New Additions to Seaposts Discovered!

  • Ahoy there me Hearties!
    There's a ton of new teases in the world right now, and one that I've found particularly interesting is the new dock extensions on all the Seaposts!

    That's right, all 8 Seaposts across the 4 regions now have new extensions on the docks:
    Shores of Plenty
    Ancient Isles
    The Wilds
    Devil's Roar
    They look like they have room for new npcs!

    The one on Stephen's Spoils even has a Boiling pot!

    I don't know exactly what these will be for but hey, we can speculate!

    I believe it's safe to assume that this is where the representatives of the new Hunter’s Call trading company will reside.
    (It even looks like Merrick is sitting on the Dock of a Seapost in this picture!)

    Because if ya think about it logically:
    I think we're going to be able to fish anywhere.
    alt text

    So if the representatives of the Hunter’s Call trading company are going to be on Outposts, then players will never have an incentive to leave the Outpost.
    They'll just catch a fish and sell it directly to the representative of the Hunter Call on the Outpost. (That is assuming we can sell fish)

    So what I think Rare will do is put the representatives of the Hunter’s Call on Seaposts to prevent people from just fishing all day at the Outposts.
    Hence why we're seeing these new extensions on the docks!

    Well mates, what do you think these extensions on the docks are for?
    And do ya think my speculation regarding em is correct?
    Let me know, until then see ya on the seas!

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  • @Sgt-Palooggoo
    Your spyglass is ever scanning the horizon!

  • @dyfrin
    Aye, I never go anywhere without!

    I literally have my Spyglass keybinded to Left on the D-pad on my controller.

  • @sgt-palooggoo excellent detective work, my friend! I suspect you are completely correct, and I'm excited to see more functionality coming to these seaposts! They can become more and more important as little mini-outposts!

  • I see witchcraft with these cauldrons!!

  • I’m still in shock they added fishing 😂
    It must just be me, but I have never played a game where I have thought the fishing mechanic was fun and interesting, it’s always been clinically boring.

    But each to there own I suppose! 🙈

  • @skulliah I heard a rumor that some form of potion-crafting was something they were interested in, but not sure when the would get around to. Is that my memory playing tricks on me?

  • Some of the decorations, like the plates, make me think cooking is going to be part of the Hunters Call.

  • @vorondil1
    There was even an NPC in each outpost in the potion house that they removed because they weren't using them.

  • @vorondil1 said in New Additions to Seaposts Discovered!:

    @skulliah I heard a rumor that some form of potion-crafting was something they were interested in, but not sure when the would get around to. Is that my memory playing tricks on me?

    Well, if you explore the outposts, there are already several potions hung everywhere :D

    Yeah it was something they wanted to do, I don't know if it's still in their plans :D

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    Excellent work as usual.
    One question... probably will find out later.
    The extensions... do they make it a little easier to park up?
    From what I can see the docking end is longer in length, or are they all a little different?

  • @skulliah said in New Additions to Seaposts Discovered!:

    I see witchcraft with these cauldrons!!

    alt text

    (The smirk says it all)

  • If this is correct, I'm not sure how I feel about the hunters call guys being on seaposts.

  • Saddest pirate (heart)

  • @sgt-palooggoo aye nice theory mate

  • Couldn't they just be on both? Like how you deliver cargo to seaposts, and the outposts.

  • @dekeita
    I suppose they could be, but like I said in the post:
    You'll just fish all day at the Outpost and never venture out into the world.
    Because you'll just sell the fish to the Hunter Call representative when you catch it.

  • @sgt-palooggoo we don't really know how the faction works at all yet, maybe they're Voyages like catch this specific fish and deliver it to this guy.

    Also, just being at seaposts wouldn't really make your scenario any better cause you could just sit at the seapost all day and trade in there exactly the same way.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in New Additions to Seaposts Discovered!:

    So what I think Rare will do is put the representatives of the Hunter’s Call on Seaposts to prevent people from just fishing all day at the Outposts.

    Very logical conclusion =)

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