Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4

  • @cyberguardian77 Yes, but my post preceded that information. At the time there was no confirmation.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    @cyberguardian77 Yes, but my post preceded that information. At the time there was no confirmation.

    That’s fine, just posting that last post as an update so anyone who is still curious can check it out, though it is quite late on my part

  • @opticalmatrix
    I did this voyage with my friends 5 times and got only 1 commendation.....
    what can you say about this?

  • @gotrek115 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    I did this voyage with my friends 5 times and got only 1 commendation.....
    what can you say about this?


    I know you asked optical specifically, but did you have the flag up before voting on the voyage? If so, did it stay up the entire time (I.e. if you made an alliance after the flag was up it would take it down)

    Also, I’ve noticed that sometimes the commendations don’t always update immediately, so going out of the bilge rats category, then back in can sometimes refresh the count. Do either of these suggestions help?

  • @cyberguardian77
    Yes we had the flag up before voting the voyage.
    And it was up the entire time, no alliances.
    And it did not refresh. This is interesting because i have only 1 comm one of my friend has 2 and we did it the same time.
    So i can't understand this... do the voyage 5 times and you will get new ship cosmetics and the game is not counted it!
    So what now?

  • @gotrek115 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    Yes we had the flag up before voting the voyage.
    And it was up the entire time, no alliances.
    And it did not refresh. This is interesting because i have only 1 comm one of my friend has 2 and we did it the same time.
    So i can't understand this... do the voyage 5 times and you will get new ship cosmetics and the game is not counted it!
    So what now?


    I would submit a support ticket then as it should’ve given it to you then. Perhaps they can adjust that in your game to read correctly.

  • I can’t fine my exclusive pirate legend rewards. The ones you get for being pirate legend way before the March 20th update. Can’t someone help me? I’m wondering if it’s because I have the game on game pass? I’m not sure.

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