pirate jokes

  • comment your favorite pirate jokes in the comments below.

  • Fun idea, why is this exclusive to insiders?

  • @its-vill @simonthegoodguy

    Ahoy matey!

    Well spotted, this has been now moved to the social space where it is better fitting :)

    Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?

    ... Because they can spend years at C!

  • @simonthegoodguy

  • So this joke isn't actually that funny -- the joke is that my dad is convinced it is! Whenever we say it, he absolutely loses it laughing for at least 30 seconds. We still don't know why...

    "What's a pirate's favorite letter?
    P, because it's an ARRR missing a leg!"

  • @its-vill for jokes that are only meant for insider pirates

  • @vorondil1 hahahaha

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