Arena has changed my character model!

  • After playing a game of arena today, my character was stripped of his clothes, hair, vanity items, etc. Not just the glitch that others saw, but when I checked, the items were actually removed. As I began to re-equip the items back, I noticed my character model had actually changed some. The skin is much lighter (I used to have a bit of tan) and I no longer had facial hair stubble/5 o'clock shadow, and my eyes are now a more yellow/amber color when before they were dark brown. I thought this was a glitch that would fix it self, but it has not! I've started the game several times and gone back into Adventure mode. Still showing the new whiter skin color and no facial hair! I've been playing this game a ton since launch and I'm used to my pirates look, and the new look just makes me feel like he isn't the pirate I used to have because there is no option to change skin color or add the facial hair stubble back.

    Has anyone else had this happen? Is this a known issue? Is there a way to get him reverted to the way he should look?

    TL:RD - Arena has permanently change the skin color, eye color, and facial stubble of my pirate model.

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  • @dinodamege Must have drank too much grog and are suffering from liver failure!

  • This sounds like an old bug that has reared its ugly head again. Have you raised a support ticket?

  • @galactic-geek I didn't know this was something that happened before. And yes, I have opened up a ticket for it.

  • yep, happened to me as well .. fantastic! NOT!

    I hope they can change it back...

  • Happened to me today too lol. I had this bug a while back when the game first came out. They were able to reset my pirate so I'm sure they'll be able to do it again.

  • @llamapredator said in Arena has changed my character model!:

    Happened to me today too lol. I had this bug a while back when the game first came out. They were able to reset my pirate so I'm sure they'll be able to do it again.

    i remember people complaining about that

  • Happened to me as well last night. Hopefully they can fix it soon.

  • This bug is reminiscent of a bug we've had recently before the Anniversay Update where a pirate suddenly was missing all clothes, vanity items, skin tone, scars, tattoos and such. The key difference is that it solved itself after a few minutes, whereas this particular iteration of the bug seems to persist. Dying, going to the Ferry of the Damned and returning would also solve the issue, but not so now.

    I noticed that @S0nicbob himself mentioned on Reddit that they are investigating the problem. I dearly hope that they can help you all soon.

    Happy sailing to you all!

  • I've had this happen to me 2 or 3 times. My pirate is dark skinned but has turned pale (and naked) a few times. This was way before Arena. (Although Arena may trigger it?) This glitch has existed for some time.

    Starting a new game solves the problem.

  • @viperishemu2992 This is different, as it's permanent. Relogging, exiting the game, dying, etc. has no effect.

  • @lionmaw Oh wow I've never seen that! Better contact Rare Support about it.

  • @dinodamege This just happened to me too! I've opened a support ticket, hoping they can restore my character's original features.

    I'm glad to read it's not just me who's had their character changed because of this bug.

  • This exact thing happened to me today too! I'll raise a support ticket and hope for the best, as I see some have said Rare were able to fix it when it happened to them before.

  • @dinodamege

    This particular glitch occurs if you try changing clothers (or any cosmetics) after the servers migrate in between matches. You'll want to submit a bug report, I have already. It is quite an annoyance.

    @LionMaw @Aspaceheron It is definitely not permanent. See my previous statement. You can put your cosmetics back on once the match starts, or the next time you enter the Sea Dog tavern BEFORE servers migrate, or if you just go back to Adventure mode and re-apply them.

  • @chronodusk This one is permanent (to an extent). It is true I can put clothes, tattoos, and hair color/style back to what I had originally.

    However, eye color, skin tone, freckles (if your pirate had them) have been changed or are missing.

  • @llamapredator This is what's bothering me. I have no scars, no 5 o'clock shadow and now have black hair and amber eyes.

    Don;t feel connected to this pirate at all. Would like my familiar pirate back. Have submitted a bug report but have been met with total silence so far.

    Update: Alex Vinden just sent a response saying. "Thank you for contacting Sea of Thieves Support.
    Our team is aware of this issue and are working on a solution. We hope to resolve this in a future update.
    Keep an eye on game news channels about upcoming updates."

    Which I assume means "get in line we'll get to you when we get to you" so cautiously optimistic about getting restored in a few weeks.

  • @chronodusk It's not about losing clothes or vanity items. The change is to the character's specific traits that you can't change yourself - skin tone, eye color, scars, eyeshadow, facial stubble, even freckles as @LlamaPredator mentioned.

    All these traits have been set to default values, so to speak.

  • It's happened to me too.
    Rare replied that it would be corrected and that my character would be as it was before.
    Wait and see

  • @aspaceheron On today's dev update video they said they are aware that people have had their pirate's appearances altered. They are releasing a patch today to prevent that from happening in the future.

    This happened to me when the game first came out and they were able to fix it. It sucks but I'm optimistic that they'll get around to our pirates :).

  • @DinoDamege Yeah I know what you mean same thing happened to me as well. After a while though I did get a message back from them saying my character had been fully restored however this was not the case as my character was missing some traits such as scars and facial stubble, there is also random black lines over my character where the scars should be which is annoying. I also replied back to them again saying this was a problem, they said they were aware of it and were trying to fix it again. Then a couple of days ago I did get a reply again saying that these traits should now be fixed however they are not, in fact it looks like nothing has been done at all. Then the latest reply today was they thanked me for reporting the bug and they have sent it to there investigation team. Its been nearly a month now and to be honest at this point I am starting to think my character might never be fully restored and its really discouraging me from playing the game again. Have played the game for over a year and am PL8. I am glad I never bought the game now and only got it for free on games pass.

  • Had this happen to me, I think they restored hair color and some stubble but a scar I know I had on my back hasn't been fixed unfortunately. Really regret playing arena first week before they fixed this bug now. :( Yes I already have a support ticket.

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