Jester of the Seas #2 Riddle Me This!?!

  • This story takes place shortly after they added the ability to hand items to other players.

    As usual this adventure starts off with my captain logging out for the night. I was sailing around floating some ideas around in my head, when i see a sloop parked at Wanderers Refuge on the southwest side.

    I didnt wanna sail to close and be seen as a threat. So when i got what i felt was good swimming distance, i turned my ship strait west. Lined it out, and jumped off.

    I wanted to make it to the sloop unseen, so i stayed underwater only commin up for a quick breath. On my final push to the sloop i got one last breath and still hadnt seen anyone on the boat or island.

    I came up slowly to the ladder facing away from the shore. I heard some skellys and what i thought was fighting close by.
    So i climbed the ladder and as i got on deck i see a pirate with his back to me fightin a couple skellys a little ways inland.

    I stood on the boat, still with no plan in mind till he was finished. I expected him to turn and see me right away. But after he finished the skellys he pulls out a map and starts lookin at it. I jumped of the boat and make my way up the beach in a full run. As i got closer i realize he hasnt heard me so i slowly crept up to him u til i was standing directly behind him.

    By this time my captain is eatin pizza on the couch next to me laughin the whole time that i had managed to creep up on the guy unnoticed. Still unsure what to do (i wasnt there to kill anyone) i decided to peek over his shoulder to see what he was workin on. It was a riddle.

    Ooooohhh i know this one.

    As hes lookin at the riddle i pull out a bannana and put it to the back of his head. If he turns around i wanna have this thing right in his mouth. But suddenly he takes off running.

    I didnt know what to do so i just followed him as he runs into the island a little ways.
    Suddenly he stops..... so i stop too. He pulls out a compass looks at it. Then he starts to turn around.... and i just kinda circled with him till we both were facing the way we came.

    My brothers in tears and im suprised i pulled this off so i waited to see what he was gonna do. Now i must admit i dont remember the first part of the riddle. I remember it was short and i remember the last part which we will get to soon.

    Anyway he takes off at a full run back towards the beach. I follow a step or 2 behind until he stops again and pulls out a lantern. He shines it around a few times then pulls out the riddle again. Then he makes his way to somethin... cant remember what, it has been to long, some landmark or whatever. Anyway he shines his lantern till he finds the sweet spot and completes the first part of the riddle.

    What happens next i wasnt ready for. Stupid griefer skellys pop up. I wasnt even thinkin about this happening. I panic and do a 180 and run away at top speed. I get a little ways away before i turn around and i see his back is still to me as he fights the skelly.

    I wanna mention now that not once has this guy stopped to check his surroundings. These are the type of players that come to the forums after being sunk. Now back to the story.

    When hes done fighting he pulls out the riddle. I slowly make my way behind him and see whats next. You all remeber this one
    Mutionous snake in the gaveyard. The only reason i remember this is because i struggled with finding it my first time too. Alot of players did actually. Its easy to miss.

    Ima skip through this next part quickly because what happens next is just me following this guy around for the next 10- 15 mins while we run up and down the island. I was ready to pull my hair out and almost grabbed my mic and gave him the answer. My brother is whisperin in my ear to kill the guy, but im in the zone now. Im gettin good at stealthin this guy.

    FINALLY he finds the spot. Pulls out his compass. And takes to many steps......
    Im circling him as hes diggin up the entire graveyard till he finally hits the spot.

    As hes diggin i pull out the bannana and put it to the back of his head again. I no he has to turn around now cause i seen his ship was behind us in that direction. He picks up his chest and turns to find a fat pirate standing there holding a bannana to his lips.

    What happens next actually made me jump too. My tv was up really loud and it had been pretty quiet for a while. A man with a very deep voice screams in terror and says " JESUS CH*** WHAT THE F***" then takes a few steps back and drops his chest.

    Now im not sure if this guy hates bannanas or if he was mad another man had his bannana on his lips but he draws his sword. Im still standin there with my bananna held out. He says nothin and stares at me.
    Oh so its a duel u want huh, i think. So i wiggle my bannana around a little.

    He suddenly rushes in flailing wildly. I back up and circle him at the same time. He powers up a charge attack and misses. Then i jab him with the bannana
    Alright im lying here but i would if i could.
    He missed the charge and i start jumpin around dodging him pretty easy.

    Then he suddenly stops and draws his pistol. I see he carrys the gentleman combo like myself sword/pistol. He aims and fires as im jumpin sideways. He misses and reloads. By now my brother is screamin at me "KILL HIM" ,but as i said this isnt what i was here for. He reloads standing still. He reloads , fires, misses again. Reloads again, fires, nothin.... hes out of bullets.

    By now i have had enough. So i turn straight north and run at full speed. Check a few times and he is giving chase. I make it to the beach and get in the water and turn around swimmin slowly backwards. He stops on the beach and we stare at eachother as i slowly move away. I turn to dive and log out.

    THIS is where the story should have ended. A perfect end to a perfect night. But no. Things never go as expected with this game.....
    As i turn so swim away and dive he gets on the mic and yells "YA YOU BETTER RUN FAT BOY". My brother goes Oooooooooohhhhhh, tryin to egg me on.
    Why does it always have to be like this.
    Well i guess i gotta teach him some manners now.

    I still dive but make a u- turn after i know im deep enough. I swim around the island on the west side and get on land. Cant see him from here. I run all the way back to his boat. Hes not there yet. Prolly gettin his treasure.

    I raise his anchor (ya he had it down). Drop his sails. Just in time to see him commin down the way with his treasure in hand. He stops and stares at me. I pull that bannana out and eat in front of him as i sail away.

    I run downstairs and check his food barrel.
    20 somethin bannanas. So i stand there and start to eat them all as fast as i can. I mean we all know he doesnt like bannanas anyway. I hear footsteps commin as i had a few left. I fill my inventory as he comes downstairs straight for me. I run around the barrels and go back upstairs and jump off the ship and dive. Logged out after that.

    This was the first and last time i tried to give someone a bannana. Until i do this tall tale and meet this Briggsy skelly. Gonna try and hope that skelly takes it and it completes the quest instantly. Didnt go so well when i tried with the Hungering One.

    Stay tuned for Jester of the Seas # 3 Sunken Dreams commin soon.

  • Could have been the beginning of a new, deep friendship ... 😢

  • @goedecke-michel
    I know right.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar
    Lol thanks mate. I tend to find most Tavern Tales boring so i like to add some comedic commentary to keep you from falling asleep

  • The gentleman combo?
    A man of culture as well I see...

  • @xbus6
    There was a player on these forums long ago i heard use that phrase. Stuck with me ever since.

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