Exactly Who Is Arena For?

  • One would think that Arena is for competitive players such as myself, so we can have a less tedious way of competing with cutlass and cannon. Trouble is, the way to win in the Arena, much like in Adventure, is to avoid fights at every turn. The winning crews are those best at fleeing, not fighting. Arena's not competitive PvP, it's competitive P&E! Of course, PvE players won't play it because it involves battle and risk. So who is it for? It's not for pirates, as fighting leads to loss, and it's not for delivery mariners, because it has some fighting and loss. That's not to mention Rare's recent announcement that one can level up Sea Dogs all the way without ever stepping foot in the Arena.

    To awnser the question, I have to say that Arena is for no one.

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  • It is for those who want to level up this guild by just beeing there.

  • @goedecke-michel Or just dodge that entirely with doubloons

  • @wilbymagicbear Arena is a pile of garbage with none of the charm of the full game. But it does have 2 groups it kind of works for: anyone who only has 30 mins or so and wants a vit of the game, and anyone who wants practice fighting and isn't worried about winning the match.

    It's also exactly what was advertised: a pirate competition. Pirates are about the loot, not the fight. Get treasure however you can, don't loose it to others, whomever gets the most wins. Thats what the arena is, and that's the essence of piracy right there.

  • @william-flint convincing.

  • @william-flint said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    @wilbymagicbear Arena is a pile of garbage with none of the charm of the full game. But it does have 2 groups it kind of works for: anyone who only has 30 mins or so and wants a vit of the game, and anyone who wants practice fighting and isn't worried about winning the match.

    It's also exactly what was advertised: a pirate competition. Pirates are about the loot, not the fight. Get treasure however you can, don't loose it to others, whomever gets the most wins. Thats what the arena is, and that's the essence of piracy right there.

    Too many people think being a pirate means being a murderer not a gold inclined optimist!

  • @william-flint Yeah but the Sea Dogs are all about the fight. It does do a nice job of capturing the game's essance: Run away, dig up chests, DON'T FJGHT.

  • @itskingbertie in practice they went hand in hand, but people do mix up the means with the motive. I will murder your crew and sink your ship, but you can be assired that it is a)because I hope you have treasure and I want it, or b) because I have loot related buisness here and don't want you hanging around to interfere.

  • @wilbymagicbear no, the portrayal of the Sea Dogs, from what I can tell, is that they are all about the competition. It's not the same thing. Also Sea of Thieves is truly an amazing game to be both all about runing away and not fighting and simultaneously be all about being jerks and attacking everyone in sight just for the fun of it. If you listen to the forums 80% of players are trolling, pvp jerks, and 80% of the players are whining pve cowards. Well the math dosen't add up, and you are both wrong.

  • @wilbymagicbear
    I completely agree. Arena in its current form is a huge missed opportunity.

    If they were going to make an Arena style mode, they should have gone "all-in" and made it about the PVP and not about digging up chests.

    Points for kills, points for cannonball hits, lose points if you ship sinks...

    Or, just a simple last ship standing...

    Or, if you want objective based matches, make them king of the hill, capture the flag, etc.

    Or all of the above on a rotating playlist.

  • @william-flint said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    @itskingbertie in practice they went hand in hand, but people do mix up the means with the motive. I will murder your crew and sink your ship, but you can be assired that it is a)because I hope you have treasure and I want it, or b) because I have loot related buisness here and don't want you hanging around to interfere.

    Yeah but sadly too many people don’t need the loot just want the “content” in terms of just killing for killing sakes, I understand when u don’t need the loot you still want to play and have fun but seriously killing players on adventure over and over and not stealing is the main problem!
    We need a PVP Area not the arena but an arena server where it literally has no limit and PLS can compete and that way it opens up the seas for newbies and casuals to play where nothing changes and u still have thieves but instead of it being PLS doing it for no reason it will only be other players needing loot for their levels and that way, people wouldn’t attack unless it’s worth they while unlike currently where people arnt thinking “is it worth my time” instead it is the only thing to do with their time!

  • My experience of the arena seems to have lined up with roughly what they advertised: we dig up and hand in for the first half, then we suppress and intercept the other teams for the second half, and hand in anything we find. Your approach to the arena will differ depending on how close to/far past Pirate Legend you are.

  • Arena is very badly executed.
    there need to be a lot of changes for it to be competitive.
    just the pure fact that someone can start 1-2 on a galleon, an maybe get someone in the middle of a march is just stupid.

    No ranking or leaderboard???, It could be weekly to months, an even keep the data, so you can see who the best in Arena at the end of a year.

    Think there is a lot of little things that just make Arena a washed down version of SoT, that tries to boil down the concept to 25 min gameplay

  • @william-flint said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    If you listen to the forums 80% of players are trolling, pvp jerks, and 80% of the players are whining pve cowards. Well the math dosen't add up, and you are both wrong.

  • Pesonally I hope few people play it. I've been against a PvP mode from the start as I fear it'll draw PvP oriented players away from adventure mode, and from what I've seen lately it seems to do just that. For what it's worth I'm glad to hear you don't enjoy it, maybe we'll run into each other in adventure one of these days. :)

  • I never had that much PvP since the Arena.

    Escaping from a battle doesn't mean victory, a lot of strategies can sometimes lead to defeat.

    That said, Arena is about PvP but also about sailing strategy.
    Give it a few more time to develop.
    It is freaking promising.

  • @wilbymagicbear

    Competitive does not equal fighting/pvp

    I am pvp minded as well but i also really like adventure and arena.

    Arena is brains over braun, you can go for the fight and actually win that way but whatever you do you have to keep a watchfull eye on whatever any of the other ships are doing and if they have chests aboard and if so how many.

    Tactics are important in arena.

  • @callmebackdraft said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:


    Competitive does not equal fighting/pvp

    I am pvp minded as well but i also really like adventure and arena.

    Arena is brains over braun, you can go for the fight and actually win that way but whatever you do you have to keep a watchfull eye on whatever any of the other ships are doing and if they have chests aboard and if so how many.

    Tactics are important in arena.

    This guy gets it - the mode is no different than a capture the flag or any other objective based mode in competitive titles. And just because the victory requirements aren't whoever has the most kills doesn't make the mode any less PvP - you are still competing against other players/teams so by definition is PvP. Anyone who disagrees has a very narrow-minded view.

    PvP does not mean the game has to be limited to such basic modes as Deathmatch or Battle Royale. It is absurd to say Arena is a "PvE mode"as it is to say Capture the Flag, Defuse/Plant the Bomb, Rescue the Hostages, or any other objective mode is "PvE". If you are competing against other players, it is PvP....PERIOD.

  • @callmebackdraft Exactly. This isn't call of duty. Mindlessly getting yourselves into fights for the sake of fighting is stupid if you're actually trying to win. Strategy plays a huge roll. You need to be attentive and scan the area. Sometimes it's beneficial to fight and sometimes it's beneficial to flee.

  • It's so funny how many gamers dont get what this game is about.


    *rolling on deck laughing.

  • @rk1-turbulence sagte in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    Pesonally I hope few people play it. I've been against a PvP mode from the start as I fear it'll draw PvP oriented players away from adventure mode, and from what I've seen lately it seems to do just that. For what it's worth I'm glad to hear you don't enjoy it, maybe we'll run into each other in adventure one of these days. :)

    Problem is most of these pvpers also dont get what it is about in Adventure mode and then start just beeing trolls and not fearsome pirates roleplaying and competing with a playful aproach and sense for theor fellow players, but too much seriousness as if their ePeen will dwindle, because someone can buy levels and such.
    Nobody needs jerks and gamers who arent here to play and enrich the Sea and let everybody have that social experience Rare want us to have.
    And people bragging with:
    I spawnkill everybody for 15 planks, 7 banana's and 30 cannonballs are just gamer jerks.
    PvP is fine, Arena is fine, all is good, but the people gaming.

    SoT highly depends on the players to be fun. And it relies on the interaction of players in your crew and outside of your crew.
    Recently we have less players, aproaching the game playful and with fun, even or extra when competing, but overall exagerating gamers, who game the system and complain about everything.
    Bragg with pixels and talk about effort playing a videogame 10+ hours per day.
    Nobody can become more ridiculous and pitiful.

  • Who is Arena for? That's actually a very easy question for once ...Arena and the Adventure Mode are for People who just want to have fun and who don't take a loss to their Hearts ...That's for whom Arena and the Adventure Mode was made...
    For me personally, i love Arena to have a quick thrilling game with Sea Battles , Melee Fights i mostly lose but i don't care about losses, digging treasure under pressure ( * Hey , moron ...Do you think you are a songwriter or something?...fool!) but i absolutely love the fact when my unhurting taunts towards my "enemies " make them giggle ...That is The Bomb for me ...To bring a laugh and a goof , helped by my Clumsy English accent , towards those that expected a Trollfilled evening...

    Nah , The Arena and it's wonderfull Pub / Hub is purely made for People that want to have fun, fight in a sportmanship way and can joke and giggle from the previous Arena Session when that come into the Tavern...

  • the arena is more about the objective of obtaining more loot than your rivals than it is fighting them.

    @william-flint said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    @wilbymagicbear no, the portrayal of the Sea Dogs, from what I can tell, is that they are all about the competition. It's not the same thing. Also Sea of Thieves is truly an amazing game to be both all about runing away and not fighting and simultaneously be all about being jerks and attacking everyone in sight just for the fun of it. If you listen to the forums 80% of players are trolling, pvp jerks, and 80% of the players are whining pve cowards. Well the math dosen't add up, and you are both wrong.


    even when a competitive mode is added, PvPers argue. when PvP has no guaranteed reward in Adventure mode, they argue. and suddenly it really bugs them when players choose not to fight.

    i will keep repeating myself. PvP is entirely player choice. players have a role of just being one of the many random encounters in adventure mode and not every one of these encounters is meant to result in PvP.

    adventure mode PvP giving no guaranteed reward and arena being entirely objective focused proves this point.

  • @rk1-turbulence said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    Pesonally I hope few people play it. I've been against a PvP mode from the start as I fear it'll draw PvP oriented players away from adventure mode, and from what I've seen lately it seems to do just that. For what it's worth I'm glad to hear you don't enjoy it, maybe we'll run into each other in adventure one of these days. :)

    Sad to say I enjoy adventure even less. Better to lose because you fought than to sail an empty ocean for 2 hours without finding a soul.

    ...maybe I should quit.

  • @WilbyMagicBear
    Seriously why don't you play Blackwake?

  • Its for me xD

    Arena is just having fun with a lot of players. Getting to know new players and crew up and learn to work together.

    Nothing hurts you can sink and die with nothing to loose and even winning a match is not important.. just having a fun match by itself is enough. You just slowly complete the commendations no stress or loss of progress. But slowly getting the crew to function and even win some matches its all light and fun.

    There is some strategy and smart choises to make on picking a map and gathering points with chest or canon..

    Meeting so many players and have this peace mode tavern to enjoy is crazy and fun :")

    For me its just a funny game mode with a lot of action and no loss of progress making it enjoyable.

    No real competition nothing to win or loose.. just having fun :")

  • Not for us. Very little incentive to grind wins when you get clueless gamers or our 4th is a Sailor.

    No thanks. Very little gold in winning. Afking for the spot in the top 3.

    No real loot that counts for anything but one faction.

    I'd rather camp a couple sailors on a sloop and kill them mindlessly for no reason/supplies then arena. /s

  • Did you post to just get hits? Sounds like it. Arena is for no one? Get outa here.

  • @bugaboo-bill Preach it, brother! This and more this!

  • @mouse-n-keybord don't you think Grand Theft Auto is a better game for you?

  • @kevininnyc said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    @mouse-n-keybord don't you think Grand Theft Auto is a better game for you?

    Wanna gift it?

    Last GTA I played was 3. Flying tanks and all that. Been there done that and wasn't online. GTA 5 looks just like all the others but with new graphics.

    What other games can I log into to steal someone's resources while they are on a Tall Tale?

  • @wilbymagicbear

    I remember your post begging for a ship's wake to provide a speed boost to pursuing ships. Your argument was that it was not fair that your prey was allowed to run away from a fight, leading you on a merry chase for ages across the seas.

    You are clearly playing the wrong game! Sea of Thieves is not the battle fest you want it to be. It is a pirate game, and pirates are all about the loot - not mindless kills and sinking other ships. Arena is a competitive mode that suits the Sea of Thieves theme beautifully. As someone else put it, in another thread, it is more like a game of Chess (with Chests).

    This is NOT Fortnite with Boats. Please stop arguing for it to be so.

  • I'm lvl 50 seadog and have my 240 wins. Yes you can try to avoid fights and yes people on occasion get tied up at a island so one ship will sail off to another island and dig chests but it's impossible to not pvp. Some just play for points aka wins but PvP will happen no matter what if it's a full server

  • @ajm123 said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    I'm lvl 50 seadog and have my 240 wins. Yes you can try to avoid fights and yes people on occasion get tied up at a island so one ship will sail off to another island and dig chests but it's impossible to not pvp. Some just play for points aka wins but PvP will happen no matter what if it's a full s

    You missed the point. The problem is engaging in PvP will cost you the match in many cases. While someone who does nothing but dig up chest and turn them in will win. This is not in the interest of preserving the spirit of competition.

    I posted in the arena focus insiders this patch that in summary they need to make it 1 active map at a time(as with forts). Far less chests with 3 max big 2 max small.

    This turns it into a match of who can win the most islands rather than who gets to free farm the most wins.

  • @droper666 I disagree because everyone understands the rules. If you wanna win you have to dig chests. The best teams I have faced including myself go for digs then sell get 7-8 sold then PvP to protect lead or dig more. The best 100% will PvP and usely won't PvP unless they have a lead or have too ..making it a very competitive match when it's 2 teams thinking the same. One of the last times I played a friend we hide all the chests except 1 on crooks hollow. My friend knew the game plan. We fought for 24 mins score ended 3000 1st place 2nd was 1500.

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