Meg and Kraken meat

  • Anyone feel like the Meg and Kraken meat should have slightly better rep and cash value?

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  • Can't help but think it's supposed to be 1500g and not 150g lol

  • @blatantwalk4260 Yeah, It should be a lot more. Merrick would go nuts over some Meg meat.

  • It's 150 gold? Really?
    I don't get their logic sometimes. They always add things in a weird way, just to fix it again a few months later. Oh well...

  • Id say 300 meg 500 kraken

  • i could make an argument for either.

    on one hand you have new items that could potentially upset the balance of the game's economy. so give it a low starting value and increase it over time.

    on the other hand you have an item that is relatively easy to find and always guaranteed from the spawn nodes (it is always a drop when you kill the creature) and therefore technically not valued for much compared to an item like the supply crates where one has to find a specific item 50 times and the crate itself.

    idk. did you cook it?

  • @wydyadoit its 150g cooked and you still have to be attacked and fight for it versus sitting casting a rod and grabbing a fish. Megs are easier to kill than the kraken unless youre on a sloop and are encountered more often.

    The low values of these just dont balance well with the rest of the game

  • @blatantwalk4260

    nah. you can get it from sunken ships and other random locations also.

  • @wydyadoit rarely

  • I have 1 question.

    Do you still get treasure for fighting and killing the meg and kracken on top of the now added meat?

    Because if so then this argument is baseless.


    let me explain why.

    First a couple of definitions.

    • event =

    a mechanic that encourages playing under a certain set of rules that provides a reward upon completion

    • reward =

    any asset of a game that is given to the player upon the player completing some sort of task or reaching a set of parameters.

    • difficulty =

    an arbitrary value determined by the playerbase's average ability to complete tasks.

    The value of an event is based on the difficulty. Fighting a Kracken or a Megalodon rewards players treasure based on that difficulty. The same goes for performing a quest through 1 of the different trading companies. That level difficulty can rise or fall and impact that overall value of the event. This in turn gives reason to adjust the overall gold rewarded to the player. If the event's difficulty does not change however then there's no reason to change the value of the reward. So in turn the difficulty of the event hasn't changed and therefore there's no reason to increase the reward for completing it either.

    in simpler terms:

    for any given event - constant difficulty = constant reward

    the meat is an additional reward. The value of the meat increases upon completing the event "cook" successfully.

    if you find the meat then you're not rewarded for the event "kill the ____" and therefore you are instead rewarded for cooking the meat.

    for comparison's sake let's talk about pigs. pigs require a couple of events to be successful.

    event 1 : find a pig cage

    event 2 : find a pig

    event 3 : don't let the pig die

    event 4 : reach an outpost

    event 5 : turn in the pig.

    this set of combined events nets you a whopping 100 - 1000 gold and can arguably be more difficult than just fighting a megalodon. And it's damn certain more difficult than scavenging a sea wreckage and cooking up some old meat. however if you have a quest for the pig then you add onto that quest

    event 6: deliver pig to a specific outpost.

    and that additional thing can net you an extra handful of gold.

    for the megalodon if we were to break it down into events it's as follows

    event 1 : find meg

    event 2 : shoot meg to activate battle

    event 3 : kill meg

    event 4 : collect treasure

    event 5 : reach outpost

    event 6 : turn in treasure

    so as you can see the addition of cooking the meat isn't really part of this event. it's more of a separate set of events that you can add between collecting treasure and reaching the outpost. it's similar to a side quest or bonus skill that rewards you some extra pocket change for knowing how to cook meat.

  • I think all the value of the fish and meat is ok, yes it's a hell of a grind, but remember let's say the goldhoarder-regular sail, you dig, you have the thread of skellies or getting all that stolen from other pirates because you were not on your ship...
    And there is hunters can fish EVERYWHERE and at ANY TIME...yesterday we did 5 times the 3rd tall this time we made over 40-45k just from fishing...
    Also there will be letters of commendations for the two new factions...maybe I do it to lvl 40 and byu the rest, maybe earlier...

  • @wydyadoit yes you do...a few days ago we got from one kraken: 7 kraken meat, (!!!)4 stronghold skulls(!!!), 1 villianous skull, 1 skellie captain skull, 1 bonedust...that was the most valuable kraken I've ever had

  • @schwammlgott

    I edited my post btw. Didn't want to be disingenuous

  • @wydyadoit On top of that, I find Kraken or Megalodon meat in every other ship wreck. I kill every shark I see yet I've got twice as much Megalodon & Kraken meat.

  • @crimsonraziel I can still sneeze out fish with about the same value and rep as kracken or meg and not really have to do any sort of work. At least this requires some sort of effort.

  • @wydyadoit delivering a gold pig is effortless so 1k plus for 0 work versus fighting a meg or kraken? This argument is weak you are using the loot from other reputations to justify the value of the meat being so invaluble. These items are completely worthless to anyone who doesnt need them so the massive loot haul obtainable from megs and krakens sgouldnt be a factor in the reputation value of meat or the cash value.

  • @wydyadoit loot tier is only comparable to the difficulty to recieve based on the loot within its own reputation. When compares to fish the rep and cash value of kraken and meg meats are way out of balance

  • @blatantwalk4260 All it takes to get Kraken meat is a dive at a ship wreck. It does not require more effort than fishing.

    When fighting tentacles you get more than just Kraken meat. The effort is for the combined value. If you don't care about the booty that's fine, but that's your issue.

  • @crimsonraziel yet again you can not use other reputation items to justify the value of kraken meat or meg meat. We are talking about the value of hunters call items and them being balanced logically to the reputation. So refrence to anything that is not a hunters call item is not valid. Kraken meat should not be the same value as half the fish in the game that I can get 200 of in half an hour Its illogical and also makes no sense lore wise that meat from these legendaey sea beasts would be so worthless. Its about balance within the hunters call and things making sense lore wise. Kraken isnt as common as you so irresponsibly make it out to be you have to roll the dice that the ship wreck even has kraken meat out of 90 shipwrecks Ive hit only 3 had kraken meat most of it was just fish, pork, and snake also half the time its burnt.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Meg and Kraken meat:

    @crimsonraziel yet again you can not use other reputation items to justify the value of kraken meat or meg meat. We are talking about the value of hunters call items and them being balanced logically to the reputation. So refrence to anything that is not a hunters call item is not valid.

    I thought you wanted to argue: Because you have to put some effort into fighting the Kraken and its meat is part of the remains of the tentacles it has to be valuable to justify the effort (which is not the case, the effort is already justified by the other booty).

    If you want to argue: Because Kraken is rare its meat has to be valuable. This does not logically follow. I would say mermaid gems are easier to get than Chests of Sorrow (and they are far easier to transport) yet 2/3 are worth more than the chest.

    Looking at the commendations Hunter's Call obviously is focused on fishing. Giving non-fishing stuff more relevance than fish seems illogical.

    Kraken meat should not be the same value as half the fish in the game that I can get 200 of in half an hour

    That's a premise I don't accept. Because they are all healing items I could assert their value should be according to their healing effect. That's at least equally valid. Also demonstrate how you get 200 fish within half an hour.

    Its illogical and also makes no sense lore wise that meat from these legendaey sea beasts would be so worthless.

    Kraken meat causes cancer, tastes bad and makes you stink. Fixed it.

    Its about balance within the hunters call and things making sense lore wise. Kraken isnt as common as you so irresponsibly make it out to be you have to roll the dice that the ship wreck even has kraken meat out of 90 shipwrecks Ive hit only 3 had kraken meat most of it was just fish, pork, and snake also half the time its burnt.

    Just yesterday I found 2 Kraken meat and 3 Meg meat in 4 wrecks. In total I found less chicken or pork in those wrecks. The commendations are done except shark meat, but I've yet to find a burned Meg or Kraken meat at all. But that's as anecdotal as your argument and leads nowhere.

  • @crimsonraziel you put the line in the water and look at that you have a fish withing a minute and so does the rest of your crew unless youre bad at the easiest thing to do in sea of thieves. The healing factors of food have nothing to do with its value as a turn in treasure. Your cancer joke is terrible you proved you are here to troll and destroy legitimate conversations so youre no longer worth discussing this matter with as nothing you say has any merit at this point anymore.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Meg and Kraken meat:

    @crimsonraziel you put the line in the water and look at that you have a fish withing a minute and so does the rest of your crew unless youre bad at the easiest thing to do in sea of thieves.

    4 players, 1 minute per fish, 30 minutes timeframe … 120 fish at best, ignoring that you only can hold 5 fish and lose time when you need to empty your inventory. I may be bad at the easiest thing to do in Sea of Thieves (actually I don't fish at all) but you're worse in basic math.

    The healing factors of food have nothing to do with its value as a turn in treasure.

    It has as much to do with its value as rarity does.

    Your cancer joke is terrible you proved you are here to troll and destroy legitimate conversations so youre no longer worth discussing this matter with as nothing you say has any merit at this point anymore.

    Sad. But this was only to illustrate that "makes no sense lore wise" is not an argument. I'm not here to "destroy legitmate conversations" but to point out bad arguments. What your response shows is that you're looking for an escape route cause you've run out of arguments.

  • I agree that meg/kraken meat prices seem a bit low when compared to normal fish, they might do a price re-balance at some point.

  • Yes and no.
    While it did surprise me at how low it’s value was when I first sold it, I understand why they would do that.

    If its value is too high/in competition with some of the high value fish, Hunters Call would just become meg/kraken farming. Similar to how forts have become the basis for some to grinding to legend.

    Especially with each meg dropping a fair bit of meat.

    Personally I’m okay with where it stands, I like that Hunters call will take a good bit of time to progress through the levels.

  • Yup. That stuff is a rare delicacy!

  • I don't think it should change for the Kraken, because of the amount of Krakens that I am attacked by, and the meg that drops multiple pieces of meg meat.

  • Cooked Meg meat selling 150 seems a bit low to me. While the Meg isn't difficult it isn't as easy as catching trophy fish that sell for more.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Meg and Kraken meat:

    @crimsonraziel Kraken meat should not be the same value as half the fish in the game that I can get 200 of in half an hour Its illogical and also makes no sense lore wise that meat from these legendary sea beasts would be so worthless.

    Amen to that

    I am puzzled by others who say that Kraken meat and Meg meat are "easy to get". No buddies, they ain't easy to get.

    In my experience the encounters are not frequent enough to warrant the low value that the meat sells for now. And also the time and resources used when combating one of these beasts... and then 2 minutes of cooking time per piece of meat. It really should be 300g for each piece of Meg meat, and 500g each for each piece of Kraken meat. That's only 1200g and 2000g if you sell all pieces.

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