Community of Trolls Worst online experience

  • @zombie8myface87

    reported and blocked

  • @eggamer13 I want every dime back i have spent on this game, if the community is so damn nice then why have i had this issue since we first tried to logon at release. The youtube search grows EVERYDAY do to the bullying.

  • If anyone knows how to look up stats then you can see he's a troll. The thread needs to be ended @Deckhands he's legit trolling

  • @zombie8myface87 I said that I would ignore you, but the argument is funny, and I will continue.

    Stealing and sinking is part of the game, but some of the players don't understand that. I've met a lot of good people like a lot of people trying to repeatedly sink me, but I'm still here, because is part of the game and is not bullying, and if you think it is, then better leave the game and forget it because is not for you.

  • Also, I'm seeing all the videos of the list that you posted here, and in most of the videos, they call bullies to the other crew, but not in a bad way because most of them are having fun battling with them.

  • @eggamer13 Shouldn't be every time you get on should it? HMM must be the player base then. Kinda my point. SO you too must part of problem, let me guess legendary pirate that attacks boats with no cosmetics because they are new and easy targets, no, none of you ever had that thought and acted on it, bunch of two faced I'm always nice Self absorbed try harders, that ruin the community.

  • @bloodybil said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @FaceYourDemon Yes because 4 ppl against 3 ships usually have a chance, pull your head out your A55 and figure it out. Gonna do my best to make sure this game dies. @Bugaboo-Bill F you & @Biter-Wylie F you & @BloodyBil F you & @Quartermasters F you too

    Please take a good long breath and come back when you are calmer.

    Yeah go and drink some water take a nap do some yoga XD

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @eggamer13 Shouldn't be every time you get on should it? HMM must be the player base then. Kinda my point. SO you too must part of problem, let me guess legendary pirate that attacks boats with no cosmetics because they are new and easy targets, no, none of you ever had that thought and acted on it, bunch of two faced I'm always nice Self absorbed try harders, that ruin the community.

    I am a PL and don't always dress my ship up. I have also had a lot of other ships follow me, sometimes they are defeated, sometimes they are not. its part of the game.

    If your very lucky you may even find a Rare crew (like I have) then you can show your anger and blow yourself up with a keg :-)

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @bloodybil I will do as I please. Report it and shut up. I will be getting my money back if I have to ruin the whole experience for everyone

    Good luck Karen
    And Jim you are drunk go to bed!

  • @faceyourdemon said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @bloodybil I will do as I please. Report it and shut up. I will be getting my money back if I have to ruin the whole experience for everyone

    Good luck Karen
    And Jim you are drunk go to bed!

    alt text

  • @eggamer13 I hope they wont close it, would be great to demonstrate the community an actual toxic person.
    The hypocrisy in his words and dont worry no one took his nonsense to heart its just funny.
    He is talking about a toxic community while being toxic i think he should play Rust and learn about toxicity.

  • @faceyourdemon and still getting up votes, think they got each post XD

  • @zombie8myface87 Yes getting upvotes from 1 person vs like 5+ "downvotes" (if those existed in the forums). Also getting one upvote on each post from the same person doesn't really count as more upvotes

  • Deckhand dont close this please its great to see an actual toxic person and compare it to others cases.

  • Sorry maties! Was having an extended nap ;)

    Ahoy there, @Zombie8MyFace87!

    Most of your posts above have been edited due to them containing several infractions of the forum rules. Please remember to stick to them the next time you are able to post.

    A few you could do with taking a look over.

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      Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    And finally, as this thread has descended into personal arguments, derogatory remarks, and arguments, and contains multiple violations of the forum rules, it will now be locked. All involved are reminded to review the forum rules, and to refrain from engaging in these behaviors.

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