Merchant ships

  • With the new addition of tall tales adventure mode can still get quite boring as there still isn't much to do and merchant voyages can be tedious and boring. With the addition of merchant ships this would add a new objective to achieving level 50 in the merchant alliance. Merchant ships would roam the seas and would be an often site. They wouldn't be an event and wouldn't be a chance to run into. They should be easy to spot and shouldn't have to require players to hope they get that small chance they encounter it in the server. Merchant ships would carry items such as tea, spices, sugar, plants, etc that could be sold at any Outpost as plunder. The merchant ships would be run by NPCs (which could just be re-skinned skeletons) and could range from galleons, Briggs, and sloops. Depending on the amount of plunder they're carrying will depend on the ship size. High value items would be traveling in convoys such as a galleon accompanied by two sloops. This would add more variety in the game and more to do. With there only being a few ships you don't really get the pirate feel of the game when you don't see any other ships. If there were merchant ships it would add to the pirate experience by letting you plunder ships that occur more frequently and reward you with doing so. And with the addition of merchant ships the addition of bounties can be added as well, leading players to want to hunt down these other pirates for gold. This update would benefit the merchant alliance by adding something else to do rather than the boring and tedious take items from a to b merchant voyages and putting something fun and exciting next to it. This wouldn't get rid of merchant voyages it would simply just be an add on to the merchant alliance.

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