Died and ended up in the last tall tale boss fight

  • Hey
    So me and a buddy were doing a athena in devils roar. We were at an island and i had low health so ending up jumping off the top of the mast. Went through the ferry of the dammed door ending up in the last room of shores of gold tall tale. Hit the anchor to lower the bridge and ran in to the gold hoarder and it started up the boss fight. Really strange because i've only done 3 tall tales in total has this happened to anyone else ?

  • Yes, this is a known issue that has happened to a few folks, including myself. We were on a different Tall Tale when I died, and for 3-4 deaths kept re-spawning in the Shores of Gold, starting with that same room you mentioned. It wasn't until the Gold Hoarder himself killed me that I was sent back to my ship. Very odd!

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