This game is too hard

  • Been wanting to play this game again and decided i wouldnt let myself get mad but here i am after like a 8 month break im quiting again. I just cant take it. Why does everyone have to kill you and destroy your boat. I just want to play the game, i.e. explore collect and sail around. Why does that have to include losing my cool over bullies every time im play. Is it just me or is something wrong...

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  • @vuarapung its not just you. the community in this game is.... lacking. They need should implement a way to turn off pvp mode (like GTA has) or at the very least make it so solo players get put on a server together so there are no 4v1 battles. IDGAF if its a "pirate game so your supposed to rob other players". It makes the game unplayable

  • PVP is apart of the game. It's really not hard to run and evade Gally and brig in a solo sloop and it's a git gud moment for u.

    Your complaining it's to hard yet they dramatically decreased the lvl from launch. For instance the kraken attacks sloops. Kraken was a pain but still a flight or fight moment. Now they nerfed it even more so it's no issues at all on a sloop. A Meg is a bigger threat than the kraken now

  • @vuarapung Hiya.

    I can understand your frustration but a lot has changed in 8 months. The majority of the player base are getting better at the game and unfortunately you seem to be falling victim to it.

    My advise to you would be is join the official Sea of Thieves discord. This is a fantastic place to crew up with like minded people wanting to do the same thing as you and you can sail around with a crew in a galleon or a brig. That way you dont have the worry of being 1v4 ganked.

    These players that attack you. They are not bullys. They are simply playing the game in one of the many different ways it can be played.

    Pirates are unpredictable. If you want to play solo my key pieces of advice so you are simple as I solo ALOT.

    *Constantly scan your 360 angles for other ships no matter how far they are.

    *Switch off your lanterns (Makes it harder to spot at night).

    *If you see a ship is the distance and you suspect it is on its way to you then loot up what loot you can very quickly and get out of there. Don't risk it.

    *Don't sail about with alot of valuable loot below deck. Sell as often as you can.

    *If you are solo slooping. Don't try and engage or fight a Galleon or Brig. You will most certainly lose.

    Just be more aware of your surrounding and you will be fine.

  • @vuarapung said in This game is too hard:

    Been wanting to play this game again and decided i wouldnt let myself get mad but here i am after like a 8 month break im quiting again. I just cant take it. Why does everyone have to kill you and destroy your boat. I just want to play the game, i.e. explore collect and sail around. Why does that have to include losing my cool over bullies every time im play. Is it just me or is something wrong...

    sounds like sail sim 5 is up your alley more than sot. have fun.

  • @vuarapung nothing wrong. It's an online PvPvE shared world game. Where people simulate they're Pirates (aka Bullies of the sea). Nothing is yours, nothing is gained until you properly deliver to the Outposts. Everything is up to your skills and tactics... and that's pretty much it. It's a beautiful game, but not a game to relax
    It's a game you can play alone but not a game that's advisable to do it.

  • @Vuarapung What's the game called? Sea of thieves isn't it? Who are going to be the thieves when nobody does PvP It's the game if you want to do PvE play a different game matey!

  • @vuarapung
    I totally agree with what you are saying but that is the point of Sea of Thieves. You are supposed to deal with ship to ship combat. If you are on a sloop being chased by a galleon, you should be able to maneuver yourself away because a sloop is just easier to manage. Every ship has strengths and weaknesses and it is up to you to use them properly. I hope you have a better experience while playing Sea of Thieves in the future.

  • Being aware of your surroundings is a great part of this game. Even when I am not looking for a fight I enjoy the constant risk of it.

    I have been coaching some family to play. It’s a totally different game when you don’t have your crew. It feels often as I am playing solo when I can’t coach and deal with threats at the same time. Often I am running, knowing that we are outmatched.

    We did an athenas run on a sloop. I had to walk them through the riddles while I avoided a brig solo as our ship was loot heavy and I wasn’t confident of a win.

    It just takes practice and being alert. It adds to the game. Practice and don’t give up

  • @vuarapung hang in there as soon as rare drops the xbox only servers things shout get a lot better i too even being a pirate legend get grieved by mostly pc players now im not saying that all pc players are bad but 9 out of 10 pc ships I've come across have sunk and re sunk over and over again vs. xbox players were there only a few being not so nice

  • @mrgumz said in This game is too hard:

    @vuarapung hang in there as soon as rare drops the xbox only servers things shout get a lot better i too even being a pirate legend get grieved by mostly pc players now im not saying that all pc players are bad but 9 out of 10 pc ships I've come across have sunk and re sunk over and over again vs. xbox players were there only a few being not so nice

    There we go again with PC blaming. Not even the topic, yet people still feel the need to come discriminate different platform users. Would be awkward if the OP is on PC now wouldn't it?

  • I agree that being killed over and over is a kick in the nards. However, I can tell you first hand that the right crew makes ALL the difference. even one person with you can turn the tides in a battle.

    If you ever find yourself looking to jump in with someone, my GT is: DemonicHedgehog. Please send me friend invite and i will be happy to show you that this game is a F***ing masterpiece.

  • it warms my heart to see that people still believe that's they owned by only PC players ...
    Can't w8 to split servers system going live and see same posts from Xbox players that's griefing didn't go anywhere and its not about on PC you or Xbox. :) You will be sunk :)

  • @nefrit-od When that happens, you can bet your booty we won't hear any "oh damn I still get owned" posts, but rather an influx of "please add private/pve/solo servers, PVP players are the bane of the seas" posts. It's already happening, people aren't even happy Rare is adding the crossplay opt-out, that is not enough, it has to go further, as expected.

  • @vuarapung The game involves dealing with other players, so if you want to “just play the game,” then you need to adapt to that aspect of the game.

  • @bloodybil if you cant see the obvious difference between counsel and PC you must have your eyes shut .. loading screens reaction time sensitivity Even if my controller is set at max pc is still quicker I've played it on both and i see the difference

  • @mrgumz said in This game is too hard:

    @bloodybil if you cant see the obvious difference between counsel and PC you must have your eyes shut .. loading screens reaction time sensitivity Even if my controller is set at max pc is still quicker I've played it on both and i see the difference

    @mrgumz said in This game is too hard:

    @vuarapung even being a pirate legend get grieved by mostly pc players now im not saying that all pc players are bad but 9 out of 10 pc ships I've come across have sunk and re sunk over and over again vs. xbox players were there only a few being not so nice

    Your point wasn't about performance but how almost all PC players are grievers in your opinion, compared to xbox players who are angels. That's what I meant by discrimination, you know that thing when you paint a whole group of people negatively with the same brush to blame your woes on?

  • @bloodybil i'm not saying just console players are angels I've ran into both parties being jerks and as for the performance side of things goes whats your fps at ? if you don't have a lock on it its and advantage right i believe in having an option for those that want to play xbox only it should be there especially with the arena coming

  • @vuarapung Really glad I haven't paid for the game myself, I would kick myself in the butt for that one.

    The game is pretty awful in my opinion, the world bosses are OP as hell, no matter how "Good" you get at the game.

    If you get one treasure, you better trek to the nearest outpost to sell it, because chaining anything together is a one way ticket to losing money.

    Avoid everyone, shoot first and don't bother with questions, you're better off not bothering, I've not met any good people on the game, I doubt there are any.

  • @vuarapung its not only you man but, u gotta understand, thats part of the game. 80% of the time (when u meet another crew) its either kill or be killed.

  • there is no reason to not shoot on sight 99% of the time.
    what's the reward for being friendly? nothing, and the other crew might attack you.
    what's the reward for shooting first? you might get loot, and it's safer.

    there is pretty much no reason to be friendly, especially if you're not solo. you already have your friends (crew) and don't need to pick up randos that could betray you.

    personally i'm friendly most of the time, but 95% of players will shoot on sight and 4% will shoot on sight, spawn camp, and then follow you to the ferry to swear at you while their crew strips your sloop.

  • @quixoticrocket sagte in This game is too hard:

    there is no reason to not shoot on sight 99% of the time.
    what's the reward for being friendly? nothing, and the other crew might attack you.
    what's the reward for shooting first? you might get loot, and it's safer.

    there is pretty much no reason to be friendly, especially if you're not solo. you already have your friends (crew) and don't need to pick up randos that could betray you.

    personally i'm friendly most of the time, but 95% of players will shoot on sight and 4% will shoot on sight, spawn camp, and then follow you to the ferry to swear at you while their crew strips your sloop.

    the reward for beeing friendly is having a fun and a playfull experience, roleplaying a comical pirate adventure game!
    beside this i agree with you.

    edit: oh necroe'd sorry @Deckhands

  • @stundorn
    oops. i didn’t even see it had been necro’ed. apologies. can’t the forum auto-lock after 30 days of inactivity?

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