Suggestion: Merchant > Option to buy Cages

  • I would love to have the option to buy cages. I know I can get a voyage, get the cages, cancel repeat but it would be so much easier to just buy the ones I want.

  • @zen-dule agreed, it is also annoying when your trying to get 20+ chicken crates and can only get cargo missions,
    I'd like to see an assistant merchant who sold uncontrated crates.

  • @zen-dule – This has come up many times yet I’m still not sure it’s needed. When I run MA voyages I keep my eyes peeled for random crates/cages/baskets on islands and easily have surplus supply rather quickly. I understand losing these items can be frustrating but I’ve never had any trouble finding more in the world to complete my order.

    @SailorKek – Not sure why you’d need 20+ chicken crates straight off the bat :-/

  • I need 50 coops , catch chickens and deliver them survival mode with pirates , monsters and skellyboats.. its fun and exciting :D if you can get empty coops with the annoying cargo :( chickens are fun to catch and to have a boat full chickens is a chickenboat its awesome

  • Its the same as with loot.. if you sail with 1 chest nothing is exciting because you have almost nothing to loose.. but if you got 20 chest everything is exciting not for the value but for all the time and effort you can loose.
    Same with chickens catching 4 is sad if you sink but noy exciting but if you spend so much time and effort catching 50 chickens its so exciting to deliver them survival mode because you can loose all this time and effort and then its so satisfiing to survive and deliver them even if i havd millions in cash and dont need anyghing

    Maybe i got the cabin fever i dunno O.o

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