I need help, i have a clip of people breaking the pirate code.

  • I have a group of players to report, but the Support site isn't working.

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  • Accessing the support site to submit a new ticket has always been weird. Doesn't let you create on unless you search first.

    Try going directly HERE

  • @archangel-timmy Yes, i know plenty about the support site, i've made like, 20 posts on the support site before. Please read up on the issue before thinking you know the issue. The support site is just broken rn, and needed help.
    Thanks for the effort though.

  • @klutchxking518 grabs popcorn

    What happened?

  • @klutchxking518 said in I need help, i have a clip of people breaking the pirate code.:

    @archangel-timmy Yes, i know plenty about the support site, i've made like, 20 posts on the support site before. Please read up on the issue before thinking you know the issue. The support site is just broken rn, and needed help.
    Thanks for the effort though.

    You asked for help and they responded with what they genuinely believed might assist you. Cut them a little slack.

  • @ghostpaw I gave them slack.

    "Thanks for the effort"

  • @klutchxking518
    Sounds like a bug. You should report it here:


    I jest...

    It seems some people are having problems with it recently. I would just keep trying. It should work eventually.

    If it is also something that breaks Xbox Live's code if conduct you can follow the instructions here to report it to Microsoft:

  • @little-squash How do I attach a clip to an xbox report? People were being incredibly racist, and when I asked them what they'd do if I reported them, they mocked me.

  • @klutchxking518 The ticket site loads for me (https://support.seaofthieves.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new) have you tried clearing cookies/cache or using a different browser?

    If that doesn't work you could always PM me the details and I'll pass it on/submit a ticket on your behalf?

  • @klutchxking518 said in I need help, i have a clip of people breaking the pirate code.:

    @archangel-timmy Please read up on the issue before thinking you know the issue.

    You provided no context as to how the site "isn't working", so how am I supposed to know? I dont know your history on submitting tickets and 95% of the complaints on the support site being broken are because people l cant find where to submit one...

    Thanks for the effort though.


    EDIT: Forgot to add that creating a ticket worked up to submission on my end...

  • @archangel-timmy Isn't working is different from "how do I post a ticket" I don't feel like arguing, lets just leave it there.

    I wasn't clear enough, you didn't pay attention. its fine.

  • With such an abrasive attitude, it’s a wonder anyone bothers to help you at all.

  • @klutchxking518 if you dont get it working just do what @triheadedmonkey said, i think he offered a pretty good workaround for the issue.

  • @CallMeBackdrafT would be easier if the notification/chat worked better 😉
    @KlutchxKing518 I have replied

  • @genuine-heather i'm sorry, but what are you doing to help?

  • @klutchxking518 said in I need help, i have a clip of people breaking the pirate code.:

    @archangel-timmy Isn't working is different from "how do I post a ticket" I don't feel like arguing, lets just leave it there.

    I wasn't clear enough, you didn't pay attention. its fine.

    Don't want to argue, yet you start one with your condescending attitude...

    You weren't clear, and it is you who doesn't pay attention. As I clearly stated, most of the posts that say the Support site isn't working, exactly like yours, are due to them not being able to find the "Create a Ticket" option.

    I will quote it below for you to take another pass at it.

    95% of the complaints on the support site being broken are because people cant find where to submit one...

    Everything is pretty clear. At this point you should take the other advice given if you haven't and then move on.

  • @archangel-timmy I said I needed help because it was broken.

    I did not say that I didn't know how to make a ticket.

    leave it there, please.

  • @klutchxking518 said in I need help, i have a clip of people breaking the pirate code.:

    I have a group of players to report, but the Support site isn't working.

    The Forward to the Pirate 🏴‍☠️ Code is no snitching

  • @glannigan. Ok. lol.

  • @klutchxking518 Again, still missing the point :?

  • @archangel-timmy I was unclear, you didn't pay attention. done.

  • @klutchxking518 You were unclear. Then you were disrespectful. Rather than accepting responsibility for your behaviour, you continue to tag me back here and shift the blame my way.

    This will be done when you stop tagging and being condescending toward me, or take responsibility and move on yourself.

  • @klutchxking518 said in I need help, i have a clip of people breaking the pirate code.:

    @archangel-timmy Yes, i know plenty about the support site, i've made like, 20 posts on the support site before. Please read up on the issue before thinking you know the issue. The support site is just broken rn, and needed help.
    Thanks for the effort though.

    If you mean broken like im not from france but i get redirected to the french support site 24/7 and that almost everybody except the support person called "Belladonna" (Is the only good answerer when it comes to support) give improper and "i don't give a (uglyword)" then yes i agree with you.

  • @klutchxking518 I just check from my Galaxy S9 running chrome and it worked. it did hickup and force me to resign into Microsoft. maybe try logging out of your Microsoft and see or do a fresh sign in and test that.

  • @klutchxking518 dude you posted on this forum to get help with the issue you are/where experiencing, here are quite a few people trying to help you.

    You then come here and not even are not gratefull (none of us have a obligation to help you) you also show off quite the attitude....


  • @callmebackdraft i have about a group of people here all experiencing the same issue and we are trying to solve it. archangel did not check the forums to see what was going on, and he easily could have asked me to be more clear. he just wanted to give a quick answer to help me out, but he answered the wrong question and i was simply offended that he tried to solve the issue without knowing the issue.

    i did not really know how to describe the issue, so i asked here, hoping someone would check the support site, then answer. honestly, i didnt really NEED to explain anymore than i did, because anyone who has the issue or chechs the issue, knows what im talking about.

  • @klutchxking518 so basicly you are offended by someone giving a wrong answer on a (not even) two line issue?

    I think maybe (in this case) you get offended too easily...

    As stated by yourself you didn’t know how to explain the issue and archangel gave you a direct link to the “new request” page, instead of getting offended you could have just stated that that wasn’t the issue you where experiencing.

    When trying to help you on a public forum nobody is obligated to do alot of research to find out what issue you are experiencing especially if you do not give or are not able to give a deeper explanation then “the support site isn’t working”.

    I dont mean this as an attack, just an insight in why, by acting like this, some people lose their desire to help you in any way shape or form.

  • @klutchxking518 said in I need help, i have a clip of people breaking the pirate code.:

    @callmebackdraft i have about a group of people here all experiencing the same issue and we are trying to solve it. archangel did not check the forums to see what was going on, and he easily could have asked me to be more clear. he just wanted to give a quick answer to help me out, but he answered the wrong question and i was simply offended that he tried to solve the issue without knowing the issue.

    i did not really know how to describe the issue, so i asked here, hoping someone would check the support site, then answer. honestly, i didnt really NEED to explain anymore than i did, because anyone who has the issue or chechs the issue, knows what im talking about.

    You spent more time chastising someone attempting to help you than you did explaining your actual problem.

    You: My car won’t start. Can someone help?
    Volunteer: Do you need a jumpstart? I have some cables we can use. I pulled my car around to yours to make it easier.
    You: I already have my own cables. I have jumpstarted my car 20 times before. That isn’t it. Anyone familiar with these cars knows there is a recall on the ignition system. Please understand the issue before offering help. Thanks for the effort.

  • @callmebackdraft i completely agree, i know exactly what you mean, but when someone doesnt explain something shouldnt you go look into it? he saw the post, thinking he knew the answer, and he didnt. everyone else here went and did what i expected them to do.

    i gave him an issue with no details, and if he wants to reply, he needs to be on the same page. thats all.

    ive admitted i was unclear, but that doesnt mean he cant go see what is wrong for himself... he rushed in, did 0 research on the issue, and spat out an answer, which is why im offended, because i want people to uphold respect. when he tries to get the problem done and out of the way that quickly, with absolutely no clue what im talking about, its just rude, which is why i responded rudely.

  • @klutchxking518 like i stated, you offend too easily. He was respectfull and offered something from his knowledge:

    He knew the support site is quirky and gave you the direct URL for submitting a ticket, i used it at the moment he posted it and was working for me.

    You put in little to no effort raising your issue and then expect others to go full effort in doing research what is going on what kind of issue you are having which (in the world of internet) can have 100’s of reasons or causes...

  • As I know the super friendly @triheadedmonkey has forwarded this onto support, I am going to drop anchor here.

    Happy sailing everyone!

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