How to reduce frustration in SoT ?

  • Hey,
    I just spent an hour in a solo sloop farming merchent quests.
    I get attacket by a 2 player sloop just before the outpost.
    I tried to talk to them in the chat and with the speaking trumpet.
    After 10 of my messages, one of them said "ohé"...

    They then boarded me, put my anchor and killed me.
    They spawnkilled me twice after that.

    I have only chickens on my boat (we all know that it cost nothing without doing a quest).

    So I have some questions about this bad experience :

    -How to improove/balance solo sloop game experience ?
    -How to comunicate with players ?
    -How to learn to battle royal people that sea of thieves is not ?
    -How avoid people who kills for the pleasure ?

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  • @rakan-le-rouge Unfortunately, being an open sandbox game, this type of stuff happens. Some people, whether we agree with them or not, just want to get on a PvP. Even when you don't. I still remember the days of getting boarded and even before they attack us they go and kill all the animals we had on board. Not much you can do about it but be careful and do what you can to be alert to your surroundings. Try not to let them near you.

    As for communications, a lot of times players are in party chat, and if so, and they are on xbox, they can't hear you, even over speaking trumpet. If I am trying to get some ones attention. I use the speaking trumpet and also use the chat wheel asking if they can hear me. It doesn't work all that often, but sometimes they will respond.

    Every one in game has different motivations for playing and often times they do not match up with your motivations.

  • Rip chickens :(

    Chickenboats are friendly!

    Well if i play chickenboat i keep distance from all other boats.. stealth no contact there are too many chickenkillers its sad

  • We can help you mate if you want to sail and learn how to protect yourself from this act of pointless kill kill kill attitude that way too many PvP players have. There was no reason for this but to kill another player on sight while actively terrorizing you to sacrifice your fun for their own twisted, perverse enjoyment. It represents the cesspool competitive online multiplayer gaming has become.

    It has nothing to do with being a pirate historically or in the game. Never accept the excuses for it and never allow it to beat you down. Be proud that you are and will be a better pirate than these types of players ever could be.

  • @x-crowheart-x
    Thank you very much for your answer !
    I think, next time I will scuttle my ship, just before they board me to make them frustrated mwahahah !

  • You can't balance it, having extra people makes them more powerful they can do things that you can't.

    Communication is pointless, they're going to kill you in the time it takes to get out your horn and pull up the chat wheel.

    Fighting is best left to full crews, I haven't been able to manage all the aspects of a ship, meaning, captaining, sails, repairing, and shooting

    How do you avoid people, well if you're doing anything, you can try and keep an eye out but outside of being constantly on the move, eventually someone will find you and ruin your day.

  • @nofears-fun They can hear you though. They just are too lazy to swap to the different channel. You wouldn't be able to hear the game at all if this was the case. It just swaps over the voice channel to party, so if someone in the game speaks to you. You would be able to totally hear them.

    They are just lazy.

  • @rakan-le-rouge Sorry to hear about your experience.
    Here are some strategies you could adopt to help with pirates who kill for the pleasure:

    1 - If you plan to play for a few hours and undertake some missions, start by checking the map for Reaper flags. Maybe start on a simple mission to get a feel for the server, how many boats are there and if they are friendly or not. Once you are happy you're on a somewhat peaceful server you can get on with the missions without fear. If there is a bit too much action then just restart the game and hopefully you should get better luck. Some servers are hostile but many are peaceful.

    2 - Join an alliance. This assumes you are on a friendly server to start with, but will add a small guarantee of safety. On the other hand, pirates will be pirates so don't trust your new friends 100%.

    3 - Learn to improve your sailing to avoid getting run down by other pirates. Part of this is also to start with the assumption that any ship on the horizon might attack in which case stay upwind and keep those sails trimmed for maximum speed.

    4 - Take any death as a lesson that you need to get more experienced yourself at PVP. I used to get upset about it but if I get killed now I just say "Thank you for making me a better pirate" then try to get improve next time. Not a good option I admit but it works. By not getting stressed out about it I've actually improved in combat and although I'm not a super PVP I last a lot longer these days and can normally take down one, two or sometimes three pirates before I die. Knowing there is always room for improvement actually adds to the enjoyment of the game.

    Hopefully these suggestions will help.

  • @shinten-rai You are quite right, however, if they are simply there to PvP, why would they switch? I know for myself, if I am in the middle of PvP, I don't want to be heard as I am sure I let some language fly that is not approved under the ToS, even if it is only on accident.

  • @nofears-fun This is true. It can get frustrating though when people on other crews don't communicate though. Even during fights. You can only fight so many mute players before that gets boring. Are you a NPC? Or are you a real player?

  • @shinten-rai Maybe so, or maybe I don't need that verbal interaction with someone that is trying to kill my pirate? lol. Especially when far too often, that other player is toxic or flinging insults under the guise of trash talking? Quite honestly, as someone that doesn't go out of my way seeking PvP, why would I care about ruining their good time when they clearly don't care about mine when they try to hunt me down? It goes both ways matey.

  • @shinten-rai

    We find pirates talk in different ways through the canned text from the chat wheel to voice. Some do not, but that is their choice. They may not have a mic or have a reason not to talk, but there is always the chat wheel. Now XBOX has a text chat option maybe it will bring more dialogue if vioce is not an option for some reason.

    We find people who attack you almost always talk. They are busy cussing and trash talking you before they even board. You can sometimes hear their motives as they forget their chat is open. We always get players verbally assaulting us because we beat them. It is a 99% chance to get a verbal toxic mouth dump when we just defend ourselves and always sink any aggressors.

    It does not matter if they talk or not like @NoFears-Fun said. The actions of other pirates most often speak loudly instead. Typically it clearly begs “please sink me”, so we will friendly oblige. :)

  • @x-crowheart-x said in How to reduce frustration in SoT ?:

    It does not matter if they talk or not like @NoFears-Fun said. The actions of other pirates most often speak loudly instead. Typically it clearly begs “please sink me”, so we will friendly oblige. :)

    That we will matey, that we will :-)

  • @rakan-le-rouge This is what I do. If I have no interest in a fight (they have nothing and nothing) and I see a brig with two players poised on the bowsprit, I just hop on the speaking trumpet and say, "Enjoy the fight!" as I sink from scuttling.

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