It would be nice to see this in game!

  • Hello everybody!
    First, I should mention that I don't speak English well. But I really want to give some ideas to developers of my favorite game, so here is my suggestions.

    1. More sealife! It would be cool to see dolphins accompanying your ship, for example. Or whale in the sea - and you can point your ship at him and start a whale hunt, or just swim past. Sea turtles, stingrays, flying fish and other - all of it can make Sea of Thieves more alive ;)
    2. Parrots! Imagine that: You docked off the island and go on land. You hear bird noises, and also see a few colorful parrots. And you can interact with it, taming it and putting it on your shoulder, like true pirate.
    3. Leviathan! Just another sea monster, gigantic wyrm who can lift your ship up or spit water into it, or do something else.
      That's all, thanks for reading it.
  • feedback
  • @holymelanc I like all these ideas. I'd love to see dolphins, and they've been requested before. I honestly doubt we'll see them, however, since they'd be a lot of extra coding and another hit on the already taxed servers. Parrots are likely coming as "pets" in the future, which would be purchasable through microtransactions. And I definitely would love to sea another big threat on the sea, like the leviathan you mentioned. Who knows what the future may bring?

  • You mean parrots, like these?

    alt text

    ...spotting flying around Ancient Spire. There are also bats at some locations.

    The problem with cetaceans - whales and dolphins - is that people would want to shoot at them, and that would not be politically correct in these days.

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