Sword Stun Lock is too Much

  • Sword stun lock needs to be tuned down. I just got done with a fight where I couldn't move away from the guy or heal at all, I tried sprinting pulling out my sword and healing through it but couldn't. I was locked down. The fact that every hit stops you in your tacks and ruins your sword combo there's no counter play. Sure I could block but then I'm just asking to get shot in the face, and even if I tried to block the animations would get interrupted by the sword combo. I wouldn't mind a slow down but a total stop and action interrupt is to much, maybe it only stuns you on the third swing then it knocks you back or stuns you. It takes away to much control way from the player where if I had just a bit more control I would have lived. If this is what sword combat will be when arena finally releases then I wont be playing it. When the whole combat system seems fast paced, where you're running around jumping, shooting, repairing, a resource managing the flow gets thrown off with the current sword stun system and I would like to see it changed.

  • When you hold block you can hold a direction and hit jump and you do a quick side step or back step that moves you out of range to then do what you wish.

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