telling you what I see I ran a club of 250 people on Friday and Saturday five of them are playing you can look it up yourself the club's name is the galleon killers
    so the charts you put up there is that actual people playing or is that just downloads on game pass cuz I'm almost sure two streams ago one of the developers said they're coming up with ways to bring people back AKA pirate legends

    You know if you'd actually LOOK at the article before commenting and how they gather the data, you wouldn't have made such an ill-informed statement. It is GAMEPLAY that is measured (c'mon, it is right there in the title of the chart), not downloads (and even if that were true it would be pretty impressive to hold that spot for so long).

    Your small sample of anecdotal "statistics" do not compare to the larger pool (over 1 million users, not limited to that site either) used by this list.

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @troubled-cells I don't want you to get me wrong here my friend list consists of probably 50% PC and 50% Xbox so I'm not a hater.
    I totally disagree with you about the last paragraph the more people that play this game the more supportive becomes the more money it makes the longer it lasts
    Let's talk about arena you cannot impose penalties without a game being ranked that means I've use the blunderbuss the most I have 930 kills with it the flintlock I have 800 kills with it and so on etc etc it needs to go into great detail of what you've done since it is a competitive playlist if you offer penalties without that people will not play this game.
    For instance I played three sessions of arena last night I played with an Xbox player that just couldn't keep his mouth shut there's a difference between trash talk and just degrading humiliating sexist and it's not a gray area I left on the third one I just couldn't do it anymore he called those people everything under the sun and we're expected to stay I don't think so I'm not Innocent I definitely know the difference between a little trash talk and just humiliating behavior
    Now cross-play do I think it's a bad thing no do I think we need an option yes Cross-play is like a moment in time it's like going to a restaurant ordering some food the plate arrives and someone's hairs in it or a fingernail do you go back and eat at that restaurant again I wouldn't
    Now that moment in time I think most PC players a straight-up good people but it's that little itty bitty percent of the cheaters that ruin it I come across the same two people they're using aimbot and wall hacks it's that moment in time are you getting shot when you're underneath the boat or you're getting shot behind rocks or they just don't miss that is why I believe in opt-out option when I'm playing with my PC buddies sure I'm cross play all the way but when I'm just running by myself I'm going to be in an Xbox room that's where I'd like to be we can't stop toxicity on either side but we should have a choice

    I disagree with your motives for your points, toxicity is Toxicity regardless of platform I can agree on that sentiment, but trying to imply its a reason for opt out has zero attachment.

    As for cheaters, capture them and report them appropriately, rare has a system for it, console games are certainly not free from "hackers" either, so what's to say it won't crop up on console? You can't rule it out.

    I partly agree that the more people that play the game the better, but my issue is your motive, as it would actually be negative to the cross play experience in the circumstances.

    As for penalties, it's actually something rare is looking in to, people should be punished for leaving games of arena period, especially if a pattern occurs with the user, ranked or casual play. Server hoppers are actually making the experience worse for the mediocre merging system, that's the reason to impose it, it's nothing to do with kill stats etc.

    I'm sorry but asking for choice when there is only negatives for cross play in return is a biased and move.

    The only middle ground and fair compromise for me on this is input based matchmaking regardless of platform, otherwise I'd rather not have opt out at all.

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 if you believe the article was based on actual people playing well then good for you bro but me personally I don't know one developer that releases that data not a single one they keep it close to the chest no pun intended.but I've been around since the beginning of this game I can tell you right now the player base is not what it was in the beginning I'm talking six months.
    I love the game I just don't think it gets a fair shake better yet proof in the pudding gamertag RACMOP let's go on a boat ride do your servers and mine show me how full they are

    I believe actual gameplay statistics gathered in a scientific method from a reputable site over some anecdotal observations made by a random nobody used to promote your own agenda/narrative. Like I said, READ how they gather those statistics before you dismiss them just because they don't support your view.

    The proof is in the pudding, you are just choosing to ignore and dismiss the proof because it doesn't fit your narrative.

    And from my own observations, I see plenty of people playing when I am on.

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 I'm not finding anything for an argument bro I'm just telling you what I see I ran a club of 250 people on Friday and Saturday five of them are playing you can look it up yourself the club's name is the galleon killers

    That just tells me your group died, independent of SoT. Don't confuse a sample for a population.

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 I'm not finding anything for an argument bro I'm just telling you what I see I ran a club of 250 people on Friday and Saturday five of them are playing you can look it up yourself the club's name is the galleon killers
    so the charts you put up there is that actual people playing or is that just downloads on game pass cuz I'm almost sure two streams ago one of the developers said they're coming up with ways to bring people back AKA pirate legends

    That's not a opt out issue, it's a content or lack thereof issue for pirate legends.

  • @dirty-tuna-lips said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    What I’m saying is PC has a huge advantage over Xbox, due to higher framerate, faster processing speeds, and easier controls. I play games on both systems so I know it’s true that PC has a higher advantage at the game. And when one of the times we get attacked, it happens to be a streamer, so I know what I’m talking about. Especially when I say it’s pc players. After playing this games on BOTH systems, I can easily say it’s not fair for Xbox players.

    Higher frame rates doesn't mean better player, nor does faster processing, and you can get keyboard and mouse support

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 you couldn't be more wrong bro I'm not arguing with you I'm telling you what I see the bases was to see a ship every 10 to 15 minutes in the beginning that's from rare I can go hours without seeing anybody you must have that special server everyone hangs out on that one there is no agenda I have no agenda I say offer opt-out option and if it doesn't work retract it that's not really an agenda really this is just one thing is wrong with this game skullfort should only happen once an hour there's no value in this game anymore .
    I have no agenda I don't care what happens a September 5th I'll be leaving this game October 25th I'll be leaving that game it makes no difference to me anymore.
    But I sure don't believe anything that FOX news tells me CNN NBC I don't care about what you're reading it's not scientific it's called Data it's not science but good luck bro I'm done talking to you add me and we'll take the ride

    Whatever you want to believe (however wrong and biased it is), I actually have provided data that disproves your anecdotal, biased observations that were gathered in a scientific way from an extremely large pool of Xbox players (over 1 million as I said, which had you actually read it you'd have known as well) by a highly reputable site known for their work in statistics regarding achievements. Your choice to ignore or even spend the time actually looking into it to see how it was gathered tells me you have no interest in the truth, preferring to only spout your own personal view with NO statistics to back it up. You cannot even come up with a decent rebuttal to refute those FACTS (as you refuse to even look into it to see if you can). I have the proof and data so am not wrong, statistics back me up and dispel your notion that the game is "dying".

    I provided you proof, you choose to live in ignorance.

  • You bought a crossplay game and complaining about it, GG. Get lost!

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 bro I am the statistics compared to you just hours logged in this game I am seriously laughing seriously laughing I hit pirate legend of 5-4-18 you still haven't done it I have loged so many hours on this game it's unbelievable I'm telling you what I see if you don't like it don't listen to it you can put a chart up all you want I'm telling you what I see
    Sea of thieves is like my second wife I live on this game so I know what it was and what it is I started with closed betas then open bata then release of game I've been here ever since do what you will my friend .
    I said this before and again all the Xbox community is doing now is blocking the PC players they go to recent player list to see PC it gets blocked this is not a fix.
    Try the option if it works great if it doesn't scrap it I have no agenda bro I'm leaving September 5th for gears then I'm leaving for modern warfare on the 25th of October and then Doom comes out in November so it doesn't really matter I have no agenda I just hate to see this game fail
    Nice Shazam Avatar I'm actually going to get off here man actually get into the game with all the full servers but to all a good day may I see you on the seas 😁

    I've played the game since day 1, my level in the game is irrelevant to the discussion of FACTS at hand. Nice fail on trying to discredit me. FYI I play the game over 95% of the time solo which is one reason why I haven't made Pirate Legend yet, but should do so easily before the end of the current event ends...not that it makes any difference to the discussion at hand which you continually put your head in the sand instead of debating and researching like a reasonable, intelligent adult would.

    Again, your anecdotal observations (not facts as you continually claim) are essentially irrelevant - I could add my own experiences or many others on this very forum that counter your claim, but that is no better than what you are doing. I won't stoop to the "he said, she said" level, that is childish. I'll take statistics garnered from 100s of thousand gamers in a random pool (you know, like REAL statisticians do) gathered by a reputable site with experience in handling of data and statistics over the OPINION of ONE person, but I guess that is just the scientific, statistical and mathematics I was trained in while in college and graduate school....not to mention everyday common sense. Which do you think is more representative of the actual state of the game? Oh wait, you won't entertain data that counters your own narrow view. Your failure to acknowledge them (or even try to do some research to see if you had any way to discredit them) is what is laughable and disturbing.

    Maybe you aren't seeing them because they are better at evading you, as is my strategy in game. I could say I saw the Shrouded Ghost, doesn't mean it happened without something to back it up. Same goes for your claims.

  • @dlchief58 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 bro I am the statistics compared to you just hours logged in this game I am seriously laughing seriously laughing I hit pirate legend of 5-4-18 you still haven't done it I have loged so many hours on this game it's unbelievable I'm telling you what I see if you don't like it don't listen to it you can put a chart up all you want I'm telling you what I see
    Sea of thieves is like my second wife I live on this game so I know what it was and what it is I started with closed betas then open bata then release of game I've been here ever since do what you will my friend .
    I said this before and again all the Xbox community is doing now is blocking the PC players they go to recent player list to see PC it gets blocked this is not a fix.
    Try the option if it works great if it doesn't scrap it I have no agenda bro I'm leaving September 5th for gears then I'm leaving for modern warfare on the 25th of October and then Doom comes out in November so it doesn't really matter I have no agenda I just hate to see this game fail
    Nice Shazam Avatar I'm actually going to get off here man actually get into the game with all the full servers but to all a good day may I see you on the seas 😁

    I've played the game since day 1, my level in the game is irrelevant to the discussion of FACTS at hand. Nice fail on trying to discredit me. FYI I play the game over 95% of the time solo which is one reason why I haven't made Pirate Legend yet, but should do so easily before the end of the current event ends...not that it makes any difference to the discussion at hand which you continually put your head in the sand instead of debating and researching like a reasonable, intelligent adult would.

    Again, your anecdotal observations (not facts as you continually claim) are essentially irrelevant - I could add my own experiences or many others on this very forum that counter your claim, but that is no better than what you are doing. I won't stoop to the "he said, she said" level, that is childish. I'll take statistics garnered from 100s of thousand gamers in a random pool (you know, like REAL statisticians do) gathered by a reputable site with experience in handling of data and statistics over the OPINION of ONE person, but I guess that is just the scientific, statistical and mathematics I was trained in while in college and graduate school....not to mention everyday common sense. Which do you think is more representative of the actual state of the game? Oh wait, you won't entertain data that counters your own narrow view. Your failure to acknowledge them (or even try to do some research to see if you had any way to discredit them) is what is laughable and disturbing.

    Maybe you aren't seeing them because they are better at evading you, as is my strategy in game. I could say I saw the Shrouded Ghost, doesn't mean it happened without something to back it up. Same goes for your claims.

    I made pirate legend solo...He was very reasonable, you are insulting him, he isn't insulting you, how does that work?
    Why are you so bitter? You are putting caps on words for no reason.
    What facts are you even trying to get across at the moment?
    Pc gamers don't have the majority in this game, debate that. Maybe people are just that bad, I bet there are good xbox players that could care less.

  • @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 bro I am the statistics compared to you just hours logged in this game I am seriously laughing seriously laughing I hit pirate legend of 5-4-18 you still haven't done it I have loged so many hours on this game it's unbelievable I'm telling you what I see if you don't like it don't listen to it you can put a chart up all you want I'm telling you what I see
    Sea of thieves is like my second wife I live on this game so I know what it was and what it is I started with closed betas then open bata then release of game I've been here ever since do what you will my friend .
    I said this before and again all the Xbox community is doing now is blocking the PC players they go to recent player list to see PC it gets blocked this is not a fix.
    Try the option if it works great if it doesn't scrap it I have no agenda bro I'm leaving September 5th for gears then I'm leaving for modern warfare on the 25th of October and then Doom comes out in November so it doesn't really matter I have no agenda I just hate to see this game fail
    Nice Shazam Avatar I'm actually going to get off here man actually get into the game with all the full servers but to all a good day may I see you on the seas 😁

    No offence, but just because of hours logged by yourself and your rank, it doesn't really back up your claims

  • @mc-leggers said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 bro I am the statistics compared to you just hours logged in this game I am seriously laughing seriously laughing I hit pirate legend of 5-4-18 you still haven't done it I have loged so many hours on this game it's unbelievable I'm telling you what I see if you don't like it don't listen to it you can put a chart up all you want I'm telling you what I see
    Sea of thieves is like my second wife I live on this game so I know what it was and what it is I started with closed betas then open bata then release of game I've been here ever since do what you will my friend .
    I said this before and again all the Xbox community is doing now is blocking the PC players they go to recent player list to see PC it gets blocked this is not a fix.
    Try the option if it works great if it doesn't scrap it I have no agenda bro I'm leaving September 5th for gears then I'm leaving for modern warfare on the 25th of October and then Doom comes out in November so it doesn't really matter I have no agenda I just hate to see this game fail
    Nice Shazam Avatar I'm actually going to get off here man actually get into the game with all the full servers but to all a good day may I see you on the seas 😁

    I've played the game since day 1, my level in the game is irrelevant to the discussion of FACTS at hand. Nice fail on trying to discredit me. FYI I play the game over 95% of the time solo which is one reason why I haven't made Pirate Legend yet, but should do so easily before the end of the current event ends...not that it makes any difference to the discussion at hand which you continually put your head in the sand instead of debating and researching like a reasonable, intelligent adult would.

    Again, your anecdotal observations (not facts as you continually claim) are essentially irrelevant - I could add my own experiences or many others on this very forum that counter your claim, but that is no better than what you are doing. I won't stoop to the "he said, she said" level, that is childish. I'll take statistics garnered from 100s of thousand gamers in a random pool (you know, like REAL statisticians do) gathered by a reputable site with experience in handling of data and statistics over the OPINION of ONE person, but I guess that is just the scientific, statistical and mathematics I was trained in while in college and graduate school....not to mention everyday common sense. Which do you think is more representative of the actual state of the game? Oh wait, you won't entertain data that counters your own narrow view. Your failure to acknowledge them (or even try to do some research to see if you had any way to discredit them) is what is laughable and disturbing.

    Maybe you aren't seeing them because they are better at evading you, as is my strategy in game. I could say I saw the Shrouded Ghost, doesn't mean it happened without something to back it up. Same goes for your claims.

    I made pirate legend solo...He was very reasonable, you are insulting him, he isn't insulting you, how does that work?
    Why are you so bitter? You are putting caps on words for no reason.
    What facts are you even trying to get across at the moment?
    Pc gamers don't have the majority in this game, debate that. Maybe people are just that bad, I bet there are good xbox players that could care less.

    I am not bitter (not even sure how you could come to such an absurd conclusion), but do get annoyed when someone is so stubborn that they will not entertain facts/statistics presented to them by burying their head in the sand instead of properly debating or even researching them. The caps were for emphasis, not for no reason. And how exactly did I insult him? By calling him out for ignoring statistics that countered his view? I was critical of his "logic", assumptions and conclusions, never personally attacked him. If that was insulting maybe he should present a better case for his point instead of sticking his fingers in his ears when data counters his own narrow view or thinking that only what he "sees" in the game matters. Condescending, perhaps. Annoyed, definitely but not insulting. If it did come across that way I apologize as that was not my intent, which was only to debate the "logic" and personal observations presented with actual data and statistical trends that countered those assumptions.

    And since you jumped in the middle of the conversation, the point was that I was disproving his claim that the game was "dying" by providing actual, reliable gameplay statistics that countered that supposition. What the heck does the population/percentage of PC gamers have to do with what we were discussing? That was never part of the conversation, nor am I a PC gamer either (also do not care one way or the other about the opt-out, wouldn't use it myself unless the people I play with occasionally decided to do so).

    Anyway this is starting to get off-topic so I'll leave it here. I've said my piece, presented and defended the statistics that counter his and others claims that the game is "dying" and them using that false claim as some sort of justification for Opt-out, PVE servers, Battle Royale/"pure" PVP arena mode, or whatever personal agenda they are presenting. No desire to see the thread closed for perceived personal arguing or straying too far off topic, only wanted to set the record straight on that one thing with actual data (that he chooses to ignore).

  • @dlchief58 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @mc-leggers said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 bro I am the statistics compared to you just hours logged in this game I am seriously laughing seriously laughing I hit pirate legend of 5-4-18 you still haven't done it I have loged so many hours on this game it's unbelievable I'm telling you what I see if you don't like it don't listen to it you can put a chart up all you want I'm telling you what I see
    Sea of thieves is like my second wife I live on this game so I know what it was and what it is I started with closed betas then open bata then release of game I've been here ever since do what you will my friend .
    I said this before and again all the Xbox community is doing now is blocking the PC players they go to recent player list to see PC it gets blocked this is not a fix.
    Try the option if it works great if it doesn't scrap it I have no agenda bro I'm leaving September 5th for gears then I'm leaving for modern warfare on the 25th of October and then Doom comes out in November so it doesn't really matter I have no agenda I just hate to see this game fail
    Nice Shazam Avatar I'm actually going to get off here man actually get into the game with all the full servers but to all a good day may I see you on the seas 😁

    I've played the game since day 1, my level in the game is irrelevant to the discussion of FACTS at hand. Nice fail on trying to discredit me. FYI I play the game over 95% of the time solo which is one reason why I haven't made Pirate Legend yet, but should do so easily before the end of the current event ends...not that it makes any difference to the discussion at hand which you continually put your head in the sand instead of debating and researching like a reasonable, intelligent adult would.

    Again, your anecdotal observations (not facts as you continually claim) are essentially irrelevant - I could add my own experiences or many others on this very forum that counter your claim, but that is no better than what you are doing. I won't stoop to the "he said, she said" level, that is childish. I'll take statistics garnered from 100s of thousand gamers in a random pool (you know, like REAL statisticians do) gathered by a reputable site with experience in handling of data and statistics over the OPINION of ONE person, but I guess that is just the scientific, statistical and mathematics I was trained in while in college and graduate school....not to mention everyday common sense. Which do you think is more representative of the actual state of the game? Oh wait, you won't entertain data that counters your own narrow view. Your failure to acknowledge them (or even try to do some research to see if you had any way to discredit them) is what is laughable and disturbing.

    Maybe you aren't seeing them because they are better at evading you, as is my strategy in game. I could say I saw the Shrouded Ghost, doesn't mean it happened without something to back it up. Same goes for your claims.

    I made pirate legend solo...He was very reasonable, you are insulting him, he isn't insulting you, how does that work?
    Why are you so bitter? You are putting caps on words for no reason.
    What facts are you even trying to get across at the moment?
    Pc gamers don't have the majority in this game, debate that. Maybe people are just that bad, I bet there are good xbox players that could care less.

    I am not bitter (not even sure how you could come to such an absurd conclusion), but do get annoyed when someone is so stubborn that they will not entertain facts/statistics presented to them by burying their head in the sand instead of properly debating or even researching them. The caps were for emphasis, not for no reason. And how exactly did I insult him? By calling him out for ignoring statistics that countered his view? I was critical of his "logic", assumptions and conclusions, never personally attacked him. If that was insulting maybe he should present a better case for his point instead of sticking his fingers in his ears when data counters his own narrow view or thinking that only what he "sees" in the game matters. Condescending, perhaps. Annoyed, definitely but not insulting. If it did come across that way I apologize as that was not my intent, which was only to debate the "logic" and personal observations presented with actual data and statistical trends that countered those assumptions.

    And since you jumped in the middle of the conversation, the point was that I was disproving his claim that the game was "dying" by providing actual, reliable gameplay statistics that countered that supposition. What the heck does the population/percentage of PC gamers have to do with what we were discussing? That was never part of the conversation, nor am I a PC gamer either (also do not care one way or the other about the opt-out, wouldn't use it myself unless the people I play with occasionally decided to do so).

    Anyway this is starting to get off-topic so I'll leave it here. I've said my piece, presented and defended the statistics that counter his and others claims that the game is "dying" and them using that false claim as some sort of justification for Opt-out, PVE servers, Battle Royale/"pure" PVP arena mode, or whatever personal agenda they are presenting. No desire to see the thread closed for perceived personal arguing or straying too far off topic, only wanted to set the record straight on that one thing with actual data (that he chooses to ignore).

    The game is dying. It's an open thread, no one jumps into anyones conversation. There is no statistical data that is even truthful to represent any part of this game. However when Arena takes 45 minutes to get in, and you see maybe 2 ships on a server on prime time, there is a problem. Doesn't require absolute science to see it. You seem like maybe you are too involved and have an emotional interest here. Step back from the game a while or something. There is no need to all worked up. What statistics did he ignore? Everything that has came out of this game number wise has been a lie, look at the achievement system for starters.

  • @mc-leggers said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @mc-leggers said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @racmop said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dlchief58 bro I am the statistics compared to you just hours logged in this game I am seriously laughing seriously laughing I hit pirate legend of 5-4-18 you still haven't done it I have loged so many hours on this game it's unbelievable I'm telling you what I see if you don't like it don't listen to it you can put a chart up all you want I'm telling you what I see
    Sea of thieves is like my second wife I live on this game so I know what it was and what it is I started with closed betas then open bata then release of game I've been here ever since do what you will my friend .
    I said this before and again all the Xbox community is doing now is blocking the PC players they go to recent player list to see PC it gets blocked this is not a fix.
    Try the option if it works great if it doesn't scrap it I have no agenda bro I'm leaving September 5th for gears then I'm leaving for modern warfare on the 25th of October and then Doom comes out in November so it doesn't really matter I have no agenda I just hate to see this game fail
    Nice Shazam Avatar I'm actually going to get off here man actually get into the game with all the full servers but to all a good day may I see you on the seas 😁

    I've played the game since day 1, my level in the game is irrelevant to the discussion of FACTS at hand. Nice fail on trying to discredit me. FYI I play the game over 95% of the time solo which is one reason why I haven't made Pirate Legend yet, but should do so easily before the end of the current event ends...not that it makes any difference to the discussion at hand which you continually put your head in the sand instead of debating and researching like a reasonable, intelligent adult would.

    Again, your anecdotal observations (not facts as you continually claim) are essentially irrelevant - I could add my own experiences or many others on this very forum that counter your claim, but that is no better than what you are doing. I won't stoop to the "he said, she said" level, that is childish. I'll take statistics garnered from 100s of thousand gamers in a random pool (you know, like REAL statisticians do) gathered by a reputable site with experience in handling of data and statistics over the OPINION of ONE person, but I guess that is just the scientific, statistical and mathematics I was trained in while in college and graduate school....not to mention everyday common sense. Which do you think is more representative of the actual state of the game? Oh wait, you won't entertain data that counters your own narrow view. Your failure to acknowledge them (or even try to do some research to see if you had any way to discredit them) is what is laughable and disturbing.

    Maybe you aren't seeing them because they are better at evading you, as is my strategy in game. I could say I saw the Shrouded Ghost, doesn't mean it happened without something to back it up. Same goes for your claims.

    I made pirate legend solo...He was very reasonable, you are insulting him, he isn't insulting you, how does that work?
    Why are you so bitter? You are putting caps on words for no reason.
    What facts are you even trying to get across at the moment?
    Pc gamers don't have the majority in this game, debate that. Maybe people are just that bad, I bet there are good xbox players that could care less.

    I am not bitter (not even sure how you could come to such an absurd conclusion), but do get annoyed when someone is so stubborn that they will not entertain facts/statistics presented to them by burying their head in the sand instead of properly debating or even researching them. The caps were for emphasis, not for no reason. And how exactly did I insult him? By calling him out for ignoring statistics that countered his view? I was critical of his "logic", assumptions and conclusions, never personally attacked him. If that was insulting maybe he should present a better case for his point instead of sticking his fingers in his ears when data counters his own narrow view or thinking that only what he "sees" in the game matters. Condescending, perhaps. Annoyed, definitely but not insulting. If it did come across that way I apologize as that was not my intent, which was only to debate the "logic" and personal observations presented with actual data and statistical trends that countered those assumptions.

    And since you jumped in the middle of the conversation, the point was that I was disproving his claim that the game was "dying" by providing actual, reliable gameplay statistics that countered that supposition. What the heck does the population/percentage of PC gamers have to do with what we were discussing? That was never part of the conversation, nor am I a PC gamer either (also do not care one way or the other about the opt-out, wouldn't use it myself unless the people I play with occasionally decided to do so).

    Anyway this is starting to get off-topic so I'll leave it here. I've said my piece, presented and defended the statistics that counter his and others claims that the game is "dying" and them using that false claim as some sort of justification for Opt-out, PVE servers, Battle Royale/"pure" PVP arena mode, or whatever personal agenda they are presenting. No desire to see the thread closed for perceived personal arguing or straying too far off topic, only wanted to set the record straight on that one thing with actual data (that he chooses to ignore).

    The game is dying. It's an open thread, no one jumps into anyones conversation. There is no statistical data that is even truthful to represent any part of this game. However when Arena takes 45 minutes to get in, and you see maybe 2 ships on a server on prime time, there is a problem. Doesn't require absolute science to see it. You seem like maybe you are too involved and have an emotional interest here. Step back from the game a while or something. There is no need to all worked up. What statistics did he ignore? Everything that has came out of this game number wise has been a lie, look at the achievement system for starters.

    I disagree the game is far from dying.

    But they could overhaul the merging as it's poor.

  • The game is far from dying, I see healthy servers every day.
    As for the topic at hand, as an Xbox player I love cross play. I am experienced from day one release and see PC players as a challenge and you can spot them a mile away just from their speed alone. Just tonight I took out a full brig of PC players while solo slooping. Using a mix of canons and hand to hand I made good work of them and took their skull fort loot, as well as a surprising amount of dark relic loot.
    It really is a case of learning and getting that experience under your belt.

  • @mc-leggers said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    Everything that has came out of this game number wise has been a lie, look at the achievement system for starters.

    Please don't look at the achievement system. Probably one of the worst ways to determine a game's standing or community size.

  • @d3adst1ck would probably top 5 material if crossplay didnt exist

  • @hombre said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @mc-leggers said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    Everything that has came out of this game number wise has been a lie, look at the achievement system for starters.

    Please don't look at the achievement system. Probably one of the worst ways to determine a game's standing or community size.

    that's my point

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